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  • in reply to: Pardon the game of 20 questions #26966

    Hi there and that is some great news. Your vacations sound wonderful and your attitude is stupendous! Keep up the good work and we will give you a A’s!!!!!

    in reply to: My mom was diagnosed July 1st #30035

    Hello Elicia and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to ever join. You are doing the best thing by trying to get your mom to be with you. If we are not prying could you tell us about her Diagnosis? WIshing her and your family the best. Have hope and be strong.

    in reply to: Dad starts chemo next week #30040

    Hi Kay and join the confusion club. The only thing we know for sure about CC is that we never know what it’s going to do. To be for warned is to be for armed so yes, the possibility of it’s return is there. That is why all of us caretakers keep such a vigil watch. My husband had it in the bile duct 4 years ago and it returned April of 08 but they zapped it through radiation then cyber knife (it returned where his duodenum used to be). He is going to be 77 and has been just fine but his regime is to have LAB work every month and to see the Oncologist every 2 months. Whether to use chemo or not depends on where the cancer is. It will not work on the CC type my husband has as his was all contained in the bile duct valve. We had verification of 5 doctors on that issue. As you go along here you would do well to read some of the Boards past posts because the more you know about CC the more you will understand what to expect. It’s that old situation of knowing more than you want to. Good luck on the chemo and please keep us posted. Perhaps your dad will be one of the lucky ones…got to have the hope to make it so.

    in reply to: New, in treatment, and learning #30047

    Hello Mark and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes they have to join! It would not hurt to line up some friends/family in a “just in case” mode. They could take turns daytime to help you out if the need arises.
    Don’t forget that some have gone through the chemo fine, everyone is different but be a good Scout and be prepared. It will be one more thing off your mind as well. Lost of good luck to you and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: stent infection #30140

    Hi Shira and welcome! I am wondering if its a reaction to the metal stent. Teddy has had 2 blood infections since his Whipple and both times he had horrible chills and fevers. They had to do special blood cultures. Sure hope the confused doctors get unconfused! With that said, I have a “new” niece and her name is Shira. Love it!

    in reply to: New news #30145

    Hi Kay. Very sorry that your dad’s cancer has returned. Unfortunately it goes with our territory. In fact its about the only thing we know for sure abut CC is that it returns which is why we must keep a watchful eye. I am wondering if you could ask your dad’s doctor about Cyber Knife. It is the latest and greatest and with less side effects. They can not use it on everything but it would not hurt to ask. My husband had it last December, his was a different area being where the duodenum used to be but it has worked beautifully.

    in reply to: He is fading before my eyes #30170

    Dear Ashlea, I cannot add anything as the ladies said it all so beautifully. Please know that we are all praying for you and your family.

    in reply to: How do I live without him? #30183

    Danielle, I am sorry to say you sound normal. I believe everything you are experiencing has to run a “course”. Five weeks is not a long time. I also think part of what you feel is the not running to appointments, the decisions that had to be made and all the other stress that went along with the horrible journey. I am sure you will hear from some of our other wonderful ladies who have lived through this with some good advise. Try to take it one day at a time
    and when you least expect it, all of a sudden you will turn a corner and things will again appear to normalize. They will never be the same but the sharpness of the pain will dull a little more. Wish I could just wave a magic wand and make it all better.

    in reply to: I need you all right now #30236

    Charlene, I am so sorry to hear of the bad time you are having. I know I needed something last summer and the doctor wanted to give me something like that and I said no, I just need to take the edge off. So, he gave me 5mg valium and I cut them in half and only take when I feel shaky. I am guessing that the dreams are being caused by the Paxil. I also believe John is trying to tell you that he is with you and feels bad about what you are going through.
    Have you thought about some professional help just to get through this part?
    There is nothing wrong with that! My only other suggestion is if you went off the Paxil and tried something much less potent. Please come back here and let us know how you are getting along. We all care.

    in reply to: My Dad is going away #30218

    Dear Stan, we are so very sorry to hear that your dad has passed but hope you find comfort that he is now in a more peaceful place. He was fortunate to have a wonderful son who was by his side for this horrific journey. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Need to vent..Please dont feel you have to read. #30275

    But then CC says, “frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”! Good luck on the scan.

    in reply to: Still in shock… #30091

    Hi Karen. If I was in a fight I sure would want you and your doctors in my corner. Not extremely happy about the diagnosis but it sounds like you have some wonderful doctors working with you. We certainly hope and pray for the best and keep the attitudes going. Not sure if the Vegan way is for everyone.
    We found out that Soy milk was making Teddy’s life miserable and mine if you know what I mean. He went off it a week ago and is feeling much better. One has to kind of hunt and peck at everything to find their own niche. I know you will keep us posted . Oh, Teddy has CIGNA and so fare we have not had a problem with anything, even when everything hit the fan and we were out of town. Good luck.

    in reply to: Anyone experience spots #30108

    I am so sorry to hear that dad is going in to Hospice. No one can believe the torment physically and mentally that everyone on this site goes through. Sometimes I just say to myself that it has to STOP! Not one more! Today I wrote a letter to Lance Armstrong. Not sure it will do any good but I did it anyway. Stay strong Steely girl you are one great daughter.

    in reply to: appt. with Dr. Kennedy #30197

    You are doing a very smart thing since we all know we have to be a step ahead of this monster CC. Best to have all your soldiers in place ready to take aim. Good luck next week.

    in reply to: my husband passed #29430

    We are very sorry to hear about your husband. I love this poem and perhaps it will help just a little:

    If I should be the first to go,
    And leave you alone, My Dear,
    Let not your heart be lonely,
    Nor in your eye a tear.

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    I’ll not be far away,
    With petals of love and tenderness,
    I’ll pave for you the way.

    To join me in our sanctuary,
    And ne’er again we’ll part,
    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    I live within your heart.

    Take joy again in living,
    As you did in years gone by,
    God knows of what He’s doing,
    And not be questioned why,

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    My life with you on earth,
    Each moment filled with happiness,
    And love so few be worth.

    I’ll be waiting for you Sweetheart,
    Where skys are ever blue,
    With eager heart and open arms,
    Patiently for you.

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    May faith and my love keep
    Your soul filled with contentment,
    Eternally I sleep.

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