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  • in reply to: MD Anderson: NY Times article #32583


    in reply to: Site addressing cancer pain: #32586

    Lisa, that is great. I was just telling someone yesterday that our best medical advisors are our CC Family. No one who has never seen our site can really understand why we are all so addicted to our CC Family. Hope you are doing well.

    in reply to: First Scans on Gemcis – Great News #32535

    Z…We are hoping you are just fine for Halloween. We are going to my daughter as she goes all out for Halloween, her favorite holiday. Decorates the WHOLE house inside and out. Howling witches from the windows fun all around. We are not participating this year, will just sit and watch all the kiddies come over for treats. I know! You can go as Zorro who has just come home from another adventure and you need to rest before starting out on your next journey!

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32293

    You are so right Carlos. You have to be strong enough and know that your decision is the right one. We just heard from a friend who used the same surgeon Teddy had for his Whipple. The surgeon knew we were friends and he told them the story of when he opened Teddy up 4 years ago for the 8 hour Whipple surgery> He said he opened him, turned to his Resident physician and said, What would you do?” The resident said “I would close him up, he is 73 and will never survive this.” About 2 hours in to the surgery he again asked the Resident, “what would you do now?” The resident said I would still close him up and let him just be, what ever time he has left.” Our surgeon said, “Oh yeah? Watch me.” So much depends on the luck of the draw when it comes to any doctor. You and us have just been very lucky! I do believe if you can get that pain under control, mom will improve a bit faster.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32290

    Hello Carlos and welcome to our world. One of very caring and knowledgeable people. You have come to the right place. It sounds as though you have done everything that should have been done right down to switching hospitals. Your mom is going to be tired for a long time, it was a huge surgery. I agree with Gavin that the sleepless nights do make you depressed and slow the healing. I would definitely ask the doctor if you can try something else for pain and sleep. Moms appetite will take some time also to return to normal. And by the way we don’t put time limits on anything. We have some members who refused surgery and after “a time limit” are still around. We like to say you are not born with an expiration date on the bottom of your feet. You sound like a wonderful son and your mom is very lucky to have you. Wishing mom better nights!

    in reply to: First Scans on Gemcis – Great News #32527

    That is such great news!! We got a good report today also. Keep up the good work. No matter how long the road or how small the step it certainly is reason to celebrate.

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month #31982

    I still have those 35 letters from a year ago that I tried to send out to talk shows. Perhaps we could add some new ones and do something with those. Just not sure what!!!

    in reply to: Diagnosed with cc already beat lymphoma in early 1970’s #32524

    Wow, Reid, can’t help on the different cancers but my goodness your dad is truly a Miracle and many times a survivor. The only thing I am curious about is, did they mention radiation in order to bring the tumor down to a more treatable size for the possible use of cyber knife. I know that his attitude is what has pulled him through each time. He sounds like a fabulous man!! Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Update on Lenny #32516

    Dear Dee we are so very sorry to hear of the terrible journey Lenny has been on. Not sure I like it when I hear “get your affairs in order”. Is the doctor doing anything at all to ease the pain? Teddy is a 4 year survivor of a Whipple and will be 77 on Tuesday. We go to the Radiologist today as a new spot appeared on his PET Scan. Had the doctor ever done a PET as its a good way to detect new tumors. We have been told by 5 top docs that chemo will not work on this type of CC. But radiation/cyber knife did. Have you ever thought about a second opinion? Have they told you why he is so nauseous. There are things they can give him to make him more comfortable. Hoping they can find some some comfort for Lenny!

    in reply to: My wife’s Chemotherapy #32273

    Hello Bill and welcome o the best little club in the world that no one wishes to have to join! And welcome neighbor. If you mean Chandler AZ we live in SUn Lakes! Teddy is a 4 year survivor of a Whipple Surgery. I must tell you we have the very best in doctors.

    Oncologist – Jack Cavalcant – Banner Desert Hospital – will use trials.
    Radiologist – John Kresl – Banner Samaritan (did cyber knife and radiation on Teddy)
    Dr. James Cashman was director of liver transplants at Banner Samaritan. Used him as a consultant and he treated Teddy after his Whipple surgery.

    Who are you using? IF you are in Chandler Az and wish to meet or to talk just send me an e mail. We are going to Dr. Kresl at 2PM tpday as Teddy’s last scan showed a new spot and his A has jumped from 11 in August to 109 3 weeks ago. The combo your wife is on for chemo has become a very popular duo.

    in reply to: Gary passed #32503

    Dear Elaine, we are so sorry to hear of Garys passing. Gary was a valiant soldier and with you being the Captain by his side he drifted to a much kinder place. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: April’s mom – update #31368

    April we are very sorry to hear of your roller coaster ride and new results. One some shrinkage starts you might want to ask them about Cyber Knife. The “spots” have to be under 7cn. Best of luck traveling your way!

    in reply to: Pain in tumor area #32021

    Kris: Do we all have to fly to you and parade in front of this docs office?

    Barb: So very glad you got in so soon! Please let us know what’s happening.

    Gavin: Thanks for the new phrase, ” put the screws to him”, just kidding, couldn’t resist.

    Well, good morning world, not jubilant, just trying to be very brave today as we have the Radman at 2PM to go over the rising CA19 and the PET Scan
    I feel so bad for T as last night he told me how scared he is. Will post tonight with the results.

    in reply to: Pain in tumor area #32018

    Noooo, Lisa, no pain! That oxycodone is something else. I am down to 1/2 a day, really pushing to get off it. We miss seeing more of you. I guess when we don’t hear so much it increases our concern. Hope you find out what is causing the pain. Its so good to see you here any time.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31777

    Gavin, that sounds like a much better report. I feel some relief for you! Yea! A brighter day. You are too good, you even know how to do he guilt trip as such a young age!!!!!

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