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  • in reply to: Update on my Dad #31774

    Gavin it was Baltic here this morning! When it cools down at night its really cold even in the mid 60’s.
    I feel so bad that dad is having such a hard time. Guess if dad says no, its no.
    Would he bite the guilt trip? Like dad, we are so worried about you, etc., etc? It must be so very hard to sit and watch this. I know many on this site have been helped by using the suppositories. Hoping tomorrow is a better day.

    in reply to: New member… #32262

    Welcome Robin and as you already know I am totally in awe of you!

    in reply to: Hmm, seemed like just another Monday #32223

    Marion, he passed on early summer. She doesn’t remember him anymore. She dines at a table of 4, the other 3 are men. Nobody talks, although she did recognize us yesterday, she was sitting in the Lobby when we walked in. This place is pretty good. We know these places have their problems but truly show love for the residents.

    in reply to: delay vs reduced #32224

    I could give you a time out, but instead I commend you on trying live as normal a life as you can. Your spirit, sense of humor, love of life and attitude is the best RX….love you!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31768

    Hoping for the best. I also love learning some of your expressions. Love the knackered! I think the next time Teddy asks me how I feel I will say knackered! He knows he doesn’t hear well and that would really throw him!!!

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28973

    Jim, to sort of steal a phrase….small steps for mankind BIG steps for Jim!!!!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31766

    Dear Gavin, so sorry to hear that dad’s stomach is not behaving. I can take pain but nausea is one of the worst feelings in the world. I am praying that the new meds kick in very fast. Its just so frustrating, every time you turn a corner you hit a stop sign! Take care.

    in reply to: Hmm, seemed like just another Monday #32221

    I have heard of Sunrise. Just before we left yesterday to go out for an hour of dining I got a call from the Park Regency that I needed to take Pamper supplies. We have now reached the next level I guess, she “wet” the bed last night. We will take the supplies to her today as she is right near my surgeon
    where I am going for a follow up check up.
    Casa Blanca not only was excellent, their Halloween decorations were outstanding. Got to leave you with this story and hope you all chuckle.
    My mom at 93 1/2 said, when referring to her assisted living, “I just love it here. I feel very safe and everyone is so nice to me. Only problem is, there are not enough men, its mostly women!”

    in reply to: off to see the grandchildren #32229

    Wendy, of course he counts as a Radman! One might ask what you did to deserve all this attention! Oddly we would love it if we had no attention of this kind!
    You have a wonderful visit with the family. Last Friday night my daughter came over and brought dinner with 2 of her 4 kids. You would have thought I had won the lottery. I used to think I wanted to take a bite when they were babies but honestly this is awesome at this teen stage. Lexy who is 17 was having a talk with us about when I was married to Brand Ex! She was sitting between Teddy and me and she turns to T and says, “Papa I am so glad you are our Papa”. We are so very lucky. In the kingdom of CC I hereby order you to have a blast with the kids!!! And feel good, its the best RX there is.

    in reply to: Hmm, seemed like just another Monday #32219

    OMG I forgot you are my neighbor!!!! My mom has been at the Park Regency on Elliot and Price for 4 years now. In August I moved her to the Park Regency Assisted as she has dementia. Then they also have units for the next step. Got a call today that she needs Pampers now. So will make that stop tomorrow. I am almost resentful that I can’t have some peace and time to heal from my own surgery. She LOVES it there. Off to La Casa Blanca to give Mexican a try. Its on McQueen and Riggs. Is your mom at Pennington>

    in reply to: Another 3 month check-up….another good report. #27998

    I found Patrick. Right in this thread! The most important thing is hope, attitude and Grandchildren. Oh, my, sorry. Don’t know what possessed me on that one!!!

    in reply to: Hmm, seemed like just another Monday #32217

    BZ without a doubt your dad is right with you, you will learn to look for his signals. If everyone will indulge me I would like to repeat 3 stories about my dad. He passed from natural causes at the age of 93. My mom is now 93 and has dementia and is in Assisted Living. In July Teddy visited the kids and I opted to stay here and move mom to Assisted from her Apartment at the Retirement home. One day I had reached my limit. I worked until 1PM then went over to continue packing up her things, getting rid of some and it had been a hectic week with packing every day. I came home about 800PM and literally fell in to bed. About 2AM I awoke to a faint feeling of feathers all around my face. I smiled and went back to sleep. I honestly believe my dad was thanking me for taking care of mom.
    Second time that I know of was when I set the date for my surgery OCT 1st. There is only 1 hospital we will go to and I was told by the doctors office that my insurance card will not allow me to go there. At exactly the same time, 2AM I felt a tug at the neckline of my nightgown and when I awoke the FIRST thought that came to mind was that the Insurance Company made a mistake. I called them early and sure enough it showed in my history that they had accidentally changed my hospital. I would have never thought of that!!
    Oh one more Because I was going in for this huge surgery I cancelled my colonoscopy. My surgeon said he wanted one anyway and I had it the day before surgery. They found a tumor that did not show up on my Scan and had I not had the colonoscopy I would have had to go in for a second surgery! Yes, maam, someone is watching over me.
    Sorry for the long post, I know some of them can be cumbersome after a while. But I did want you that I am sure your dad is right beside you.

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28969

    Wow, Jim, very close to the path Teddy strolled. He will be 77 Oct 27th and this is his 4th year of being a survivor. I am sure the doctors told you that a Whipple is the biggest surgery to the human body, not life threatening, normally but huge. Teddy also had a couple of fistulas. Such a pain in the you know what! About 2 months after surgery they found a small hole developed at the resection and he went in to ReHab for 3 weeks with nothing but an IV. Thankfully the hole closed up. It takes a long time to heal but thank goodness you are now on the way up. You will become a STAR as everywhere we go if there is a doctor around he is in awe of Teddy. What a way to get attention, Yes? Stay strong and positive and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31761

    I am so sorry to hear of the bad time your parents are having. They are most lucky to have you, you are awesome!

    Thanks for asking about me. Its been a long 3 weeks. Going out for the first time today. I actually am doing great for what they ended up doing. No more bikinis! Scar runs from bottom to about 4 inches above the navel. But I tell you what….to everyone: PLEASE get your colonoscopys, so, so important. If they had not done that the day before surgery I would have ended up with 2 separate surgeries. I am almost done with using the percoset and go to the doctor tomorrow so will find out what my follow up will be. Then Friday we go to Teddy’s Radman to see what is up with Mr. Miracle. My vibes are not good.

    Gavin, I sure hope you are taking some time out for YOU! Your parents need you and we need you!

    in reply to: My very embarrassing emotional break down. #31951

    I am sorry but I think you are running a close tie with Teddy and he is not undergoing chemo (we will know more Friday) . It must be the “fragrance” of the beast!!!

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