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  • in reply to: anyone out there like me? #32040

    Welcome J to our little world and so glad you found us. Congratulations, you are already a survivor. Sounds like you have a great attitude and headed in the best direction. Please keep us posted on your progress. How wonderful to have such a loving husband and your 3 little ladies all pulling for you. Great story that we hope has a Fairy Tale ending.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31819

    Hey, Pal…I am gutted also by the news. Are they going to tend to his problems like the itching? Nausea? Etc. And don’t you just wish they would have related the news to you as you know how to present it to your dad? I find one of the hardest things to do is to relate to Teddy what the doctors say.
    We tell them everything but in a more palatable manner. Thinking of you and your family!

    in reply to: 2 years, months, weeks, days . . . #32929

    Yes, Bazel that is a hard one to do. My mom doesn’t even talk about my dad anymore. In fact she hardly talks. We have not seen her for a few weeks and now I doubt she will remember who I am except we both have white hair. But its one of those unpleasant trip you have to make. You are a good daughter.

    in reply to: Elevated CA 19-9 in setting of PSC #30563

    We are so very sorry to hear about your turn of events, Rick. You have every right to rant and rave and I am sure all is forgiven from Heaven to Earth and in between! To chemo or not to chem is a personal decision and like you, I would wait to see the results from this last 7 weeks. In the meantime congratulations on your new son! A beautiful little blessing. Sending prayers and thoughts your way and hoping for a better report to come.

    in reply to: What a difference a couple of days makes! #32690

    We are thrilled that you and Hans had such a wonderful time. Love hearing good news from you.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31813

    Well, if you ever come to the U.S.A. , can come to us! Here goes:

    Spaghetti Sauce ala Sardina

    Tomato Sauce 2 LARGE cans (The biggest cans)
    Tomato Paste 2 12OZ Cans (or close to ti doesn’t have to be perfect
    1 Onion Chopped
    4 cloves of garlic chopped/ dried oregano/garlic salt/ dried basil,pepper (all to taste)
    About 1 tablespoon of baking soda. It removes the acid from the tomatoes and sweetens the sauce.

    Saute onion and garlic in olive oil (do not let the garlic burn)
    Add Tomato Sauce and Paste and 1 tomato paste can of water. Add all seasonings. Let come to good simmer and add baking soda. All the acid will foam up, lovely. Cook about an hour. Freezes well.

    Hint: If you like Italian Sausage add them to the sauce to cook. Also gives the sauce a good flavor.

    Meatballs, nice and soft. Ground beef, garlic salt, salt and pepper. 1 egg per pound of beef. Add about 1/2 cup water to each pound. Add Italian bread crumbs to hold meat together. Mix by hand and form meatballs to be cooked in sauce. If you buy lean ground beef no need to fry meatballs first.


    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31809

    I guess no matter where you live….people are not really so different. Let me know if you like pasta and since you do the cooking I can give you a Sardina recipe that is outstanding. Only one we use. Funny, there are 1,000 ways o make red sauce and when we met, we made it the identically same way. I always over make then freeze a lot.
    We are having good and not so good days. Today is a not so good, but we are meeting some friends in a few hours to celebrate a 65th Birthday. Sometimes just got to force ourselves. Gavin, you are the most wonderful son, I sincerely mean that. I do hope that you are having some kind of social life for yourself also. Your parents are blessed to have you!

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed…what next??? #32909

    Dear Fightforlj, sorry to have to welcome you here but you have found the best little club in the world. No one but our members can know just how over whelming the DX of CC is. If you look at the top of this page, right hand corner we have a great search engine. Just type in a word and search for just about anything. It is your right to get other opinions, and I am sure you feel like you are sitting on a time bomb. Maybe someone here can tell you if they sent records to MD Anderson how long it took to hear from them or perhaps someone from Calif can direct you to a closer place where your brother can be seen quicker. Take a deep breath, its a bumpy ride. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed…what next??? #32908

    Welcome Saving Grace to our little world. One big rule most of us have is, if you have any doubts at all it is your right to get another opinion no matter how bleak things may look. Gather copies all his records and forward them to another hospital like MD Anderson. As for a time limit we say, one is not born with an expiration date on the feet. We have had people with a bad DX refuse treatment (not saying he should) and live another couple of years. This is a very erratic monster and the only thing we know for sure is we know not much. It does sound like he has had excellent care. As for a PET Scan they have been invaluable for my husband, not sure what more you are looking for. If you look to the top of this page, right hand corner we have a great search engine. Just type in a word and search for just about anything. There are no right or wrong decisions with CC, we do our best and don’t look back. Not sure if you have read up on CC but it’s a good idea to know what you are dealing with. It really helps in your decision making. Please keep us posted, we all care.

    in reply to: Cancer Dance update by Lainy & Teddy #32892

    Thank you all for your good wishes and same back at you!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31807

    Gavin, I love my word for today, “rabbit” on! You rabbit on as much as you want. I will be interested in what the chef makes for Italian day. I would guess Pasta.
    I know T gets frustrated at times with his confusion (its not all the time, but still a lot) he doesn’t say anything, its more a look. Another personality change is buying things we don’t need. He got a new car last March when we didn’t really need it at all. I was with him but there was no talking him out of it. A costly mistake. I think he gets more stubborn also. Wow, in writing that I just realized that maybe he is acting that way so he feels he still has some control in his life.
    The cream is Sarna. Funny, but I have trouble with that name as well. Don’t know if you have a Walgreen’s or CVS but they carry the cream. If dad has a particular bad itch say on his arm, an ice bag really helps as well.
    Hoping you and your family have a good weekend.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31805

    Dear Gavin, so sorry about your dad again. Teddy did not have any chemo, just radiation and cyber knife but the confusion reigns supreme. I think it may be one of the ways this cancer takes a toll. I don’t say anything to him but he does not make the best decisions anymore among other things. It is what it is and I have learned to ignore it as long as it doesn’t get him in trouble! Don’t forget that Sarna cream for itching and ice bags work wells too. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

    in reply to: A very special Thanks to Marion #32884

    Good to see you Barbara & thrilled for the email this morning! See, I was very truthful about Marion. You described the meeting and how you felt, identical to our meeting with Marion. A lovely lady with an unstoppable passion. And it shows. We are so lucky to have her. I vote yea for a “gathering”.

    in reply to: I hate Thursdays #32865

    Hi Gavin, the appointment is for both of us. My first and his bi monthly check up. That’s why Teddy is going to ask the ONC if he does a 2 for 1!
    Like, how many couples can there be who have duo Oncology visits? My hopes are for his CA marker to have stabilized and for me to hear I will not be having oral Chemo. How is dad doing? Is it cold? It has been in the 90’s but will drop to the 80’s now. We set a record here in the last couple of days.

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32193

    Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. I had stomach surgery Oct 1st and will NEVER forget the nose plug. It is horrendous! Hint: Ask for a bottle of Chloraseptic (sp) and have her spray it in her throat as it will help a little with the soreness of the tube. The PIC line is good (Teddy had that) as they draw all the blood from that line. Convenient and no other black and blues spots. I AM relieved that she is now in the hospital and it sounds like she is getting the attention she needs. IF they did surgery what kind are they talking about? Hope mom improves enough tomorrow to get that nasty tube out.

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