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  • in reply to: New to radiation #28253

    Yipes! I forgot the heartburn. We used Mylenta (advised by others on this board) and it worked perfectly.

    in reply to: New to radiation #28251

    Barbara, do not worry. Teddy had 25 radiation treatments last summer and no side effects except tiredness. They gave him a pill to take before each treatment to prevent possible nausea but he never felt sick. The tiredness started out gradually and he did become more and more tired until the end of the treatments. He started to feel less tired about 3 weeks later after the treatments were done. That was it, the radiation did it’s job. Good luck!!

    in reply to: Questions: Fact or Fiction #26887

    I am thinking like both of you gals. Just was trying to see what some thought before we went in tomorrow to Dr. Kresl.
    Marjo, we were practically neighbors. We are in Sun Lakes about 5 miles South of Awatukee. We call Awatukee the largest cul du Sac in the world! Love it.

    in reply to: Mary Passed #28238

    We are very sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I also believe one can pick their own time. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: itching #28232

    Hi Susan. I recommended the Sarna long ago as Teddy itched so bad when he jaundiced. I do want to tell you that it should not be used longer than say, 10 – 14 days. The other thing that helped was ice bags. Since your mother’s itching seems localized perhaps some cold towels or bags of frozen veggies will help.
    As to why not sure. We just know Teddy itched before his surgery as his bile duct was blocked. Good luck.

    in reply to: One step at a time #28223

    Hi Kid. You have walked many paths with your father! Sometimes I feel, when you post, that you are all in the house next door to me and all I have to do is go knock on your door and have a visit. Prayers are being said daily for you and your family.

    in reply to: My liver is a happy duck #28212

    Kris, I totally agree with Sophie. We are always telling new people this is a great place to rant so then it should go for us old timers as well. You should not have even given it a second thought. Now go to sleep and dram of your cottage waiting for you!

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25791

    Oh my, I am highly jealous. You have 45’s. Lucky you. We are thinking of getting a Kareoke Machine as we both love to sing. I grew up in Kansas City, Mo. and my girlfriend’s father had the first drive in restaurant!! What a blast. And I never had to pay for anything. Let’s not forget the movies! No skin showing, no swearing and yet fabulous movies. It was also a time we respected teachers, political leaders and people with authority. The worst I saw was boys with duck tails and ciggies in their rolled up sleeves. Oh, tonight our Grandson, who is in Jr. High is in their production of Bye,Bye Birdie. That should be cute. Whenever you write about nostalgia I get nostalgic!!!

    in reply to: My liver is a happy duck #28208

    Hey, girls, guess what? All the extra padding we have is totally paid for!!! Probably the only thing we don’t owe on!

    in reply to: My liver is a happy duck #28206

    Hi Kris, I lOVE balloons! There are so many things balloons can do. Who doesn’t love a balloon. Keep the good news coming!!!

    in reply to: Looking to connect with others facing this disease #28194

    Hello, Mary and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. Sounds like you are in very capable hands. There is so much to research and learn that it can all be overwhelming. My husband had cyber knife in December and its amazing! He had a Whipple surgery 3 1/2 years ago and it returned last April. Its gone now after radiation and cyber knife. The BEST medicine is HOPE. Keep on as you are as no one knows what is going to happen, there are no time limits. We are glad you found us and visit often. For your well meaning friends I am posting something I found that for us really says it in a good way. I will put it under “Member’s Cafe”. I will call it Thoughts
    about cancer.

    in reply to: Mom’s (Mary) changes #28174

    This is probably the hardest road anyone can walk down. Bless her heart. She is also very lucky to have you by her side through this horrible journey. Hoping she stays more comfortable and take care of yourself too.

    in reply to: Got my first infusion of Avastin today #28167

    Atta Girl! Can’t keep a good woman down. Enjoy all your girl time together.

    in reply to: Clear Scans #28160

    YEA! That’s what we like to hear. Plan those trips, live it to the highest! We love the good news.

    in reply to: Ok, lets talk about my bum #28141

    Hi there. Gee, I thought you were talking about your favorite beggar “bum” who comes to your door! Seriously, don’t know what you can take for that but how about when you sit to sit on a sheepskin? It did wonders for Teddy. Or a tube?

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