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  • in reply to: CC and Intimacy #26931

    Good question! How do I say this. This is where for better or for worse/in sickness and in health come in. I know when I don’t feel good its…leave me alone. So I can only imagine what you all go through. I am lucky because Teddy is very romantic and cuddly which makes up for the more intimate times that have escaped us. You, being younger, will have those times again. I must tell you this cute Teddy story (I have a million). He brought home the movie Road to Rodanthe with Richard Gere? You wait and wait for the pair to connect and when they finally do you just feel the love. I am laying on the couch and he is sitting in his big old chair across the room. As soon as the couple kisses he gets up and walks over to me and kisses me and says, “is that how you felt with me?”. I just melt when he does things like that. He is 76 and I am 68 but we will be celebrating our 15th in July. I guess what I mean to say is when sex cannot be involved you find other ways to show your affection and love. Its not the arrival to your destination its the path you take.


    Pam, how does one say, with a straight face and concern, “I am so glad you had a melt down”? It was probably a long time coming and well deserved. Just think, with a pink face, you saved on make-up! I have a feeling you are going to be OK now. I enjoy your way of writing, kind of like an Erma Bombeck. Hope you are feeling much better now for the tough road ahead. It almost sounds like your mom was in the right place last night! See, she is still taking care of you!

    in reply to: After the Whipple? #26407

    Jill, I used to feel guilty posting all of Teddy’s Miracles here but these good people finally convinced me that no matter what, our good news gives others hope and that is what is important. You and Teddy have paid dearly for it and it does feel good to read other’s good news. I am getting a little anxious for Friday’s results. Teddy seems a little out of sorts lately. He looks good, but he is very antsy, is itching a tad more than usual and gets very tired. He was complaining yesterday that his legs are so tired and his hips are sore. Could be nothing but having been around this too long I don’t trust anything until I hear the ONC words. I try not to show him I am worried about the way he is feeling.
    For 76 years young he really tries to push himself as he hates feeling down. But, you my dear, keep the good news coming!


    Well, they just don’t know for sure. Teddy was the healthiest man with NO stomach problems and no surgeries, nothing. He is a Korean Vet. It would be nice wouldn’t it if they just knew for sure where this monster leaps from?

    in reply to: Cancer Miracles article #26883

    “A cancer patient, given just months to live, stages a miraculous recovery. Doctors dismiss it as a fluke.” From Patty’s article, please re read the last word. How appropriate to use the word “fluke” along with the fact this is a Veteran, was at the Veteran’s Hospital and had CC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry we don’t
    know him!

    in reply to: Bummed out #26844

    Kris, I was upset to read you didn’t get your frozen Margarita! We will keep everything crossed for Monday, eyes, arms, fingers, legs…you name it. Annoy away. I always say Teddy will live a long time as I am not done aggravating him! Hi Jeff!!!! I slept but got up so early today.

    in reply to: Semi-newly diagnosed :D #26825

    Hi Katie, little wise one! Welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. You are our youngest ever so don’t be alarmed if we refer to you as our “baby”. You sound like a person we would all love to know. You have a great attitude and we look forward to many wonderful posts from you. This board goes beyond extreme with the most caring, courageous people in the world. Feel free to ask, advise or vent. Again welcome and hope you will drop by often!

    in reply to: Cancer Treatment Centers of America??? #26806

    Roma35 dad went to Cancer Center of America in Ill. You may want to jot her a line.

    in reply to: After the Whipple? #26404

    YEA!!! On the PET Scan. Unfortunately with CC the only thing we know for sure is that it does return. For the type you and Teddy have 4 ONC told us no to chemo. Radiation is ok depending. Teddy had radiation to reduce the tumor so he could proceed with the cyber knife to kill the monster. Teddy went 3 1/2 years clean. But we got it this time as well and thats as good as it gets. This is why the watchful eye is so important. We go to the ONC Friday for the latest LAB report and etc. We are so happy about your PET Scan.

    in reply to: OXALIPLATIN #24123

    Yea! You will get brain freeze along with chemo brain!!!! You girls are tooooo much.

    in reply to: OXALIPLATIN #24120

    Lisa, can’t you tell them you would rather have a Martini? Lots of luck and hugs…

    in reply to: Pain after Stent Placement #26778

    Rose, if your doctor is gone for a week someone must be covering for him. I agree with Carol that you need an advocate to start moving some mountains for you. There is no way you should have to wait until March 10th. Can you go online and do some quick research for Madison and perhaps Milwaukee for some help?

    in reply to: VA, Vets & CC Statistics #26803

    Patsy, Teddy was also in the Korean war. He got his CC August 2005. Starting to be too many VETS to be ignored.

    in reply to: Pain after Stent Placement #26775

    My humble opinion is, with CC, to be ignored means it is time to switch doctors. I suggested, on this site, long ago to try the Sarna cream. It worked for Teddy but it is very strong and you can not use it too long. Have you talked to the doctor yourself or is the office staff relaying your messages to him. I would call and ask to talk to him, be firm but not gruff. If you don’t get a call back in 24 hours I would certainly look in to another ONC. In the last 3 years I had to do this once and I cannot tell you how glad I am we made the switch. Sometimes the office staff takes it upon themselves to play little gods. Perhaps the bile does not cause anything bad inside but the havoc it creates does not have to be endured. No One should have to put up with these symptoms for a month.
    Good luck and unfortunately the best advocate for yourself is you!

    in reply to: most difficult phonecall I have ever had to make #26647

    Thinking of you daily and when ever you and your mom are ready Phoenix is waiting.

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