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  • in reply to: Advice on what may be going on #92161

    Dear Sharon and Phil. I have a list of Signs that the end is near. If you would like me to send them to you please send me your email. I am trying to remember if Phil is in Home Hospice. Teddy followed this list pretty closely and I found that it took a lot of the fear away by knowing what to expect. Just send me a note through the CC site by going to my profile.

    in reply to: REPEAT PERFORMANCE #92135

    Hi, Honey, I’m HOME! I was only in the hospital from Monday morning to Tuesday afternoon, tired but none the worse for wear. He had another CT scan done this morning and it looks like the first area where the tumor was in January is developing thick walls. So we will now have a e month follow up on that one with another MRI. He said it is rare for this to happen but then those of you who know me know I don’t do things easily. I don’t have time to worry about it and it could be just that…thick walls. Actually came home with Robin and got my RX for Hydrocodone, stopped to eat and picked up some veggies from a market. Mel’s daughter called yesterday and Is bringing BBQ Brisket for dinner tomorrow and she will meet Robin. I am doing the sides like salad and veggies. So sweet of her.
    Again thank you for the prayers and thoughts. Oh my, Gavin you were right, here I am again! HUGS to all of you!

    in reply to: Update #92090

    Dear Kay, Oh my gosh! What a whopping diagnosis! At least it sounds like you are in good hands and that the 2 Doctors are working it out together. IF they come up with a Colectomy I just wanted to let you know I had one a year ago and would be happy to talk to you about it. I did not have Cancer but an ulcerated Colon that would not heal. I can now live life again and so glad I did it. I sure hope they get everything worked out and try to stay very strong. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have! Please do keep us updated as we truly care.

    in reply to: New member (mom with Klatskin tumor) #84115

    Sirena, good news as sometimes going for a dose of home can really be a big boost to feeling better. Wishing you the best and please keep us updated on Mom’s progress.

    in reply to: REPEAT PERFORMANCE #92129

    Brigitte, Darla, Kathy, Sharon & Phil, You are all so very sweet and Thank You. Oh my, on top of that which to me is not a big deal for all that you all go through, but am juggling the new Beau and the Passover Seder tomorrow night for 16 people. I am not going in for the surgery I am going in to rest!!! I have said for a long time I am only getting rid of things I don’t need anymore and this surgery should do it. Have to think of another attention getter.
    We went to our go to restaurant for family events and the Grands met Mel. WOW! They really hit it off.
    Now, all of you stay good until I am back on, ya hear? BTW in case anyone wondered I do not feel any different at 76 than I did at 75! I feel Blessed and thankful and it doesn’t get better than that.

    in reply to: New member (mom with Klatskin tumor) #84112

    Dear Sirena, does your Mom have stents in the bile ducts? If so many time the fever is from the stents being clogged and then they need to be exchanged and the patient gets a very quick turn around for the good. Not sure if RT can cause a fever. I know this is all 100 times harder not being able to be there. Perhaps you could make a list of your questions and have your dad ask the Doctor?

    in reply to: REPEAT PERFORMANCE #92124

    Ha, Ha, Catherine. I so love your sense of humor. I just do this for more attention, you know! Thank you for your kind words and yes, I will take all prayers!

    in reply to: Mam diagnosed with CC Klatskin Tumor December 2015 #92111

    Can your Mam see another Doctor with her insurance?
    I just want you to know that when you are really ready, I do have a list of the signs that an end is near and all you need do is email me through the site and I will send them to you. This could be way down the road I just wanted you to know. I feel it is actually not scary if we know what to expect. So much for that Doctor he should give up his practice. He gives you the bad news then lets you now he does not know what to do! I feel terrible that there is no medical person you can turn to. It’s like the middle ages! I am so wishing you the best!

    in reply to: Mam diagnosed with CC Klatskin Tumor December 2015 #92108

    I don’t know how you do it! Added pressures are not needed or welcome. OK, would a Physician be willing to just consult over the phone with a Doctor in UK? We do have a few members in Ireland and I am hoping they will chime in here.

    in reply to: Uncharted territory #91827

    Do you ever look great! You need to come here for a visit as I know a ton of girls who would probably love to meet you. OOPS! That is if you are single! HAHAHAHAH

    in reply to: Mam diagnosed with CC Klatskin Tumor December 2015 #92105

    Dear CRB, I am not sure how your Medical Care operates in Ireland but is it possible to get Mam in to a place in the UK where they have much more experience with CC?

    in reply to: New member (mom with Klatskin tumor) #84108

    Dear Sirena, Can you speak to your Mom’s ONC to find out why no Chemo? If I may make another suggestion, I would call your own DOC and ask him for something mild to help you get over the edge of feeling helpless. The only thing you can do for your Mom is to be strong for her. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have! Please let us know how Mom does on her new therapy. Hang in and hang on and know that we are here for you!

    in reply to: My Introduction #80492

    Matt, this is astounding news! I am so happy for you! Keytruda holds the key for you to unlock the door to living and life! ENJOY

    in reply to: Uncharted territory #91819

    Alejandro, YES, you will SURVIVE. There was a very popular song by Tina Turner, “I WILL SURVIVE” and you could make that your theme song!

    in reply to: Uncharted territory #91816

    Dear Alejandro, I am sorry to read what has happened but know that you conquered it once and you will conquer it again! This CC seems to have a mind of it’s own, right? Many of our members have been through repeat performances and they turned out good. Try to keep your attitude as good as you are now and it sounds like you have very good hands helping you. Keep hanging in and hanging on! Wishing you the very best and please do keep us informed of your progress.

Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 10,019 total)