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  • lainy

    Marion, I am so glad you had such a successful Conference. And to be with Pauline as well. Thank you to both of you for getting our plight the attention it so badly needs. Sounds like we are slowly but surely getting to be world re known! Glad that you had time to enjoy and more glad for your safe travels.

    in reply to: Anyone experience spots #30100

    Asher, not sure what color spots you are referring to but when Teddy had radiation last summer he got spots that were not red but more of a light beige in color. It was from the radiation. You dad may also get some itching from it. Even though Teddy’s radiation was given from the front the spots and itching occurred on the back.

    in reply to: Still in shock… #30088

    Karen I am so very sorry to hear your disturbing news. I am not sure how far they can go today with cyber knife but it is truly a miracle. Teddy had it in December and it worked beautifully. Problem is as I say, not sure what all they can use it on but you might want to mention it to the Oncologist. You should also make a list of your questions as you go along then present them to the Oncologist. We would all like to know why they don’t step up the research on CC. Last Fall there was a Cancer Special on TV where one man donated 25Mil.
    All cancers were mentioned throughout the 2hours except for CC! You see, this is why we are an elite bunch! Take a deep breath and follow your gut feelings. Please keep us informed of the progress.

    in reply to: My heart is breaking all over again! #30080

    Hi Heather and Happy Birthday to EM. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. Looks like it’s time for one of my notes:

    You will grieve my loss, but I have not gone. My body is beyond your reach, but my soul is touching yours. I am the one who enters your dreams. Caresses your face Hugs you. Misses you. I have not left, my spirit is with yours. I am all around you when you call. I am the gentle breeze when there is no wind. I am in the photo on the wall when you blink in disbelief. I am the song that enters your head for no reason, yet it reminds you. Don’t grieve that I am gone. I am with you, beside you, in you. I will be forever.

    Please do not doubt yourself about getting through the “firsts”. If you got through this terrible journey, you can get through anything! You have the strength, you are just tired out from one bad thing following another. By the way you can e mail me anytime, like you used to and some day I know we are going to meet in Phoenix. We are all thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts.

    in reply to: hello everyone #29707

    Here is hoping your Scan is as good as Teddy’s was last week!!!!Sending out the best wishes to you!

    in reply to: Goodbye my beloved husband, James Bell #29500

    Welcome Pamela to the most elite little club in the world that no one wishes to join. We are so sorry to hear of your loss and we all know what a horrific journey you have been on. You WILL go on because anyone who has the courage to go through what we do, will one day get the strength to carry on. I feel when you are ready he will guide you through the return. He will never be that far from you as he will always be in your heart and mind. Please don’t hesitate to post us how you are doing.

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28852

    Hi deb. Sorry your dad is going through such a rough time. To chemo or not is such a tough decision. Teddy & I have already decided what ever life offers we want quality not quantity. But honestly, it sounds like your poor dad is getting neither. All we can do is send you our best wishes and please take care of yourself as its a long rocky journey. Hope we can have a little better news next time.

    in reply to: spread to liver #30071

    Hi Elaine and we are sorry to hear about the turn in events. Ditto on what Lisa said. Keep your spirits up, your hopes alive and we all know that miracles do happen!

    in reply to: Hello from Barcelona #29701

    How exciting is that!!! Have some fun too. We will be waiting for the report with bells on. One of the most wonderful feelings in this world is to meet some one from our Club.

    in reply to: Scan Results #29688

    YEA! Lisa. That is just wonderful news. Doesn’t get any better. I told you, you were a fighter. You are such an excellent example to your children of hope and courage!

    in reply to: Neulasta concerns Please Help! #29621

    Teddy lights a candle at Mass every morning for our CC Family and also good luck tomorrow. Sometimes the fear outweighs the treatment and you will be just fine!!!!

    in reply to: Good results with Xeloda alone #29680

    Dear Carol, what wonderful news and than you for sharing that with us. We pray for your continued success.

    in reply to: Can anyone offer advice or words of comfort #29685

    Hello and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. We are a very elite group specializing in care, loving and friendship. You certainly have had your share and please feel free to vent here at any time.
    So often we see these set backs but they do not mean a doomed future. Just knock down one thing at a time. I know, its easy to say but you have to have a whole lot of hope, strength and attitude. Can’t answer for the drainage except to say they do back up now and then. The only thing we know for sure about CC is that we know not much. We try to be optimistically realistic.
    I am wondering why your dad is not in the hospital having these things taken care of. Not sure what they mean by leak. When my husband had his Whipple he did develop a tiny hole at the resection. This is pretty common not sure if they mean that kind of leak. May we ask what hospital you are going to and where you live? Again welcome, and sorry you had to find us. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Haven’t been here for awhile but need to talk #27607

    Oh Charlene that wa a beautiful dream! Sounds like John totally agrees with the decisions you are making and he is showing you how proud he is of you!
    Have a safe trip and best to you on your new beginnings.

    in reply to: AND THE GOOD NEWS IS…… #29659

    WOW, Beth. So, now I sprained my back doing cart wheels!!! That is the greatest news. Teddy and I will never have to face the “do we do chemo or not” as it will not help his CC in the bile ducts, and we were told that now by 5 top docs. It will have to be your decision. Weigh the odds of it retuning with and without the chemo. But for now enjoy, celebrate and HAPPY FATHER”S DAY!!!!

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