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  • in reply to: [REPOSTED to correct area] Hello Everyone! #91235

    Dear Jacdoll,

    OK, this is just my opinion only, but I say go for the trial! One of my biggest gripes is that we have to fail a chemo regimen before we can enter a trial. I feel that if we are wanting to try a trial that we would be stronger going into it if we had not already beaten down our bodies with a chemo regimen.

    Now, an exception for me would be to do a chemo regimen in order to shrink tumor to have it surgically removed. If that is a possibility and there are no mets, then I would do it in hopes to gain surgery.

    I was diagnosed at age 41, that was 6 years ago. I had liver resection with recurrence 3 months later to my lungs. I was then labeled stage IV terminal. I wanted to immediately start a trial, but couldn’t for insurance reasons at that time. I then did Gem/Cis for 6 months with horrible side effects, did Gem alone with growth of tumors, did Taxotere with horrible side effects. Four years ago, I entered into a clinical trial at NIH. I have had great success, but wish I could have skipped the first 2 years of chemo.

    This is my opinion only, but I believe the treatments to come are going to be the game changers in this disease, and we wont’t have them until trials are available and patients are participating. I feel strongly about new options for all of us, and have high HOPE for what is to come.

    Best wishes for your decisions, and know that whatever route you two go, we are all here to support and cheer you on! Prayers and hugs to you!


    in reply to: Introduction #91229


    I would also like to thank you for posting your story and welcome you to the discussion board. There is such strength in numbers. I am so happy for you and your progress. I also admire your strong faith. That is my source of strength as well! Sending prayers for your continued good health.


    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78781


    Technically by RECIST criteria measurement, criteria of the trial, I have not yet shown progression of disease. In fact, with the way the measurements are….there was no change.

    My husband asked that question to one of the team members, why not just start the pembrolizumab right now, and he said he thought that would be a good idea, but I don’t think it was brought up again with the rest of the team. I will definitely shoot off an email in the morning to find out why.


    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91166

    Dearest Lainy,

    You are one tough cookie! I just know you will come through this operation with flying colors. I will miss your posts while you are healing, and look forward to updates from your daughter. Sending prayers now and will continue to pray for you and your surgeons. Take care, love and hugs sent your way.


    in reply to: It’s back! Cholangiocarcinoma #91188

    I did Gem/Cis for 6 months with stable results, but horrible neuropathy developed as well as hearing loss after that time frame. Each of us handle it differently, take it one treatment at a time and let your doc know of any troubles right away. Take care, and keep us posted. You got this!



    Sending prayers for you and your mom that scan results are more than positive! Hugs to you both!

    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78779

    Dear CC Family,

    I just returned from NIH, where I had a PET scan, CT scans and MRI, along with blood work. It has been 27 months since my treatment. I have had NO other treatments in that time frame. My tumors have shrunk incredibly in that time.

    While I was hoping that this month’s scans would show more shrinkage or proof of just scar tissue remaining, that was not the case. My results by criteria of the trial were STABLE, which is GREAT! Unfortunately, the PET scan showed increased uptake in a handful of tumors in my lungs, except one, which showed no uptake at all! By eye they also felt that a few lung tumors were a bit plumper in my lungs. These results leave us wondering if this monster could be on the rise again. I will return in 3 months and depending on scans then, we will form a plan of action. It is also important for me to note that the spots on my liver had no uptake of glucose as well on the PET, which is also GREAT.

    So all in all, these are great results. I can’t deny that my heart sank a bit at first but I know that what has been accomplished in 27 months is amazing , wonderful and miraculous!!!

    They have added to the treatment the drug pembrolizumab. They feel that this could increase the response to the mutation reactive t-cells. So if worse comes to worse, I will most likely do the treatment again with this addition, but for now it is a wait and see.

    I still hold so much hope for the future treatments coming our way. Hang in there, good things happening.

    All my best,

    in reply to: Dawn E Paddock #91105

    I wish to express my deepest sympathy for the loss of your wife. Praying for peace, strength and comfort for you and your family. Hugs to you.

    in reply to: Update on wife’s CC #90845

    Hi Frank,

    I also have mets to my lungs and did gem/cis for about 6 months with stable disease. I continued on the gem/cis regimen until the toxicity was too much to handle. I have severe neuropathy in my feet, lower legs and hands. I also have some hearing damage. That was five years ago. Thanks to a clinical trial and a new immunotherapy approach , I am doing great today. I agree with Marion that I am sure they will want to stick to this treatment for as long as it is working. Keep your eye open for the targeted therapies for any results of the molecular testing for a plan B. Hang in there and give your wife a hug for me!


    in reply to: Update on LY2801653 clinical trial #79296


    I am so sorry to hear this news, but agree with you about this being a success. Two and a half years is nothing to scoff at. You keep those big girl panties pulled up and stay positive, there is more to come for treatment and new breakthroughs everyday!! Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs your way!

    in reply to: 4th Annual Memorial Benefit Wrap-up #90796

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! I am so happy and proud of the great work you have done and continue to do!!! From the bottom of my heart…..thank you.

    in reply to: My husband passed away #90759

    Dear Surfer,

    I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your husband. Sending prayers for peace, comfort and strength for you and your family.


    in reply to: Successful Surgery #90701


    So happy everything went well, Merry Christmas to you, best present EVER!!
    Hugs and prayers,

    in reply to: My Mum Mags #86953


    Your mother is beautiful!!! I so enjoyed the pictures. Thank you so much for your input on your experience. The more we know the better we are. Take care.

    in reply to: Successful Surgery #90687


    Sending prayers for a successful surgery and easy recovery. You got this! Looking forward to hearing from you when all is completed. Take care, hugs to you!

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