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  • in reply to: Bone Scan Good News #28855

    YEAH! Let’s hear it for Michelle!!! You go girl!!

    in reply to: MD Anderson Cancer Center patients? #28436

    Hello Sherry and Hector. Welcome to the best little club in the world no one wishes to join. Now that you are here you have come to the right place. Ditto to what all said above and I think you are both on the right track. These are the most caring, wonderful people in the world. Please us us to vent, ask or advise. Hector: you are at one of the best Hospitals for treatment and Sherry listen to your gut feelings and if it feels wrong is usually is. We have all learned how to become strong advocates and it is also important to read up as much as you can. Good luck to you both and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: North American GI Steering Committee #28799

    You go Girl! Can’t think of anyone else we would rather have in our corner!!!!

    in reply to: The latest “Plan of Attack” #27100

    Sounds like a great plan. Hoping for the best results!

    in reply to: Go Tracey #28790

    This is WONDERFUL! A small step for our whole Family! I would say its a home run!

    in reply to: It Finally Came #28762

    WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY! Honestly I got tears of joy reading your post. We really believe that God works through the hands of our surgeons! Father’s Day will be VERY special this year!

    in reply to: New to board #28720

    Hello L.B. and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. You just ask away, we all understand how frightening this is when you first hear of it. I mean, who has ever heard of a disease with such a long name?? Here you will find the most courageous, loving people in the World. We are glad you found us and like I said, ask, advise or vent, we are all here to help each other.

    in reply to: Hiccups and Burping #28717

    Gotcha, Swarty! Teddy (husband) had a Whipple Surgery almost 4 years ago. He had the identical thing. The nurses and visitors were so upset but after he hiccuped he would gasp. It was horrible to watch but he said it was not as bad as people thought. He found that by slowly turning his head to the left and taking a deep breath it dislodges the “bubble”. SO, when dad is hiccuping next time and gets the “gasp” have him turn in one direction and breath. See if that helps. The hiccups lated for 6 months and No one could help. Finally a friend of ours who is a Pharmacist said have you tried Brioche? I ran to Walgreens and got some. Its in a blue bottle and is taken like Alka Seltzer. After taking 2 doses…..the hiccups just disappeared!!! Miracle in a bottle. IF you try this please let me know how it worked. Good luck.

    in reply to: he is doing so fine #28706

    Moon, what great news on a sad day. One succumbs one succeeds. The cycle of living. The hope you give is invaluable. Keep up the good news!!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28470

    Ron, thank you so much, I doubt any one could have said this better!

    in reply to: New Member-My Mom #28566

    YEA! Chris, just the news we like to hear. That is just great. Teddy’s returned a year ago where his duodenum used to be but he had radiation and then cyber knife and is Cancer Free once again. Do you follow any type of regiment? Teddy goes to the Oncologist every other month and has LABs every month. When the cancer returned it also pushed his right ureter closed so he goes in every 3 months for a stent exchange in the ureter. Its always the weird stuff not the actual cancer for him. We are so glad to hear your good story. Please don’t be a stranger to our wonderful site.

    in reply to: New Member-My Mom #28564

    Hello and Welcome to the best little club in the World that no one wishes to join! You know, a Whipple is the largest surgery to the human body. Not life threatening but huge. My husband Teddy, had 2 Whipples, 1st was aborted, within a month! His 2nd month in to healing he developed a tiny hole at the resection. He went in to REHAB for 1 month on nothing but an IV. Fortunately the hole healed by starving it. No one can ever believe what our loved ones go through with this monster. Sounds like your mother is healing, it just takes a long, long time. One day you will turn around and really see that she is getting better. I used to give him Boosts and it took many month for him to really eat good. When you have part of the pancreas cut that also changes the way you eat. He couldn’t tolerate anything sweet. Now he is back to loving chocolate. I used to make him comfort food like stewed chicken and chicken soup. He couldn’t eat meat for a long time. Its hunt and peck. Glad you found us, not glad you had to. Feel free to come and vent, advise or ask. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: new member #28677

    Hello Eleanor and welcome to the best little club in the World that no one wishes to join. When you are ready, we would love to have you share with us a little about your journey here. We do know its a tough one. You have come to the right place to ask, vent or advise. These are the most courageous, caring and loving people you will meet anywhere. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    in reply to: Roma35 (Barbara) #28664

    We are so very, very proud of you, kid. Words cannot say enough as to the wonderful person you are!!!!

    in reply to: Fevers chills infections #28649

    Welcome, Deb, to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. My husband Teddy, did not have chemo, he had radiation and cyber knife this year
    after he had a Whipple almost 4 years ago. He is clear right now but still gets chills now and then. He just said he is going to welcome the heat this summer here in Phoenix. I am sorry to say it appears that these blood infections go along with the nature of the beast. As for your dad’s treatment, I would get him into a place where they have treated CC even if it means changing doctors.
    You have enough on your mind without having to worry about what the hospital is doing. A lot of us have learned that we have to go with our “gut’ feelings. If it doesn’t feel right it probably is not. And if the doctor put him there he should know they are not familiar with this cancer. It is totally normal to feel guilty and apprehensive. I would think the doctor could tell you if he should travel far. My uneducated guess is no, not at this point. Use our Search Engine at the top of the page to see if there is someplace better you can take him in Florida. Hopefully some of our Floridians will answer you as well. Yes, start the ball rolling today and please let us know what happens. We are here for you to vent, cheer and advise.

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