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  • in reply to: Husband’s Case #92636

    Oh, small world. Teddy and I moved out here 21 years ago to an Active Adult Community called Sun Lakes which is about 5 miles South of Chandler. After he “relocated” 5 years ago I moved to Gilbert. Well, if you ever come out here for a visit (preferably in the winter) you will have to give me a call!

    in reply to: Husband’s Case #92634

    Dear JD, that is some mighty good news and I am sure it is quite a relief to have hubby feeling better. Wishing him the very best with the chemo and hopefully he will be one of the lucky ones with little side effects. Thank you so much for that awesome post.

    in reply to: My mums journey #92761

    Dear Jan, keep hoping as we have had many miracles on this site!!!

    in reply to: Daisy’s story #92425

    Dear Daisy, I am so very sorry to read your latest post about your dear sweet Mum. You both have fought a very hard battle, one of the hardest and now she is preparing to become another of G-d’s little Angels. Please know that when the time arrives she will still always be around you as I don’t believe any Mum’s really ever leave their children. Sending prayers and love your way!

    in reply to: My mums journey #92759

    Jan, I am so very sorry to read about your loving Mum. I would think the most important thing now is to try and get her to a good comfort level. Wish I could give you an answer to where you are in this but I do have a list of 10 Signs the journey is near an end. If you would like it please send me an email through this site and I will send it to you. There are no words that can help when we watch a loved one suffer like this. Be very strong and I agree that there could be a change for the better once they put the stents in. We try to stay realistically optimistic. Please do keep us informed of Mum’s condition as we truly care.

    in reply to: Whipple surgery #92735

    Great news, everyone is different and Teddy’s was 10 years ago so things go a little differently now thank goodness.

    in reply to: Whipple surgery #92733

    Dear Joseph, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. My husband had a Whipple Surgery and please know that it is a huge surgery BUT not life threatening. He was 73 at the time and I would say a full recovery took him about 3 months. I was pleasantly surprised to see him sitting up in a chair the 2nd day. To begin with he will not be able to eat as he had and we found that “grazing” all day rather than large meals worked well along with Nutritional drinks like Carnation Instant Breakfast. Teddy like the vanilla and I would blend in a banana. This can take the place of a meal or have it with each meal. The get up and go will be slow but all of a sudden one day it is normal again. At the time he had his Whipple they did not follow up with Chemo but some Doctors do that now, it is up to the ONC. They removed the gall bladder, the duodenum and the head of the pancreas. Your Surgeon may tell you they really don’t know much of what is inside until they get there. The surgery was about 8 hours. If you have any questions please feel free to ask away. Wishing your Dad the very best~ Please keep us updated as we truly care.


    Dear Tricia, welcome to our remarkable family and so happy to hear of your success and you are truly already a huge help on this Board. Wishing you much good luck and more good news on your CC journey. Please do keep us updated on your continued success as we truly care. Below is a site you may find helpful for new members. Looking forward to your next post.

    in reply to: Stent replacement #92675

    Cookie, I can’t be of help on this subject as Teddy had stent replacements OFTEN and Never had a problem. With that said I would let them know. T always thought it was not the procedure but the one who was doing it and he would always ask for the same guy.

    in reply to: Ascites #92537

    Daisy, I can’t fathom that the Doctors do not kept you informed of what is happening. I know many have received relief by having the ascites drained. Making Mum comfortable should be their goal. I would raise a little steam there. Have they told you that she is declining? If that is the case I do have a list of signs the end is near. If you wish for them just send me an email through the CC site and I will send them to you. Be strong, hang in and hang on see what can be done to make her more comfortable. Sending you some huge cyber hugs! { } { } { }

    in reply to: Husband’s Case #92622

    Dear Rachael, welcome to our remarkable family and so elated to hear the good news about your husband! We DO have MIRACLES on our site and your husband is one of them. Your post is important as it gives everyone so much hope. I would really like all to see what you wrote and wondered if you would mind copying it and reposting it under Introductions so all the world can see! There is never too much hope! Please keep us updated on your husband’s progress as we truly care. Prayers and cyber hugs sailing out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Hello from Canada- seeking advice #92667

    Dear Pam, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. I know there is no description on how you are feeling. We are huge believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions since this is still a very rare Cancer. I must say in all honesty that I have never heard of an ONC saying to go naturopathic on this Cancer. I hope you seek a 2nd opinion and above all make sure that whomever the ONC is has a credible amount of experience with CC and that the hospital has also had experience with CC. Usually when the jaundice appears it means that the bile ducts need to be stented. Did he not say anything about that? It is the only way to bring the bilirubin down and to proceed with treatment. I wish you the very best and please keep us posted. I am hoping others chime in on this as I am not so sure this ONC is experienced at all with CC.

    in reply to: Husband’s Case #92617

    Dear JD, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. Yes, we are huge believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions as different ONCs see things differently. I know how you feel, like you have been hit in the stomach with a baseball bat. I am surprised that such a dire opinion was given in the way it was. Even if it takes 2 weeks, if you can get into SK go for it. Let them know you will go on a wait list if need be to get in earlier. If your husband is not feeling like eating we suggest grazing all day with small bits rather than sitting down to a major meal which can turn them off without eating at all. I used to make a lot of comfort foods like homemade chicken soup, omelets, buttered noodles with some diced chicken thrown in. You might also try a nutritional drink. Teddy like the Carnation Instant Breakfast the best especially the vanilla with a banana blended in. The shake can take the place of a meal or can be given with a meal. It has all the needed nutrients. Below is a site you might find helpful and please do keep us updated as we truly care.

    in reply to: My dear mom #92532

    Dear Cathy, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. If you go to our home page there are some valuable site including Treatments, Trials and Hospitals. May I ask where Mom is being treated? We are huge believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions and know that knowledge is our most important tool. I am posting a site below that you may find helpful as well. Wishing the very best for all of you and please do keep us posted. You are not alone here as we all truly care.

    in reply to: My wife – aged 56 #91055

    Dear Tony, please try to take one day at a time and then one day, when you are ready and the time is right, all the good memories will start coming forward and all the tears will be “happy” tears. There really is no set formula, it just seems to happen. For me, I have become a BIG believer in life beyond and it has brought me so much comfort. In fact I am going to post a note today on my latest visit from Teddy. It was unbelievable. Perhaps stars are not stars at all but rather openings in the sky where our loved ones shine down on us to let us know they are HAPPY!

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