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  • in reply to: My Introduction #90946

    Dear Hazel, I would certainly let the Doctor know about Andrea’s side effects. There are lotions for her feet and hands and also Meds for Nausea and diarrhea. Unfortunately this can come with the territory. Tiredness is a given! I would call the Doctor and see what he can do for her. Wishing for her to feel much better.

    in reply to: Clear CT Scan #91770

    Glad to hear this, Donna and a big YIKES! He owes you big time, perhaps some extra frequent flyer mileage! Just kidding! We really should get that for all our Medical stuff!

    in reply to: chemo #91678

    Good news Patricia and I am elated that she is getting a 2nd opinion. Your attitude is great which makes it easier for her. I like to say that we are optimistically realistic. I recently had a tumor removed from the brain area and I was never worried as my Neurosurgeon trained as well at JH, Sure helps to have that added splurge of good information. Makes a big diff. Best of luck.

    in reply to: Clear CT Scan #91767

    Gavin, HA, Momma taught you well on house cleaning!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Clear CT Scan #91768

    Dear Donna, CONGRATS on the great Scan report. I have no idea about the other problem. I would say if I was in pain I would try to get in now. Best of luck!

    in reply to: Introduction #91775

    Dear Kay, I like your blast away! A good new expression on our Board. You WILL find that a little sense of humor and optimism will get you through much. I have a cute story for you to tell your hubby. Teddy wore his bracelet all the time. We went to our favorite Italian Restaurant with a couple visiting from Milwaukee and the friend asked Teddy what his bracelet said and Teddy always had trouble pronouncing it. So he said, “oh, that’s my Cancer”. Teddy was Sicilian and very good at making up some words! His friend said, “but what is it called”. Teddy answers, “Angelo Carcinoma”. OMG! I had to walk away as I thought I was going to laugh right out loud! Leave it to my husband to make his cancer a Sicilian!

    in reply to: No chemo today #91781

    Those UTI’s, Brigitte! At least you are catching a little break and the chemo keeps working. You also could have been coming down with the UTI. My daughter “makes” me take Cranberry pills as they are supposed to stave off the infections such at UTI. I keep telling her I don’t get then and then that allows her to tell me each time “because” you are taking cranberry pills. OK, that works! Best of luck when you restart the engines!

    in reply to: Introduction #91776

    Hello, Kay and welcome to the most remarkable family and the best place to be for CC. Such good news about your husband’s response to the Chemo. YIPPEE! We have learned not to listen to statistics as you will see if you have some time to read some stories on our site. AND it appears he is also pretty accepting of the chemo as well. NICE! Did the ONC tell you that they could do surgery if hey got the tumor down. Trust yourselves, the rest will follow! When first diagnosed you will start out walking slowly and before you know it you will be running with the pack! Please keep us updated on his progress and wishing you the very best.


    Dar Sharon, I am so sorry to read this about Phil. My question would be if the ONC felt another chemo might take up where Gem/Cis has not been working. You are right also in that if there is pain the pain is only controlled by taking the RX “religiously”. Once the pain gets out of hand it gets harder to control it BUT you can keep it under control. Has the ONC mentioned what would be the next step? We are all here for you and please do keep us updated. Hang in and hang on. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!

    in reply to: Clean Scan! #91738

    Daisy, what a great update! YIPPEE! So happy for your family and keep the good news coming, we can use lots of it around here! Thank you!


    Heart breaking!

    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89878

    Hello, Dear Tiah and thank you for the positive update, this is all good news! I know it is very far from funny but I think we should have banners made to hang up that say, “I will not know anything until I do the surgery, what I will find.” It really is such a true statement. We just keep hoping and praying for the best outcome. On March 11th we will all be crowding the surgical room with all our spirits wishing for the very best. Thank you so much for this update!

    in reply to: Today’s oncologist visit #91726

    David, sure sounds like some hope here and I do like the way your ONC is navigating! Talk about little things that count. I got my Teddy home one time after a Scan w/contrast. As he was climbing in to bed I notice the needle was still in his arm. OMG! I didn’t know whether to run him back or to be extremely strong. I did it. I pulled the needle out like I have seen done a million times. Yes, it is the little things that count. Waiting now to hear some good news on what your next step will be!

    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86813

    Oh my, Oh My girl, you have made my day!!!!!! YIPPEE!!! Lorraine EXCELLANT! No answers to give for me as we honestly don’t know the whys and wherefores, but do know some of the better hospitals! Thank G-d you took the bull by the horns as I think most of us knew it was the simple matter of a stent exchange. You will now see a much better brother come alive again!!! I am ecstatic, I am over the moon! Can you tell? IF an infection recurs down the road I feel an hour and a half is not too far to save a life. Especially if it is found right away. You know what to look for now. I do feel a celebration is in order! Oh, how I wish you all the very best now to come!

    in reply to: My beloved mother #76646

    Desiree, I cannot thank you enough for answering my note to you for several reasons. First of all by being so open about your state of mind you are posting how to get help even though distant but it may help someone else in your situation. It also explains why you are having such a hard time. Please know that every step forward that you take is a BIG step and is making your Mom very proud of you.
    Next and this is strictly my own opinion on the cats. I had to put my dog to sleep at 13 years old. The Vet had said that I had to look at it as doing the kind and considerate thing for her in a way thanking her for all she had done for me. I could not bear to see her suffer and for what? To me, that is selfish!
    I have not read that book about the beyond but my interest began with Sylvia Browne whose first 2 books were all about the beyond and it all made perfect sense to me. I just find so much comfort in believing. I also began changing words. Instead of saying Teddy passed I say he has relocated. Passed? Passed through a wall a window? To me relocated does not seem as harsh. I did have one person say they were sorry they didn’t know we got divorced. Cracked me up as I do love humor. She was serious that was the funny part.
    San Francisco! my favorite city. Love it and the good memory of going there with Teddy.
    I am sending you the list of signs which I know you will love as some things will make you say, oh I saw that!
    My newest thing that I am falling in love with is the statement I now make to Teddy, “Thank you for loving me”. Enjoy the list,

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