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  • in reply to: The Wellness Community #22589

    Bill….so nice to hear from you. Am thinking of you and the boys, often. I think that the The Wellness Community is well represented throughout the Nation and a great organization to be involved with. As Jeff has said already, thanks for posting this.

    in reply to: In hospital with blood infection #22554

    Lisa…hoping to hear from you soon …from home.
    Sending good wishes your way.

    in reply to: Husband diagnosed with CC #22574

    Vickey…..I would like to follow Lainy in welcoming you to our site. (The one no one wants to be on although, the one which enables us to support each other each and every step of the way.) Please, ask the questions coming from your heart…this is a great place to do so.

    in reply to: AZD6244 #21452

    Jenn….These are some of the recommendations for dry mouth. Sip of water every few minutes, try very sweet or tart foods and beverages (such as lemonade: these foods may help your mouth make more salivia. (Do not try this if you have a tender mouth or sore throat and the sweet or tart foods make it worse.) Suck on hard candy or popsicles or chew gum. Eat soft and pureed foods, which may be easier to swallow. Keep lips moist with lip salves. Moisten food with sauces, gravies, and salad dressing to make it easier to swallow. If dry mouth is severe, ask your doctor about products that coat, protect, and moisten your mouth and throat. These are sometimes called “artificial salivia”.
    Copied from: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIH, NCI “Eating hints for cancer patients, before, during & after treatment.
    Sending tons of good wishes your way.


    andyjuk…In our quest of finding a surgeon qualified in resection we had mailed the 3D scan to three physicians familiar with liver and bile duct resection thus allowing us to make an informed decision. And yes, opinions varied greatly but, then that is to be expected with a complex surgery such as CC however, as you will read, on this forum, many members have undergone resections, successfully. I believe, confusion is part of the situation while juggling all the information and opinions coming your way. The members on this site are so very helpful in helping you along in this maze. In the mean time I would continue gathering all medical records pertaining to your Mom (including all scans, lab reports, doctor’s notes, etc.) and have them ready to forward those to several medical institutions or physicians who could possibly review your Mom’s medical condition. Sending tons of good wishes your way.

    in reply to: At Peace #22518

    Barbara Ann….My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Your Dad passing peacefully in your presence and that of his loved ones is the ultimate gift to him and to you. My thoughts are with you.

    in reply to: I emailed a surgeon for referral #22512

    Sophie….great news..the grandbaby and of course…your tumor markers.. the trend is going in the right direction..You are doing wonderful.

    in reply to: Need some advice/help #22513

    Sophie….I have a booklet from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institute of Health, and the National Cancer Institute. It is called:
    Eating Hints for cancer patients, before, during & after treatments. I will see if it can be mailed to you.
    Hang in there…we are rooting for you.

    in reply to: Recent News #22450

    Dearest Irene…..there are times when words just don’t seem to be enough to express our feelings. I am sending to you the biggest cyberhug ever with the hope of it being some comfort to you. I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your Mom. But, one thing more then anything I would like to emphasize- you are not alone… have your CC family – always. So glad you were able to vent – this is the place to do so -.
    Thinking of you and sending my biggest hugs ever

    in reply to: Question #22425

    Amy….such great news about your Mom feeling as well as she is. As I have pointed out before…it never hurts to have a second, or third opinion. It might be helpful to gather her scans and surgery report in order to have another physician look at it someone, of course, who is familiar with CC. It will put your mind at ease and is well worth the trouble. Otherwise, I am so thrilled with the success your Mom has had.

    in reply to: sick Mom still undiagnosed #22412

    Dear sad son

    in reply to: Husband newly diagnosed #22393

    Jan…good wishes coming your way and we are awaiting to hear from you as soon as you are able to report back. So glad for you to have found us.

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21336

    Dear Frogspawn…I am so sad to hear of your losses.
    Although, on both sides of the spectrum, your Brother and your Dad chose to proceed with and without treatment respectively, they had made their decision based on their personal reasoning and therefore are, in my opinion, highly admirable people. At times, we have a tendency to forget to honor those decisions of our loved ones when dealing with their illness.
    I agree with you in re: to the invasive invention in order to detect the true progression of the disease. Also, I would like to add that imaging such as MRI and CT cannot detect any nodule less then 1 cm in size as imaging plates are in the thickness of

    in reply to: I am recently diagnosed #22344

    Susanne….sorry to hear about the aborted surgery. As our surgeon had commented…..we really don’t know the extend of the disease until we can physically observe it in the operating room. Hoping for you to recover soon and please, stay in touch as you are contemplating your next step. So glad for you to have found us.

    in reply to: A blockage…and then what #22179

    Belle…so sorry for not responding any earlier. Just arrived back from Europe. I will e-mail you, personally. All my best wishes…..

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