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  • in reply to: Devoncat no more #46221

    Since I read the news this morning, it feels like I’ve been in a fugue – trying desperately to focus on things which don’t matter & to avoid thinking about the things which do.

    I, too, feel like I know Kris & that I’ve lost a very, very dear friend. I will always remember her as this wonderful, sparkling woman who took my hand when I gingerly stepped onto the Boards not much more than a year ago & (along with other shining stars on here) gently guided me through the cc maze.

    Dear Kris – your posts made me laugh & cry & I learned so much from your wise words & from your compassionate actions. You could be going through some unimaginably hard times … & would then diffuse everything by “complaining” (;)) that the thing you hated most about cc was watching people turn green when you farted. I choked on my tea when I read that. My sister, too, was so grateful for all your insights into experiences she was having & that she felt so alone with.

    I can’t believe you’re no longer with us but I know you’ll never leave us.

    God bless you, Kris – & you Hans & your families (which, as someone else has already pointed out, of course includes your cats :))

    love from both of us
    Julia & Susan

    in reply to: time for hospice….. #46043
    elmoks wrote:
    PS: my two sisters, my mom and I are starting the year off with a slumber party, pedicures, manicures, and learning how to tie-dye!!

    What a wonderful way to start the new year!!

    My very best to you, your sisters & your mum :)


    in reply to: Mother diagnosed in September #45977

    Hello, Curt, & a big welcome from me, too. Please keep coming back to tell us how your mum is – & also how you are – getting on.

    Best wishes

    in reply to: Sweet SIL #46048

    Dear Cyndi – welcome indeed to this wonderful place. I send my very best to you, your SIL & your family. As you say, this is a difficult road & I wish you continued good news as you travel along it.


    in reply to: Jessie #46027

    This is such sad news. Her blog was so full of life & vibrancy. Please pass my deepest sympathy to Judy & her family.


    in reply to: Jessica Vega #46029

    I’m so very sorry to hear this, Terri. Jessie’s strength shone through her blog.

    in reply to: Leo Langheim #45970

    Dear Rick, although I’m so sorry to hear of Leo’s passing, I thank you for letting us know. My sincere condolences to his family.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Update on Devoncat in Germany #45928

    Thank you, Hans. Wishing you both a happy new year & I pray 2011 will bring you GOOD news!! X

    in reply to: Merry Christmas #45855

    May God bless you, too, Lisa. Glad the ERCP went well. Merry Christmas. X

    in reply to: Teddy is at PEACE #45184

    Darling Lainy

    I cannot express my mixed feelings of sadness at Teddy’s passing, relief that he’s no longer in pain & anger that the Hospice’s failings should have added to his pain & your distress. At the end you were together & in each other’s arms & that is a wonderful image.

    You & Teddy are my Miracle Couple – I thank God I found this site & met you both & your wonderful family & shared this part of your journey with you.

    I love you both & will always keep you in my heart, where Teddy will continue to laugh & joke & flirt with his gorgeous wife. This “short man” who “stands so tall” is a GIANT amongst men & will continue to guide & inspire us in our ongoing battle with his disease.

    May God bless you, Teddy, & you, too, lovely Lainy, Robin & Family.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: LaLupes’ Report on Westminster Lobby – LONG POST!! #44395

    Thank you, Snezzie – yes it does!! It makes me want to keep going & do as much as I possibly can.

    I really like the ideas you’ve been coming up with for February Awareness Month – & for raising awareness generally. I hope we can plan something for Feb that we can all do together, however far apart we may be.

    My best wishes

    in reply to: newbie – not sure how much to step in on Mom’s care #45120

    Dear Marj, I’d like to join the others in welcoming you to this wonderful site. I’m sorry I can’t add anything to Marion & Gavin’s comments, but I wanted you to know we’re here for you. I Know that sometimes it’s really hard to know what to do for the best, so please do let us know how you’re getting on.


    in reply to: Its a no #44857

    Dearest Andrea, I’m so sorry Professor Lodge can’t help, but how wonderful that you were able to find & ask him & that he was so willing to meet you all. I can’t see that there was anything you could have done that you didn’t do. Your dad is so lucky to have you – & it sounds like you’re equally lucky to have such a wonderful dad.

    my thoughts are very much with you & your family during this very difficult transitional period.

    Love Julia x

    in reply to: Toxic Boyfriend’s Back #44492

    Thank you for all your support. We did ask if it could be the stent but the Onc said the scan didn’t throw up any concerns about the stent & that there was no evidence of sludge.

    Once the Chemo restarted, she felt so much better, so quickly, that it seems to reinforce that view.

    Andrea – thank you for the info about the new trial. I looked into it but I don’t think she would qualify because of “spots” elsewhere. I do appreciate you looking out for new trials, though. I’m thinking of you & your dad.

    Kris – I love your daffodil pic!!

    My very best to you all
    Julia x

    in reply to: LaLupes’ Report on Westminster Lobby – LONG POST!! #44393

    Thank you all very, very much. I feel so good being able to DO something – however small – to chip away at this barrier of ignorance about cc which is hampering us all in our fight to beat this disease.

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