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  • in reply to: we are losing hope for my sister #45690

    Dearest Sally, ONLY if your Sister is ready to concede, and I think anyone would know she gave the fight her all, only then would I let it be. BUT IF she feels she has any fight left I would get another opinion post haste. The ONC doesn’t know what kind of chemo to use? Wonder if he tried to find out. Did he recommend Hospice? Is he going to control pain? Sally, don’t forget I have that list of signs of what to expect at the end of the journey and if you like just slip me an email and I will send them to you. My [prayers go out to you Sister and Family what ever the decision may be.

    in reply to: We are a team and must fight together #48823

    Dear CAliceA, Welcome to our remarkable family and CONGRATULATIONS on your successful surgery and you are a hero that gives hope to our many members. I am over the moon with your post and hope you the very best to continue. I would hate for such empowering news to be lost on another link so could you please repost this under Introductions as well? Please keep on keeping on and let us know how you are doing. ENJOY as life is for the living!

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #46514

    Dear Katherine, welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Dr. Schwartz is one of our best so you are in good hands. With that in mind though please do keep an open mind for 2nd and 3rd opinions as different ONCS can see different things. We have come a long way in the last few years so we always try to hang in and hang on as who knows just what is right around the corner. BTW when any Doctor says he can do no more it is then time to find one who will. This is a rare cancer but there are still many ONCs out there ready and willing to fight. All the right things are being done for you and you are lucky to be told a resection is possible. Below is a site you may find helpful and please do keep us informed on your progress. We expect good thing for you!

    in reply to: We are a team and must fight together #48827

    Hello, Bob and welcome to the best place to be for CC support, we have a remarkable family. Excellent that you got DX right away and treatment is to begin. You have a great attitude and good that you have been reading around here as knowledge is the best tool he have for fighting this CC. Please keep us updated on your progress as we truly care.

    in reply to: inoperable, but clean scan at 15 months (now 39 months) #86174

    YEA! Catherine what great news. Who says we can’t beat the odds! Tell Mom to keep up the great work and love that she show that little monster who is the Boss!!! I wish for many more good years and ya never know when that cure all will peek its head around the corner and Mom is cured!


    Listen you two. I think all the information you supply here is just wonderful but will you ever start talking in English!!!! Just kidding, couldn’t resist it.

    in reply to: New Scan Reports #62423

    Oh, JUJU, I am so glad that is over. Are you trying to experience everything there is so you can relay to everyone what to expect? My Mother-I-law had Leukemia and I am going back 55 years ago and I remember they did not numb anything! We have come a long way. I am so glad it is over and that is ENOUGH!

    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64584

    Hi, Randi Girl, miss you and hope you are doing well. Nice to see your smiling face!


    It is just irritating although it was 10 years ago. Another word used a lot was duodenum and that is where it kept returning. Wow. His bile ducts had continual stents for 5 years. Now I wonder what it was he may have had…….


    Oh, well then I am confused as the Death Cert. said CC and the phrase A of Vater was used at diff. times. I know it was also in his bile ducts and when he had his Whipple they cut the head of the pancreas to make sure the cancer had not invaded the pancreas. Strange.


    Wow! Every time I see the words Ampulla of Vater which is not often, I have to check it out as that is exactly where Teddy’s CC was then spread to the Bile Ducts. I always thought it sounded like an outer space word. Something Darth Vader would say.

    in reply to: GI Cancers Alliance – Survey #60936

    OH, a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY. 45???? You are just a teenager!!! I Hope you took some time out for some fun maybe with Barry. See I remember his name as that is my Bro name.

    in reply to: hallwang clinic #57272

    Dear Jayne, I have not heard of the Hallwang clinic but just wanted to say I wish for the Doctor to work his magic again for your Sister. She must be a very strong lady as she has already traveled quite a journey. Wishing her the very best.

    in reply to: Pain and lack of communication #56125

    Dear Brigitte, I am wondering if a call to the Hospital Manager might help. Or, a visit to your GP who may be able to help. I find these things happening more often now than not and I know it is so frustrating. Did they do a culture of the Urine as sometimes it will help them to get you on the right RX for the UTI. That PA is not doing his/her job because with CC one really cannot play guessing games. I hope you get some answers quickly.


    Sleepless in Canada, I did not realize that your wife is needing a Whipple or I missed it along the posts. My husband had a Whipple and I wanted you to know that yes, it is scary and a big surgery BUT it is not a life threatening surgery like heart surgery. He was 73 at the time and it bought him another 5 years. That was 10 years ago and things have improved. CC patients know that surgery is their best choice no matter what kind. It is also true that a Surgeon does not know what he will find until he gets in and sees it but we even had a man on here who had a Whipple and it bought him 15 years. The morning after surgery they had Teddy sitting up in a chair and the next day walking! Take your break and do what you have to do but when you can please let us know how things are going. Prayers and the best thoughts are flying out to you!

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