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  • in reply to: Scan showed good results #23630

    dldc… Nice to hear for you Mom to have responded so well to the chemo and I am hoping for her breathing problems to diminish real soon. I am looking forward to hearing from you about the next plan of action to be taken under consideration and I am wishing for your Mom to enjoy the three weeks of relaxation and rest coming her way.

    in reply to: I am new to this site #23698

    Hello middlesister…I would like to follow Lainy in welcoming you. The stent should give your sister some welcome relief from her jaundice and hopefully, the anemia will be beaten soon, also. Being a colon cancer survivor you must be a wonderful support to your sister as you truly can relate to her feelings and the feeling of hope you are able to convey to her. I don’t know whether you already have used the “Search Forum” however, if you chose to do so it will allow you to peruse many postings by others although, it is a lengthy process I believe for a wealth of information being hidden in those threads. For example, if you chose to read up on “anemia” simply, enter it (forget about author unless you would specially want to read up on his or her comments) and you will be able to read up on comments made by others. You might also want to enter “mets to bones”. Again, I am so glad for you to have found us and I am looking forward to any questions and comments by you coming our way.

    in reply to: Drained and feeling guilty… #23708

    Tonia….this is a complex situation with many feelings and fears experienced by all family members. I would run this past Dr. Giles on this site as he is a great support to all of us. My experience was similar to yours in that when my husband was diagnosed most comments and suggestions made by others were based on the lack of knowledge of this disease but, mainly underlying was the overwhelming fear of the possibility of losing someone so loved by all. I made sure to research any options possible and then supported my husband, following his wishes, and I never looked back all the while I continuously had to remind myself that this was his disease, his body, and his decisions and realizing the fact that my husband had lost the control over his body and the only thing left for him to control was how he wanted to proceed with treating this cancer. You are a wonderful support to your grandma and I can imagine how grateful she is to you. Others may also have some stories to share and suggestions coming your way.
    Tons of hugs coming your way,

    in reply to: Family not sure what to do #23546

    My deepest condolences to you and the family Aunt Pat has left behind. You must be assured that you have done everything possible to ease her passing. Hoping for your heart to heal….one day at a time.

    in reply to: Patricia Dumont (Aunt Pat) #23615

    I am so sorry to hear about your aunt Pat’s passing. What a beautiful person she was and what everlasting memories she left behind. She will be singing wherever she is.
    Hugs to you and your family,

    in reply to: My Grandmother was diagnosed the 13th #23623

    T…T….I also would like to welcome you to our special little world of Cholangiocarcinoma. You are already helping your grandma by being involved in her treatment and by reaching out for information and simply, by being with her. Once you will receive the pertinent information from the physician your grandma and you will have some decisions to make and I believe, these decisions should be based on as much information as possible. Of course, I advocate for 2nd or 3rd or even more opinions as this cancer effects people differently. Gathering all records including surgery report and physicians notes plus any medical imaging and lab results and forwarding these to another center or physician familiar with CC would be one way of assuring yourself that nothing is being overlooked in re: to your grandma future plans. And, don

    in reply to: Miracle Man does it again! #22938

    Lainy…I am overjoyed to hear the good news. Teddy, your Birthday on the 27th will be the best ever. Hugs to both of you.

    in reply to: Vietnam Vets with Cholangiocarcinoma #20660

    I agree with you, Darla it is puzzling and not well understood. My guess is that science will be focusing more on genetics and geonomics in order to find the key to many of our current diseases.

    in reply to: Vietnam Vets with Cholangiocarcinoma #20658

    By entering the word: “cytology” under the Search Forum (you don’t need an author’s name) a conversation will show up from Dec. 07. The entire thread is interesting to read and may just give some answers to some of the questions we have.

    in reply to: Help for patients in the UK #20043

    I so much agree with the above. In fact, have you read the Newsletter especially, the part Stacie had written?

    in reply to: Always Some Hitch! #22962

    What wonderful news, Lainy. I would assume that as soon as they nip the infection Teddy will be on the golf course again. Hoping for you to get some much needed rest and for Teddy to have a lower temperature by tomorrow.

    in reply to: Stepdad with cc #20561

    Sherri…I am so sorry to hear the news and I admire you for being there for both, your Mom, and Stepdad. Hospice will be able to tend to him so that he can be comfortable. If possible, you might want to ask about their experience with CC as this cancer differs very much from most.

    Caring for someone with advanced cancer has been described to others as being the toughest thing they have ever been through. And yet they wouldn

    in reply to: just need some words of encouragement #23586

    lissa….this is the right place to post and I am so glad that you have done so. I have read once: Whatever you do, don’t panic because then walls of fear form around us which could diminish our decision-making abilities. Each person has a unique way of responding to their cancer therfore, learning about it, and having a positive outlook is a major component for success.

    You are an example of courage and determination and I would like you to know that I am sending all my love your way.

    in reply to: New to group #23581

    Hello and welcome. This is a great place for support to those who have been touched by Cholangiocarcinoma and I am happy for you to have joined us. I don

    in reply to: Mr. J is cancer free!!! #23246

    candyz….I would also like to share the joy of your brother’s well being. It is so encouraging to hear the wonderful news and it gives hope to the rest of us. Continued success and a clear CT scan in three months is what I wish for.

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