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  • in reply to: Dad is now at peace #48201

    Dearest Andrea – I’m so very sorry to hear of your dad’s passing but so glad to hear his transition was pain-free & peaceful. What a wonderful daughter you are. I feel so privileged to have walked part of this journey with you.

    Love to you, your mother, son & husband. You’ll have tough times, but you’ve had tough times, too & have fought through them. I send my very, very best to you all.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Dave’s Journey is over #47877

    I’m so, so sorry, Beth. My love to you & Maycie.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Please help me interpret my husband’s CT scan… #46494

    My sister & I did the same thing, Melanie. I hope it helps. Please take it as an overview, though, as we found that interpreting each word in isolation can give a different overall emphasis.

    At her last meeting, my sister asked the Onc to explain the results to her in layman’s terms & she was quite happy to do so. Would your husband’s Onc do that?

    in reply to: Overview of CC from NHS UK Dec 2010 #46865

    Thank you, Gavin.


    in reply to: My Sister’s Blessing #46833

    A very, very big welcome to our wonderful family, minkyz. I wish cc had never darkened your door, but I’m glad you’ve joined us.

    The 2 aspects of your message which hit me the most strongly, apart from sorrow at your great loss, are “blessing” & “anticipatory grief”. I think I’m experiencing both of those much (if not all) of the time. My sister’s illness completely knocked me sideways, but the numerous blessings surrounding this incredibly painful experience are astonishing both of us.

    I send my very best wishes to you as you grieve & process your loss. Please come back often & talk to us about anything & everything you may want to.


    in reply to: Missing Mom #46829

    Oh, Kim – this is so beautiful. I’ve never seen it before. Thank you for posting it.


    in reply to: Susan G. Komen sueing other cancer research efforts #46789

    Just posted the Huff Post link to facebook. I’m appalled – how can you trademark the word “cure”?

    in reply to: Linda Z… peace at last #46586

    I am so very sad to read of Linda’s passing. Energy & hope always seemed to “explode” from her posts.

    Dear Cyndi – my thoughts are with you & your family.

    Sincere condolences & my very best wishes go with you.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Devoncat no more #46270

    Hans – thank you for everything you have done & are doing!! & Andrea – WELCOME. I so wish we could have met in different circumstances but I’m a sister, too & my heart goes out to you so much.

    Please visit us often & scream, vent, cry & – ultimately – laugh. We’re here for you, too.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Mom lost her battle… #46379

    Thinking of you & your family today.

    Big hugs

    in reply to: External drain #46131

    Andrea, I’m so glad he’s feeling better. I have everything crossed he continues to do so. It must be so difficult for you not to “clock-watch” but I hope you can keep remembering that we do NOT have a set expiry date!!

    Thinking of you all
    Julia x

    in reply to: Devoncat no more #46253

    Thank you, Hans. I cannot tell you how much your posts have touched me. They have fired me, too, with fresh determination to do everything I can to help the cc cause.

    I have a justgiving page linked to AMMF in the UK. One of Kris’ friends made a donation in Kris’ memory, because she said she knew Kris “would want to help your sister fight & win”. I cried when I read the message she posted – but in my heart I know it’s true.

    Kris’ influence is extending around the globe all the time. Even now … perhaps even more so now …

    Thank you for sharing such personal moments with us. Please, please keep coming back to tell us how you are. You are “family” too.

    Love Julia x

    marions wrote:
    I much agree with yours and Tom’s comment in that this board can be difficult to visit. It is so very understandable. But, we are here for each other. And, that is priceless.

    Totally, totally priceless.

    I do so agree with your topic heading, Marion – we lose indeed. I thank God for the moderators who remain to greet & guide us & for those who have gone but who live on in their posts & in the love & fighting-spirit they have inspired in others.

    We WILL get there.

    in reply to: Linda Z #46458

    I, too, am so sorry to hear your news, Cyndi. Linda’s personality & energy come across so clearly in her posts & I was so glad to see her picture on the CCF Facebook page. She looked as lovely as she sounds.

    My love to all of you.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Mom lost her battle… #46372

    I’m so, so sorry, Codergirl. Be kind to yourself – there is no “better” way to deal with grief like this than the way you are able to.

    My sincere condolences to you & your family.


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