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  • in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34367

    Hello Margaret and welcome to our “Family”. We are originally from Wisconsin but now live in Phoenix. What a story, you have both really been through it all.
    When Teddy was diagnosed we were in Milwaukee and everything happened so fast we had no time to think. We lucked out with the best surgeon Dr. Lyle Henry at Columbia/St. Marys. He performed a Whipple and everything went well for that, the recuperation period was nuts. I would recommend him to anyone. The other suggestion I would make is Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.
    They are at the top in the field of CC. Gather all your reports from the doctors and Fax them over to Mayo and they will tell you what they think. Quite a few of the top hospitals will do that. I don’t understand if a hospital/doctor is treating CC how they cannot have all the needed sizes for stenting. When Teddy jaundiced I told him I don’t like him in yellow and we were on our way!
    You will find the smartest most wonderful people on this Board so feel comfortable to visit often and vent or ask away. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: The Oncologist Visit – Teddy & Lainy #34306

    Ohhhh, you peeked! Funny you should say that as when I get in a complaint mode I always say, it’s a good thing he is still so cute!

    in reply to: Mortgage refinancing #34345

    Lisa, what a load off the mind and the wallet. Good for you! We finally put the house up By Owner and so far people have taken 30 fliers but not one call. Must be nosy neighbors taking them. That is just great news.

    in reply to: Need help finding a doctor in California #34287

    Hi Rowena, I just want to add that as long as Raye mentioned Phoenix, where we live, one of the BEST transplant surgeons is Dr. James Cashman at
    Good Samaritan Hospital downtown Phoenix. IF interested you can look him up on the WEB. I have met several people here who have had CC and the Mayo here is not as up on it as Mayo Rochester, MN or MD Anderson in Houston. Teddy’s CC appeared while visiting Milwaukee, WI. and it was an emergency situation. When we came back to Phoenix 3 months later it was Dr. Cashman who took over until Teddy was healed. Extremely impressive. He was the Transplant Direct at the hospital. Closer to you, we have a couple of people using a Dr. Lenz in I think the San Diego area. You can pull up Lenz in our search box at the top of the page. Good luck. P>S> You can also gather together your different test results and send them over to any major hospital you pick and they will usually give you an opinion. Again, good luck.

    in reply to: From Sophie #33841

    Sophie, Hi!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful and blessed surprise, just the kind we love. We are sorry to hear all you are going through. What immense courage you have, must be that little baby whom I believe is almost 1 year old? I must way you have the most wonderful niece in Hollie. God is going to be very good to her and she obviously thinks you are a treasure and that is wonderful. You know you can vent here any time so holler all you want. Gee, it was so good to see you again! You sure were the dose we all needed. Love & Hugs

    in reply to: CC Stability for Now #33684

    Hello Mom’s Daughter. Just what we don’t need…another frustration…and from the family, yet. You know by now that 1 person is the Caregiver in most of the cases while the rest go about their own ways. It sounds like you are very close to your mom so could it be the others are a tad envious? You are doing such a great job, a job no one else wants and if it was me I would just tune them all out. But, that’s me. It’s a hard call on the babysitting. That could very well be the best thing for her. Something to look forward to. Kids are amazing and can make you feel like you are so much better. What about decreasing it a day and on that day…daycare? Good luck!

    in reply to: Seeking a Second Opinion #33378

    Hello Theresa and welcome to our Family. We are from Phoenix, AZ but I wanted to welcome you and just know you have come to the right place. I know there are some members if not in your area pretty darn close so just watch for some more responses. We almost always recommend 2nd and 3rd opinions if needed. You go until you feel satisfied that is your right. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33546

    Hello Sharon. I am so sorry for the turn of events and I just want to say you are an amazing daughter and I know your mom must be extremely proud of you. On the other hand your mom sounds like a pretty fabulous lady.

    in reply to: Babies, babies everywhere #34249

    Hi Kris, go ahead and have your party and thanks for inviting us! But, never say Hans has nothing to remember you by. No one can take away memories. And, anyway, where ya going?????? Not yet, girl! P>S> I just remembered….you planted all those flower for Hans to remember his favorite flower called a HiKRIScus!

    in reply to: PET vs MRI ? #34246

    Thanks, Mary as that is exactly how I feel and guess I needed validation. Are not T & T a pair??? Teddy looks good, has been very tired lately but then he is 77. I think some of it is boredom although he went golfing today. Always has the energy for that. His bilirubin is perfect. He has had no stents for 4 years. He is on no meds at all. He does have the 2 tumors mentioned but they are shrinking. Its all so crazy. Yes, I will mention the MRI tomorrow. Thank you so very much!!!

    in reply to: PET vs MRI ? #34243

    Thank you all and Rick that was exactly what I was thinking about the MRI. I think I will suggest it as I did have a feeling something with the bile ducts could be seen better on the MRI. Its all hunt and peck isn’t it? Just don’t want to leave a stone unturned. Where we live it could have a scorpian underneath!!!!

    in reply to: Should Have Posted Long Ago #34271

    Dear Larry, Its never to late to come here and reveal yourself. We are so very sorry for the loss of your father. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.
    Where are you from in Arizona. We live in Sun Lakes.
    Please stick around our Board now and come visit anytime you wish, you are Family.

    in reply to: need u #34258

    Congratulations on being done with your exams. As for the problem with your father…I would just be honest with him. Tell him at the time you feared for him and your mind was spilling over between that and your exams and now its time to come clean and tell him all. When he is willing to do chemo and work it shows what a strong mind and body he has. Honesty is the best way for all. Thats my humble opinion.

    in reply to: Moms first Chemo treatment #34267

    That is great news TStewart keep up the great Attitude and good luck on the “things” that may not even come. I always say once the fight begins the fear of the unknown somehow seems to let go. Its just plain good news!!

    in reply to: PET vs MRI ? #34241

    Thank you Gavin and to you also Marion. I shall relay your message to him!!!

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