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  • in reply to: My Sister was diagnosed yesterday #30949

    Welcome to our world and so glad you found us. You are perfectly normal in your response to your sister’s DX. As time goes by and you begin to educate yourself about CC you will become stronger and will be your sister’s best advocate. It’s so true that the fight in one begins to come out and takes over the fear. Please let us know how she is doing and what form of treatment they are going to proceed with. You have found the best place on earth that is populated with the most caring and loving people one could hope for. Feel free to visit us often.

    in reply to: Hospice coming to our home #30925

    Amy, I am so glad that you now have this option. It will relieve so much for you and your mother physically and mentally. Good luckk with it and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: New to this…. #30895

    I am sorry to keep saying this but by reading up on this you will know what questions to ask. Everyone is so different. I still do not understand why they cannot do surgery. Again you need to ask them if they have dealt with CC often or is this unusual for them. Still would love to see your mom sent to Mayo or MD Anderson.

    in reply to: CT results today #30923

    Love your plan. But I would say 5 years…..and then some.

    in reply to: CT results today #30916

    Hi Lisa, girl!! Pretty good news. I would expect that with your attitude you will see one heck of a graduation!

    in reply to: New to this #30913

    Hi Karl and welcome to the best little club that no one wishes to have to join.
    My husband was 73 when he had his Whipple 4 years ago. Would he do that at 80? Probably not. Its the biggest surgery to the human body there is. Not life threatening but a huge surgery. I have to agree with Darla, that at 80, quality of life is so much more important. Last year Teddy’s cancer returned where his duodenum used to be and he had radiation and cyber knife. The radiation really zapped him (no pun intended) for months! Teddy was very lucky as they got it all but as we know it returns. 3 top Oncologists here all said to Teddy if they could not easily get the CC that returned they would not let him go through any more. Bottom line it is such a personal and family decision. What ever you all decide know that it is the right decision! Please keep us posted, we all care.

    in reply to: Elevated CA 19-9 in setting of PSC #30560

    Thank you for the update, Rick and I am sure you know by now that you could not be in any better facility then where you are. The rest will all fall in to place.
    I don’t think we could classify you as normal if you didn’t have the feelings you are experiencing. Please come around often and keep us posted. We all care and are sending out lots of prayers to you and your family.

    in reply to: update #30899

    Hi Beth. Sometimes what one cannot do another can. Teddy was getting ureter stints and the first Urologist actually gave up. We went to a new Urologist and he has had no problem getting the stints in. Sometimes a 2nd or 3rd opinion is most valuable. I just found a good web site by putting in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Please keep us posted and good luck on Friday.

    in reply to: New to this…. #30893

    Teddy’s doctors have NEVER held back information. Honestly you need to read up as much as you can from our board and the web. Then you will know what questions to ask. To be for armed is to be for warned. The mystery about CC is that the only thing we know for sure is that we know not much. You want to find out if your doctors in fact have treated many with this CC. I would want an aggressive doctor to combat this aggressive disease. The more you learn, the better advocate you can become for your mother. I would opt to go to MD Anderson or Mayo Clinic in MN immediately. Your mom is still young and has a better chance of fighting this but this monster attacks with not much mercy. Yes, stints get infected or blocked. My husband was lucky that way as he never had problems with his stints. Can you tell me where her tumor is located. Teddy’s was in the bile duct valve. Please do some quick reading, then go with what you really feel. If you don’t feel that trust of all trusts with the doctors its time to change. We are all here for you and believe me you will learn fast and become the best advocate your mom could have.

    in reply to: Help!? #30890

    Welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. We are from Milwaukee but have lived in Phoenix the last 14 years. When my husband was stricken we were visiting Milwaukee. There were very few doctors who could handle this (he had a Whipple surgery) and we totally lucked out. On this Board we believe in 2nd and 3rd opinions. I also believe in gut feelings on this and I would get a second opinion. I know there are some people on our site from the Chicago area and perhaps they can make some suggestions for you. Your mom does not want to seek more aggressive treatment probably because she is recovering from this 1st surgery and not thinking clear. If she listens to you at all she is going to have to trust you and let you be her advocate. I wish you could get her to Rochester Mayo Clinic in MN. They are one of the best. I know you will be getting some more help from our wonderful CC family. OMG, I just remembered something. My husband also suffered the pancreatic attack after an ERCP at St. Mary’s in Ozaukee. The dye had leaked onto his pancreas and almost destroyed it and he had to wait 3 weeks for surgery! Sorry, I just remembered. And we have a dear friend in Mequon who had the same thing happen at the same hospital! Please keep us posted and feel free to ask, vent or advise.

    in reply to: Mom #30876

    Hi Amy. You indeed have our prayers. I remember when Teddy had radiation last summer. He did quite well then all of a sudden he felt so tired. Didn’t eat much, no energy. Slept so much. Took about a month then he slowly started feeling better. Hope the hospital can do the job for her!!!

    in reply to: Gary’s CT scan results #30873

    Hi Elaine & Gary. So sorry to hear the latest news. Perhaps a new doctor on the horizon will have some ideas. Sometimes I feel that all the emotional stuff that goes along with the CC is worse than hearing the diagnosis. I would not wish this journey on anyone. Speaking of journeys, love, love Naples!!! I am so glad you are making the trip. Please keep us posted and we are keeping you in our prayers.

    in reply to: husband newly diagnsed – fluid retention #30803

    Ditto to what Kris said!!!

    in reply to: help finding dr. #30867

    If you go to our search bar at the top right and look around, this is what I found…..

    H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute [Comprehensive Cancer Center]
    at the University of South Florida
    William S. Dalton, Ph.D., M.D.
    CEO & Center Director 12902 Magnolia Drive, MCC-CEO
    Tampa, Florida 33612-9497
    Tel: (813) 615-4261
    Fax: (813) 615-4258

    in reply to: husband newly diagnsed – fluid retention #30800

    Welcome, daughter. My goodness but you have had your share! I think what I would want to know is why the doctor does not believe in being aggressive. Sometimes doctors with that attitude have not had enough experience with CC. When they say it’s advanced? Anything can be advanced. I would ask what stage? When you go back to Florida 2 weeks should be enough time to find out the course of treatment and to make sure you are satisfied with the doctors. Can he not go to any other hospital on Medicare? Sorry, can’t advise on chemo as Teddy never had it, won’t work on his CC. I just remembered that when we went to Teddy’s Oncologist the first time he said, “I have no problem with trials and if it ever comes to that I know where to send you”. That won us over. You have come to the right place here and please keep us posted.

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