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  • in reply to: HELP please with anything! #33875

    Dear Aneux. How terrible for you loosing your mother and on Xmas Eve. Our prayers go out to you.
    I have never heard the expression “breaking down” the bile duct. Where is his tumor exactly? Did you ever get a 2nd opinion?
    I have a thought about his not wanting to talk. Perhaps if you called Hospice they could help you with what to say to him to start him communicating. I feel it is so important and they are committed to helping in any way. Perhaps you would not feel so alone if he was discussing this with you. You must have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Scan coming up next week… #33984

    Hey or hay guys! Have you notice all the good news we have been getting lately??? What a way to end one year and start another!!

    in reply to: First Scans on Gemcis – Great News #32542

    Hi there Z and Congratulations on winning the surgical lottery. My husband had a Whipple 4 years ago and is now 77. While it is a huge surgery, it is NOT life threatening. I can see where you would be in the hospital a month. Just for the Whipple he was in over 2 weeks. I want you to know that he was sitting up the second day and getting out of bed the 3rd day. You will be starting out 2010 with a BANG! Great news.

    in reply to: It does not seem over #27396

    Kristi, please accept our deepest sympathies along with our Prayers to you and your family.

    in reply to: Scan coming up next week… #33981

    Way to go!!! Looks like a great New Year coming up. Now I can uncross everything I own!!! Keep the good news coming.

    in reply to: Thank you Rick #34077

    Magnificent!! Thank you so much.

    in reply to: The journey ends #34055

    Dear Kay, we are so very sorry to hear about your mom. You will find a ton of information on this site by reading older posts or by using the search button at the top of the page. It is very normal to feel idle now and by reading up on CC you may get some closure. We are all here to answer questions for you and for you to lean on us as much as you want.
    I always say mom’s never leave their children and your mom will be all around you in heart and mind. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: my dad was diagnosed klatskins tumour #34034

    Oh, I feel so bad about your exams. You can do it!!!
    I have never heard that the bilirubin had to be below 1.5 for chemo.
    Amr, I think we have all forgotten the biggest fact and that is Prayer! Also I am sure if your father knew what you are going through he would feel much worse knowing that he caused you not to study for exams. You have come to far not to study and make him proud. You can do it! Attitude and fortitude.

    in reply to: Sensitive: Signs of Approaching Death #34070

    Ha, ha: Then you have to shrink and let your hair go white!!!

    in reply to: Sensitive: Signs of Approaching Death #34068

    Marion, you have done it again. Why not, for everyone who wants to, to write Sensitive on their posts if they feel someone else would be offended. What a stupendous idea!!!! No wonder I want to be like you when I grow up!

    in reply to: I am back (again) #34045

    Dear Wendy, that is just the most wonderful news. Guess I would walk through fire to get those kind of results!!! Keep up the good work and glad you are feeling better.

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33531

    Members in your position do ask how long, what to look for. I couldn’t remember if you have hospice coming in but they might be able to answer that for you. Perhaps even if you don’t have them coming in you could give them a call for some guidance. You might also try our search button at the top of the page. Yes, this time is so precious for you and your mom.

    in reply to: My beautiful husband… #34040

    Dearest Sandi, what a beautiful tribute to the man of your life. I am sure he is smiling at you for all your loving words. The earth’s loss is heaven’s gain.

    in reply to: my dad was diagnosed klatskins tumour #34023

    Hello, Dr. Amr. I can really only advise about what my husband has and the Whipple. They cannot do chemo on him as 5 doctors said it would not work with his kind of CC. Last year when the CC first returned he did have radiation to decrease the size followed by cyber knife. It was fabulous! A Miracle. Now 2 tumors have returned, one near the liver and one near the kidney. But, they seem to be shrinking…on their own…another Miracle. We do not know why, it is just happening. While the tumors seem to be shrinking his CA19 is rising and we do not know why. He is scheduled for another PET Scan in March. He just had one this month.
    Unfortunately during the holidays we do not normally have that many posts but I can guarantee that you will very soon hear from others who may be able to help you more on photo dynamic therapy. In fact at the top of the page if you type those words in the Search space you will get lots of posts relating to the subject you type in. Ask all the questions you want that is why we are all here.

    in reply to: my dad was diagnosed klatskins tumour #34021

    Welcome Dr. Amr to our Family but sad you had to find us. Absolutely, we always recommend 2nd and 3rd opinions if needed. If the stent was just put in, perhaps the bilirubin will come down more in the next week so that chemo can begin. In the meantime unless you are absolutely convinced that everything is being done you have every right to another opinion. Your father has some good things going for him, it has not spread, billirubin coming down,
    otherwise healthy. And he has you in his corner. I am not a medical person but
    I have to tell you after 4 years of caring for my husband (He had a Whipple Surgery) I have learned to go with a lot of my gut feelings. I am sure you will get some good advise from others, in the meantime please keep us posted about your father and his progress.

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