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  • in reply to: Hospice Here We Come #45085

    Dearest Lainy – like the others, I think of you & Teddy every day. You are both so incredibly inspirational in your love & in your amazing strength & I find it so hard to accept that Teddy is moving into this new phase. When I read of the tough times people I love on here are going through, I want to scream & shout & drum my heels & yell “But it’s just not fair!!” My childish tantrums won’t change anything but may release some of the anger & frustration I feel about such wonderful people having to deal with such physical & emotional pain. I know your strength & your limitless love will see you through this. It’s clear you have a wonderfully loving family out there in the “real” world, as well as on here in our (equally real) online world.

    I love you both very much.
    Julia x

    in reply to: today i am thankful for… #44475

    Me, too!! God only knows where I’d be without you all. X

    in reply to: the good, the bad, and the ugly #44470

    I’m very glad you’re more comfortable & that the kits (& Hans!) have you home with them. So many people who’ve never even met you love you loads – you are very special to all of us.


    in reply to: Mum passed away today #44144

    Dear Varun

    I’m so, so sorry. My very best wishes to you & your family.


    in reply to: Dave is back in the hospital…..sigh #43397

    Love to you both from me, too, Beth.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Kris #43364

    Hello Rick – I’ve put a similar message on Kris’ Facebook page & am hoping to get some news of her either there or on here. If I hear anything via that route, I’ll let everyone here know.

    I hope you’re doing well, too. How are you?


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42099

    Thinking of you & Tom, Margaret :)

    Julia x

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #43348

    “Recurrent fever due to lack of fluid intake”? Thank you, Marion. I’ll try & get more liquid into my sister.

    Laura – Welcome to the family. There’s such a wealth of care, information & support on this site. I’ve been here for over a year now & have been worrying about my sister’s recurrent fevers when she’s sleeping. Your post has helped me get some more information & I really, really hope our posts will help you, too.

    Please keep coming back & letting us know how you & your mum are.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Picture of Wayne #43334

    Dear Terry, I hope your doctor was truly helpful. People never seem to respond to others’ grief the way I expect them to – I think they’re frightened. Maybe they think it’s catching? I don’t know – I just know that everyone deals with their own grief in their own way & you take ALL the time you need to grieve your way.

    Please keep coming back & talking to us. We DO understand.

    Love Julia x

    in reply to: Need Help/Advice! Time is running out. #43253

    Dear Nick, my thoughts & very best wishes are with you & your family. I see you’ve only posted once, but I do hope you’re still checking in. We are all with you & caring for you & holding you close. You have become a member of our family with just that one post & we’d love to know how you are.

    Please come back & post again.


    in reply to: Burping and bloating #43232

    Hello Lesley – In view of this discussion, I particularly love your signature quote!! It’s brilliant!! :D


    in reply to: Do you have Pink Ribbon Fatigue? #43188

    Roni – we had a poll last year & chose February (“a rare month for a rare cancer”). Maybe it’s time we started planning next February’s campaign? Kris comes up with wonderful ideas in the shower; I do hope she’ll soon be well enough to share more of her “thought showers” with us on the Boards.

    Lainey – next time the nurse comes to help Teddy shower, could you ask him to focus on awareness ideas, too? Showers seem to be THE place to have them :)

    As to Pink Fatigue, my mum is a 25+ year breast cancer survivor & I thank God for it – but we’re all SICK of pink. Fight cancerS please – not just one!!!


    in reply to: Teddy & Lainy Update #43102

    Great news about you, Lainy. Glad Teddy’s not having nightmares are more. Love to you both xx

    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #43002

    Here’s hoping everything went well yesterday!! xx

    in reply to: Hello Friends…Here is the latest on Dave #43154

    Great news, Beth!! :D


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