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  • in reply to: Want me to name a blue jay for you???? #21553

    Congratulations on being a first-time grandma! How exciting is that!

    I’ve informed my 20-year old daughter and 21-year old son that it is time for them to start finding a spouse and giving me grandchildren. I’m serious, because I don’t know how much time I have left.

    I don’t like Oxycodone, because I’m still working and can’t afford to be running and creating T-SQL database scripts while half zonked!

    ~ Lisa

    in reply to: Want me to name a blue jay for you???? #21549

    Sophie, I’m glad you gave us an update. I was thinking about you. I hope you enjoyed your time with your sister. I’m trying to do fun things, too. Went to the ocean last weekend with my youngest daughter and her friend. If I gotta go, I want to leave some good memories behind!

    Although I’m not planning to go for a few years yet!

    in reply to: Preparing for Surgery #21440

    Hai Minh,
    I had exploratory surgery in March. They were unable to get the tumor out because it is wrapped around the IVC and high up in the liver.

    It seems that a successful resection is very much a factor of the size and location of the tumor.

    in reply to: Preparing for Surgery #21436

    when I was in the hospital, I used my iPod quite a bit. It was nice to listen to when I couldn’t sleep, or open my eyes (seeing triple). If you have a CD player or iPod, bring it.

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed #19699

    Kara, I am so sorry for your loss.

    May your mother rest in peace, and may your family find peace and consolation.

    God bless

    in reply to: Preparing for Surgery #21430

    My surgery was unsuccessful, too.

    I’d try to get as healthyas possible by eating lots of fruits and veggies, and getting some excercise. When I was in the hospital, the hardest thing was being unable to walk for a few days. Oh, and the morphine that they gave me for pain caused hallucinations. I thought that the wall was alive and crawling. Eww. And I didn’t see double, I saw triple. So when I closed my eyes, I hallucinated, and when I opened my eyes, I saw triple. That wasn’t a very good feeling.

    On the other hand, I was out of the hospital in a week, and back at work in three weeks. So the recovery time was pretty quick for me, because I was relatively healthy to begin with.

    Good luck on the surgery! I hope they get every last bit of the tumor.

    I’ll be praying for you.

    in reply to: Completely Oddball Question (from a Complete Oddball) #21242

    When I was first diagnosed, I was in and out of the hospital a few times. I had infections in the stents. I lost weight in the hospital. Then I had exploratory surgery in March, which caused me to lose even more weight. I gained it all back and then some this past couple of months. I’m the kind of person that likes to be physically active, but I really don’t have the energy for it right now.

    in reply to: Completely Oddball Question (from a Complete Oddball) #21240

    This cancer seems to attack us in so many different ways – as individually as each one of us. If only we had a magic bullet and could say “aha! I have the solution!”

    Jeff’s survival after so long is quite remarkable. Then we are sad at Barb’s passing a year after diagnosis. What makes the difference in survival?

    Irene, I have the same tumor in the same place as you. I’ve decided to go with chemo and am so far doing well and gaining weight back (much to my chagrin). I’m thinking of going on Slim-Fast this week.

    My last CT scan showed minimal shrinkage, and dilatations in the bile ducts. We’ll stay on this regimen until it doesn’t work any more or the tumor is gone :)

    in reply to: The CDR aka Barb #21311

    Dear Katie,
    Please pass along my condolences as well. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. But we know that she has passed into life eternal. Luis will have his own special saint praying for him in Heaven. God bless you all.
    Much love,

    in reply to: Feeling down right now #21300

    Has anybody had good results with Gemzar and Xeloda?

    This is the combination that I’ve been on for the past 9 months. It has shrunk the tumor and kept the cancer from spreading.

    My insurance company had me change from getting the prescription from the drug store to mail order. That saves them hundreds of dollars a month. You might ask them about the mail order option.

    Keep your chin up, Sophie! I’ve been fighting this for a year now – it’s possible to live and fight this disease. I’m still working and doing (almost) everything that I used to do.

    in reply to: Completely Oddball Question (from a Complete Oddball) #21222

    Hi y’all,
    I was and am about 20 lbs overweight. I was a moderate drinker – about 1 drink a day in the evening, but in the couple of years I previously I had been drinking about 2 drinks a day (stress over divorce!).

    Never smoked.

    Rode my bike a lot and was getting quite fit.

    Like y’all, the doctors can’t say what brought this on.

    No mets yet, no growth to tumor.

    Gemzar/Xeloda cycles indefinitely. I’m feeling the cumulative effects of chemo in that I’m always in a fog of fatigue, and get violently ill on Chemo Tuesday.

    in reply to: Second Opinion, Worse News #20994


    I made the decision to have surgery after radiation and chemotherapy. The CT scan showed that the tumor had shrunk enough to try after 6 months of therapy.

    The attempted resection failed because of IVC involvement. Sounds like my tumor is in the same approximate place that yours is.

    I’m about your age -45- and recovered quickly after surgery. I was back at work after only 3 1/2 weeks.

    Would it be possible for you to wait a little bit and see if more chemo can shrink the tumor before attempting resection?

    I’m continuing chemo with Gemzar/Xeloda. My last scan showed a slight shrinkage and no lymph node involvement as yet.

    So maybe wait and see while continuing treatment could be an option for you?

    in reply to: Hi #20751

    California will allow you to go on state funded disability almost immediately.

    SS has a 6 month waiting period, I think. I’m not sure if you are retroactively paid for the six months.

    So it’s true that you can go on Medicaid for the Disabled before Medicare? I thought I had to pay Cobra for 2 years if I become disabled. That’s good to know.


    You’re right, Jeff, your overall health is so important in fighting this disease. I took my health for granted all those years. Now I’m struggling to eat right and excercise the way I should because it never seemed all that important before.

    Jeff, you’re the man!


    Thanks for posting that link, Patty. I will print it out and ask my doctor about it next week.

    To me it seems that one of the big differences between long term survivors and those who succumb quickly is age. Jeff has lived with this for nearly a decade, so he was in his forties (I think) when he was first diagnosed.

    I’m 45, and have survived for a year now; the past 7 months in fairly good health, with no “metanasties” so far.

    This cancer is so different for everyone. Jeff has the most information and best advise on the site because he has been fighting it for so long.

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