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  • in reply to: Teddy Update #22792

    Thank you. I will keep Seattle in mind. Waiting to hear back from the doc. I just need it explained like you just did. It makes sense to wait for it to heal so that must mean it is still working. I think what threw me was when I asked the girl who called, was this INRT holding the mass at bay and she said, “we hope so”. To me Hope is a girls name right now!!! Thanks Jean.

    in reply to: Teddy Update #22790

    Teddy’s mass was 7cm when we started. This is the BEST and only doctor here who does this. IF in fact there is a wait list then we should be told that so that we can try to get in somewhere else perhaps another state. On one hand I am livid and on the other don’t want to tip the boat over. The week Teddy was supposed to start IMRT the machine also broke here. I guess the good part is that Teddy doesn’t feel this is an emergency like I do. I am trying to calm down before he gets home fro the barber. I will let you know what happens when I get an answer from the doc. The other part is to try and explain this to our families who are all anxious as well.

    in reply to: Teddy Update #22788

    According to the Radiologist he wanted 8 weeks between the Radiation and the Cyberknife! I just don’t understand and when I don’t understand I kind of go ballistic. Especially when it concerns my husbands life! This radiologist is the only one here doing cyberknife.

    in reply to: NEW OPRAH UPDATE #22689

    We decided that we needed to bring CC and this site to the front line as we really need to try and get our plight noticed so that perhaps some research can start on this monster disease. I had the idea to send as many letters as I could get to the Oprah Show and maybe, just maybe someone will listen. I asked Caretakers and Patients for letters and so far we have about 25. I will be sending them next week and will send them registered mail. I am keeping copies so we can try other places if that does not work. I have been asking for 1 page letters to be e mailed to me. Your letter would be greatly appreciated and would certainly help the cause!

    in reply to: Hello everybody #22656

    If you are interested in alternative treatments, I have posted before (but don’t know where they are)about Vitamin C injections. My daughter’s fiance is in remission with Lymphoma and has been going to a naturalpathic doctor who administers vitamin c intravenously. The treatment while supported by Oncologists is not covered by Insurance. He swears by it in as much as it helped him while going through chemo and has met other cancer patients who have benefited greatly by it. We have a clinic here in Phoenix who specializes in these things and yo can gte an idea on the way it works by logging in to:

    in reply to: New findings on CT scan #22742

    Stay strong, Jean. Doctors have also used the term “worrisome” with Teddy. So, far that has meant nothing to worry about. I would rather they worry than not. If indeed it is something, they will have caught it apparently at the onset.
    Try to think good thoughts and we will also be thinking about you!

    in reply to: Come in and laugh at me #22724

    Jeff, did ya have to say blueberry? That’s the only fruit I don’t like! These doctors, they only agree to disagree! They really need to put their egos aside. Good luck on it all we will be thinking of you! SOmehow I don’t picture you as a “grump”.

    in reply to: Come in and laugh at me #22722

    OK, so now I get to share a mother story! My mother is 92 (dad lived to be 93)
    and has been extremely vain her whole life and more so now! She has a boyfriend at the retirement home who is 88 and not well. One day I called her and she was in a pity me mood and said “Your father left me so early”. I said Mom, he was 93. “I know but now I have Frank and he is so sick, I just have such bad luck with men!” This was 6 months ago and we are still howling about it!
    Jeff, how are you feeling??????

    in reply to: Update on John #22736

    Oh, but Chrissey, you are just as strong as the rest of us. You have stood by Chucks all this time, you are still there and you would take the pain for him if you could. That is strong! You are just worn down from the huge emotional upheaval and that is to be expected. We all react in different ways during times of great stress but you are already strong for all you have endured up to now!
    Most heartfelt prayers go out to you and Chucks!!

    in reply to: Update on John #22733

    Dearest Charlene, I had a feeling this would take its natural course and the decision would be made for all of you. My most heartfelt prayers are going out to you and also praying for a peaceful end. Sometimes I don’t know if I am happy we are not near that point or if I am sad knowing what we are going to have to face down the road. But I do fully understand when you say it has brought you Peace.

    in reply to: parents anniversary #22727

    First let me say you are an absolutely wonderful daughter! Time with your mom is a beautiful way to celebrate a very important day to her! Instead of a present you could make a family photo album perhaps with pictures she may not have? Or I would just let her talk about your father/her husband again and her memories of all those years. I know talking about “old” times with my dad makes my mom the happiest.

    in reply to: Come in and laugh at me #22716

    Listen, if the class can’t take a joke……..well thats too bad! Or perhaps you could tell them its your own version of Swedish.

    in reply to: Recent News #22471

    Dear Irene, so sorry about the aborted surgery. Take some time to gather your thoughts. I just wanted to tell you that here in Phoenix at St. Joseph Hospital is a fabulous liver transplant surgeon, in fact he is director of liver transplants. We met him as he took care of Teddy when we came back from his having the Whipple surgery 3 years ago and he just saw us in June as a courtesy call when we were deciding what to do about the return of the cancer. His name is Dr. James Cashman. And I would be here for you as well! I promise.

    in reply to: External Rad and Brachtherpy #22712

    Darn those home repairs! You know you are in my thoughts young man (make-up for old coot)! I can get really nasty so tell those docs to do their job and do it well!

    in reply to: And now for some good news… #22699

    YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Can you hear me shouting??? You are not alone with IBS issues either, join my club!

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