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  • in reply to: Helping my Mom #32859

    I agree, Donellalu, talking to others who know does makes a massive difference, doesn’t it. Please keep coming back & letting us know how you & your mum are getting on. Don’t hold back on the tears on here; they really help too.

    Love Julia

    in reply to: Just Diagnosed, SWM 56 with CC #31222

    Welcome John – I’m sorry you have to be here but this is a wonderful place to be.

    I’m glad your doctors seem keen to move forward; one of the hardest things I found with my sister’s cc is what I saw as the lack of any movement. I see now that they were waiting for her bilirubin to come down but at the time it just seemed like an eternity before any progress was made. Please let us know how you get on.

    You won’t be alone here.


    in reply to: Passing on advice and warning from my psychologist #32943

    My friend (who has had ME for 25 years) does virtual trips, too, Val. Last weekend she took me with her to Kenya to sit in a treehouse overlooking a waterhole. She even let me bring my cat with me, as I didn;t want to leave her behind.

    I’d never been on a virtual trip before & I loved it!! She says she even has her own Castle in the Air & takes regular holidays there, too.


    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31823

    I’m so sorry, Gavin – that’s not news one would want to hear. My very, very best to you & your dad & mum. I get so angry at the way information like this is imparted – it sounds so cavalier. My sister says my anger is out of proportion – but’s it’s MY anger & I’ll let it get as big as it likes on occasions like this.

    My thoughts are with you all.

    in reply to: 2 years, months, weeks, days . . . #32930

    That must have been so hard for you, Bazel. How very, very kind you are & my very best wishes to you on this anniversary.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Coalition of National Cancer Cooperative Groups statement #32927

    Gosh – reading this really comforted me. Thank you, Marion.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31815

    I’m sorry your dad’s been going through another rough patch, Gavin & am glad the vomiting & pain are being controlled again. My sis was asking about the metal stents, too, & whether they need replacing or whether they’re in permanently. I know she had a really rough time getting them in place so I hope they don’t clog too easily. I really hope your dad’s is easily unclogged, if that’s what’s causing problems for him.

    Thanks for posting your recipe, Lainy – I’ll give it a try, too!!

    All the best to you all.

    in reply to: What a difference a couple of days makes! #32689

    Where in the Canaries did you go, Kris? I’m glad you had a good time. Did you try the canarian potatoes? I found them too salty, personally, but I know they’re extremely popular.

    The fish, though – that I love!! :D

    in reply to: Gemzar side effects this week. #32809

    I hope you feel much better very soon, Stan – whilst still killing the cc!!


    in reply to: Newly diagnosed…what next??? #32905

    Welcome, welcome, fightforlj. I’m sorry I can’t answer your questions, myself, as my sister’s experience isn’t the same as your brother’s, but there are people on here with a wealth of knowledge & I hope some will be able to help you.

    I’m not at all surprised you’re feeling overwhelmed with the news you’ve all been given. As the shock subsides, I hope the path will become clearer & you’ll all feel less helpless. In the meantime I send my very best wishes to you & your family in your fight.


    in reply to: hair loss….gemzar cisplatin #29769

    Thank you to you all for the info on thread. I know the thread is several months old but my sis has recently started on Gem/Cis & has been wondering what it will do to her hair. At the moment, her hair looks in great condition but she’s only had two doses so far.

    She’s asked me if anyone can tell her what “thinning” actually means in real terms, so I’ll print this off for her.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31802

    Oh, thanks, Janet!! They do give her something for the 3 days post-chemo. I’ll have a look & see what it is.

    I hope you’re okay. Jx

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32195

    Good luck with all this, LMM. You’ve got so much to deal with & I’m sending you my very best wishes.


    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31800

    That’s fantastic – thanks very much for the info & the offer!! We’ve discovered a new side-effect after this week’s chemo … HYPERACTIVITY!!! No doubt the “wall” will come up & hit her over the head sometime but it’s great to see her so full of energy.

    How’s your dad today??


    in reply to: I hate Thursdays #32861

    Oh yes, Mary’s Son … I know that feeling well. I hope today’s appointment went well for you.

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