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  • in reply to: Song – Homesick by Mercy Me #28572

    Dearest Sophie, the strength, I believe, is always there, its just that sometimes we don’t need it as hard as other times. You also have strength in your wonderful daughter and niece. Not to mention we are all sending waves of strength out to you. I love it when I see you come on line. We are always thinking about you and sending prayers your way.

    in reply to: Lots of fevers but no infection #28586

    Actually Teddy is out doing 9 this morning. I personally don’t know of anyone at SK but understand its quite good. Try our Search engine and just put in Sloan K. Good luck on the move and hope the temps come down. Say, could one of his docs at Mayo recommend someone? Sorry you are leaving Phoenix.

    in reply to: Lots of fevers but no infection #28583

    Hi Daniele, Yes Teddy has run fevers for what seemed to be no apparent reason. But his would last a day and be gone. When they lasted longer it was usually a sign of impending infection. We are also in Phoenix. What area are you in?

    in reply to: Approved for Soc. Security disability #28574

    Lisa, that is such wonderful news. It sure helps when things go smoothly. And a party to boot. Great days for Lisa!

    in reply to: Song – Homesick by Mercy Me #28569

    Dearest Carol, that is absolutely beautiful and thank you for posting the song.
    We have not stopped our thinking of you and our prayers are still going out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28460

    Welcome, Pam and so sorry you had to come here. Thank-you, Thank-you for what you said to Gavin. I cannot tell you how this has been bothering me. When you feel something CAN be done and have to succumb to the system its just not fair!!! My husband had stents too and I just feel there is an infection or one developing. I would take Gavin’s dad and sit there until some will see me. I am sure your husband has run the gamut as well. Again, welcome and you have come to a wonderful place in this awful nightmare of a circumstance. Please feel free to stay in touch and if you are up to it, tell us about Eddie.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28458

    Hi Ron and thanks for the update. I know what you mean about Lucille looking so good and defying what she has by how she looks. I swear everyone thinks I have made up this whole nightmare. And yes, the anxiety before Scans is another subject. Teddy always acts like everything is normal but I can tell the difference immediately after that doctor visit when he hears he is good. I have to call the Urologist for the stent exchange again that is due the end of May. Then May 8th is the Oncologist visit. I tell everyone at work that they take lovely vacations and we go to doctors! We will be hoping for great news on May 22nd.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28456

    Hi Gavin and thanks for clearing up the positions of the doctors. I think its an excellent idea to call out the GP the next time dad sweats or does not feel well.
    It is so hard to take care of an ill parent when you are the only one. And it’s hard to watch someone you love so dearly suffer like this. Please take some time for yourself and take care of yourself too.

    in reply to: Tomorrow’s The Day #28537

    All good thoughts going your way for great results.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28451

    Oh, my dear Gavin, where do I start? I am a mother bear protecting her cubs when I feel things are not right. And I am feeling things are not right. What right does a NEW GP have to be in on the decision making of something he does not know anything about? Why, if your dad is “hopeless” does the doctor not talk to you? It is not normal nor right for a patient to be even slightly jaundiced with dark urine and then to have to wait another month to be seen?
    To me, and I am not a doctor, just been on this site a long time, but to me, it seems if the cancer has not shrunk but has not grown there has to be something else they can try. Are you not allowed to get another opinion? Especially when dad said, I will do anything? This is not right. I am so very sorry to post like this and I apologize to anyone I may upset but I think a grave injustice is being done here. Perhaps we don’t have all the right answers but we do have the right to fight for it. I am wondering what is a GP? IS that a medical person like a nurse? Funny, I don’t feel any better now that I got this off my chest. I have thought about it for hours and decided I had to write you.
    Good luck and I truly hope something else can be done soon! Please keep us posted. P.S. If the stent is in fact blocked it may cause greater problems down the line.

    in reply to: Having a good cry today. #28502

    Dear Jill, prayers still floating your way. Sounds like you have a good plan with a memorable visit. I did not realize you had a Whipple. Teddy had one almost 4 years ago. It just hit me funny as I do believe you are the 1st woman I have heard of who had a Whipple. Hope you are doing well and you must also take care of yourself.

    in reply to: Missing my Husband #28414

    It is totally normal. I feel those 2 men were not sent to hurt you but rather to watch over you as you do go to a new place in life. I have always felt that dreams are not all bad, you just have to define them. Sylvia Brown has an excellent book on Dreams. IF you dream again of “scary” others, try to feel that they are really there to help you. I know, easier said than done. But don’t be afraid of your dreams.

    in reply to: Having a good cry today. #28499

    Jill, you will soon feel the prayers and love and strength coming from this Board.
    It is true. We have felt it before as it is a feeling you can’t describe as it floats around you. Prayers now going out to you and your Aunt.

    in reply to: Searching for Information #28474

    Welcome and so sorry you had to join our wonderful little club. I don’t know where you live, but here in Phoenix we have a fabulous doctor who was/is Director of Liver Transplants at Banner Samaritan Hospital. He is fabulous and while our bile duct cancer is not in the liver we would not hesitate one minute to call upon him. In fact a year ago we had a courtesy consultation with him. Dr. James Cashman. I know others on this site will also have some good suggestions for you.

    in reply to: MD Anderson Cancer Center patients? #28423

    YEA!!!! We love this kind of post. Great offer. You are a ray of hope.

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