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  • in reply to: Starting the fight again #91144

    Kris, you have to be a patient, patient! I KNOW you are a fighter so put on those pink boxing gloves and dot them with some rhinestones and get that good old Kris mindset and off you go! As you well know it is always best to have the options. Thinking of you!

    in reply to: Introduction #91217

    Holly, small world is right. They live on Grey Havens Ct. They have been in Vegas for 35 years. Good work on the extra posts. I just wanted to make sure that you got all the responses under one thread. Makes it much easier for everyone. BTW did you grow up in Vegas? My 2 nieces did.
    Looking forward to your posts!!!

    in reply to: My Mum, Australia #90316

    Dear Sandie, My goodness you must have felt like you were on a seesaw or going through a revolving door. Do not despair as quite a few members had dismal results from GEM/CIS which is usually the first line of treatment and when they went on the next Chemo it worked. I will keep my fingers crossed for Mum to get on to the Keytruda. At least her tumor markers took a huge drop! The good news is that the ONCs believe that Mum can go on to try other things and that is huge and should bring your family hope! We try not to look back like wondering if the CC grew in 5 weeks. We really don’t know. The best thing is to only look forward the past is the past and now Mum knows she has some good fighting options. Tell her I said to put the pink boxing gloves on and fight!

    in reply to: Introduction #91224

    WOW!, Holly you are a Miracle in itself and CONGRATULATIONS as Surgery is one of our favorite words. We welcome you to our site and our remarkable family which is also the best place to be for CC support. Thank G-d for your OBGYN as his intervention took you to the right channels! Your treatment plan sounds good and is usually the treatment when there are no METs. Below is a site you may find helpful. Speaking of helpful can you go in to your posts and delete 3 of them? Everything posted 4 times and I don’t want it getting lost and it is best to have one post of a kind so everyone can keep a thread going on that subject. We have something in common as my Sister lives in Summerlein. Continued success and now that you have warmed up here please keep us posted on your progress as we truly care.

    in reply to: I’m new #91198

    Welcome, Sherry, to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. First of all CONGRATULATIONS that your husband was able to have surgery, surgery is one of our favorite words! Yes, CC is extremely life changing! I have to ask if hubby’s ONC is aware of all his side effects as there are things that can help.
    I am from Milwaukee, now in Phoenix and am wondering where he is being treated. I am glad you gave us a second try and it worked! Below is a site you may find helpful and please do keep us updated on your husband’s progress!

    in reply to: My wife – aged 56 #91033

    Dear Tony, it is obvious that Karen is indeed a very strong woman. My personal feeling is that EVERYONE else needs to pull on their own strength now as well. I know, been there done that. When one is really trying to be strong and others around them are not, it fights the strength you are trying to provide to yourself. This is a long haul and you need all the strength you can muster to fight this CC. When it comes to the “eating” CC patients really have a hard time especially when on Chemo. Instead of “big” meals try what we call grazing all day. Small bits of food more often. Comfort foods work well like homemade soups, pastas, eggs stews. Also Nutritional Drinks like Boost or what you have in the UK. You can even blend some fresh fruit into a vanilla drink.
    Best of luck with the GEM/CIS and know that you are with a great Doctor. I can’t help with the Travel Insurance but make sure she is really able to made the trip and you might want to ask Prof. Lodge if he knows of anyone you can contact in Italy should the need arise.

    in reply to: Starting the fight again #91140

    Kris, you are always in my thoughts and you so deserve a good news day. I am crossing everything for that good news day to be tomorrow!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91162

    Hi, my sweet Jen! Thank you so very much, have 2 weeks to go yet but my lists have lists. I just figured I have sailed though everything so far and will sail through this. I know it cannot be otherwise with so many wonderful people behind me. And then I will be back out leading the parade! Hope you and the girls are doing well. I am sure they are growing quickly and don’t blink or they will be starting college!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91159

    Believe me when I say, wish you were here. We have the same humor! Well, I guess you had to inherit something from me!!! LOL

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87984

    Hello Shelley and welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Wishing you the very best with your treatment! Can you tell us what kind of CC you have and where you are being treated? We are such a nosy bunch! LOL
    Just a suggestion for you……can you repost this under INTRODUCTIONS? I don’t want to see it get lost along the way. Below is a site you may find helpful and PLEASE keep us posted as we truly care.

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91157

    Hey, Son from another Mum, Thanks for the reminder. I need to tell the Surgeon that if the lights go wacky during surgery, not to worry as it is just my husband trying to help! LOL Love Momma

    in reply to: Less Than 48 Hours Before Surgery #91123

    Deb, a ton of CONGRATULATIONS to your Mike! May all the years that follow be the same great results! A bid date to celebrate to be sure!! Oh, wait, I have to do a cartwheel for Mike! Tell him to just picture a 75 year old woman doing cartwheels and I am sure it will bring a great laugh!

    in reply to: Less Than 48 Hours Before Surgery #91119

    Victor, you will be just fine! My Teddy had the full Whipple and when I came up to see him the next morning he was sitting up in the chair! Don’t rush the recovery. One thing I always do when I have a surgery whether the throat tube is left in or not, is ask for a spray bottle of Chloraseptic as it really relieves that sore throat feeling and I can talk and eat with the tube if needed. One more thing, when having surgery on the abdomen I always ask for an epidural and they seem to accommodate, that way the whole stomach area is numb for 24 – 48 hours. I am sending you prayers, including one for G-d to come through the Surgeon’s hands. We will all be cheering for you so that OP room will be quite full of well wishers. Can’t wait to hear from the NEW and IMPROVED, Victor!

    in reply to: Complication of latest surgery #91080

    Julie, If only we could see inside ourselves but since we can’t guess you have to go with the one you trust most. Life is not easy. Or I should say if it was not for the bad we would never appreciate the good. In this case it is good that the pain is leaving. Just think soon you will be able to carry the little men again!

    in reply to: My Introduction #80437

    Matt this is amazing! It is like a miracle and may the miracle continue!

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