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  • in reply to: sugars effect on cancer #57684

    Processed sugar isn´t good for anybody, cancer or not.

    Fruit and berrys have been shown to contain a lot of cancer-fighting stuff!

    What is shown is that high insulin levels and IGF (insulin growth factor) stimulates tumors to grow. They also stimulate the dreaded inflammation of tissues that helps cancers and other diseases to develope.
    There are a lot of scientific publications on this subject, to be found on pubmed for example.

    in reply to: It’s not a cure, but stable is good. #57473

    This is wonderful!!!

    in reply to: Sterio tactic Radiosurgery #57298

    I learned that according to Traditional Chinese Medicin you should avoid wheat, dairy and sugar if you have cancer. So I try to avoid that as much as possible. I also eat vegetarian, drink one big cup of green tea and eat a lot of fruit and berries each day.

    in reply to: Bad day #57160

    Jtoro, I´m so sorry you´ve fallen down into this dark hole we all stumble in to sometimes.

    Please try to focus on the present – THE ONLY MOMENT WE LIVE IN, EVER.

    Only in the present can we change anything. The past only exists in our minds, as does the future. Trying to control the past or the future will only cause you dispair, all the power you have is here and now.

    What happened did happen because it did. You cannot change that. The future will come to you as a present moment, and what you do now will affect how this moment will present itself.

    in reply to: HELLO: AN Introduction #57025

    Hello, I’m Maria Andersson, 45, from Sweden. Living at the swedish westcoast, working (at the moment parttime) as a RN in ambulance. Married to Mikael, mother to Daniel 20. Love running and Ashtangayoga. And my dog, Elsa.

    I found out I had cancer in April 2010. Intrahepatic CC with a big tumor 10×8 cm and more than 10 small ones, 1 cm, spread all over the liver = inoperable.

    From May 2010 until Feb 2011 on Gemzar+Oxaliplatin (13 rounds) which I had to quit due to neuropathy. Then Gemzar+Xeloda, and finally a couple of rounds of Gemzar+Cisplatin nov-dec 2011. I’ve also had 5 chemoembolizations.
    This coctail has made my tumors shrink a lot, and a few has disappeared. My MRI in Dec showed no circulation in all but two tumors, and I therefore wanted a break from chemo, which my doctor thougth was a good idea.
    Feb 28 I have a new MRI, and of course I’m anxious to see what has happend during this break. I feel good though.

    I’ m very grateful that I have been able to live such a good life during this treatment, running and working. I feel truly blessed!!


    in reply to: just learning about CC #57067

    Hi Jessica!
    I got more or less the same message from the liversurgeon I finally got to May-2010 after a month at a smaller hospital not knowing what we were dealing with. I had a huge tumor and more than ten small ones spread all over the liver.
    He told me nothing colud be done and that I could skip chemo. I was 43, in very god shape and wanted treatment anyway. THANK GOD!!! I still don’t feel sick and after lots of chemo, 5 chemoembolizations my tumors have shrunk/disappeared and currently I have taken a break from treatment to see what happens.
    Since diagnosis I have travelled in Europe, India and California : ), run a halfmarathon, back to work etc etc = LIFE IS NOT OVER
    I’m so happy I got the book Anticancer, it has helped me a lot!! I would really recommend it!
    Hugs from Sweden

    in reply to: my upcoming surgery! #56745

    I´ve tried both combos and Cisplatin is NOTHING compared to Oxaliplatin!! No cold-numbness for ex. Cis is more toxic to the kidneys though.I haven´t had Cis long enough to get the neuropathy. The one I got from Oxaliplatin (13 cycles) has disappeard.
    I´m sure it´s going to be just fine however you chose to do!

    in reply to: Introduction #56366

    Lisa, I’m sorry you have to start a new battle again, but you don’t seem like the kind of person to give in because of things being dificult.
    I would really recommend the book Anticancer by David Servan Shreiber if you didn’t read it. There’s a lot about food and how that affects cancer.
    I started out in april 2010 with one big and ten small tumors in my liver, unresectable, and still going strong. I’m sure, and so is my doctor, that the way I live has been just as important as the chemotherapy in achieving this.
    Hope and light!

    in reply to: Lauren’s tumors are shrinking!!!! #55672

    Great news!! Has chemoembolization been discussed? It killed my big tumor.

    in reply to: Tumor shrinking #56181

    Kris, this is so so wonderful!!!!!!
    Sounds like the tumor has given up and backing off!

    in reply to: Pathology Report #55956

    Yeah Tiffany – always this not knowing! I had to do another biopsy as well, got more or less the same answers as you.
    Good thing about that nobody’s ever really sure of anything is that then WE can decide! Like I’ve decided that I will win over CC. And I’m doing that right now. I think you are too, right????

    in reply to: 19 months and still stable #55945

    Very good news indeed!!! This 0.1 cm could be just difficulties measuring, it´s very dificult measure exactly the same way everytime.
    Have a happy, happy Christmas!!

    in reply to: Best Christmas Gift Ever! #55920

    Yesyesyesyes :D You can do it!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Acupuncture/nausea #55851

    And a very very Merry Christmas to you, best Lainy in the world <3

    in reply to: New around these parts #55721

    Lainy, probably our environment is involved as well. Or the way we live. AND genetics, but probably a bad combination. I would guess female hormones play a part as well. Or testosterone somehow protective? Maybe someday we´ll know.

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