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  • in reply to: Diagnosis problems #90158

    Hi Rosalie,

    Mom’s operation was in Nov 2013. She then did 3 cycles of Gem/Cis which shrunk the tumor a bit,and then she had first SIRT in Feb. 2014. Although that treatment killed much of the tumor, we decided to attack it again and had a 2nd SIRT in Nov 2014. For the 2nd SIRT, she took xeloda for 2 weeks before and after. Since then, both CT and PET scans have shown no evidence of disease. The doctor used the term remission, and we hope it continues. She gets scans every 3 months and have one later this week.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Hello and initial advice #90529

    Hi, my mom’s tumor (icc) was 4×6 when found. We did 3 cycles of gem cis before moving on to SIRT. We were lucky that the cancer had not spread beyond
    Tumor site so now at a year after SIRT,she is still enjoying treatment free life .
    Best wishes

    in reply to: My 2nd dose tomorrow. #90497

    My husband was a hippie during the 60s ,but even with that possible drug exposure, he never mentioned cat pee stories to me.

    in reply to: My wee dad #88137

    Dear Carol thank you so much . I’m amazed every day by the people here who have lost love ones, but instead of walking away, give their energy, heart and souls to others. We are so fortunate to have people like you

    in reply to: New Scan Report #90548

    Dear Julie. So sorry this is not what we want for you and I know not what u want either . Just wondering can they zap the sucker rather than surgery again if it’s just the one small place? We may heaer differently next week, but so far SIRT in conjunction with chemo has kept mom’s one location at bay. Love and big hugs. Catherine

    in reply to: Husband Newly Diagnosed with CC #85513

    Beautiful photos- thank you for sharing!


    in reply to: Diagnosis problems #90156

    I truly hope surgery is in your future. However, if not possible, do no look to outdated statistics that do not apply to all. Mom’s surgery was aborted after they opened her up, so we thought we had our last holiday season with her in 2013, but another one is just around the corner and she’s feeling good. There still is hope.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Husband Newly Diagnosed with CC #85507

    Dear Janet,

    I was very sorry to read this update. Please know community is behind you. You never have to worry about long posts- this is a place to vent anger, fear, frustration, sadness and all the emotions that come along with this lousy disease. You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care,

    in reply to: My 2nd dose tomorrow. #90493

    Mom found egg salad on white bread appealing. We just went along with whatever sounded good each day.

    Hope all goes well.


    in reply to: SIRTS Side Effects Please help #90331

    Mizzey- For the SIRT, Mom had tiredness for longer and more extreme than the norm (about 8 weeks). Also, she had a history of adhesions from surgery 20 years ago, and between the failed resection and the SIRT, there are times when the pain is bad for days at a time. She tries to keep it from us, but it is debilitating at times.

    You are not sounding desperate. You are sounding like a loving family member and I wish I was there to give you one of Marion’s hugs. I have two sisters and my heart is going out to you and your family.

    Not sure if it’s possible where you are, or you have the time, but I (family) refused to leave Mom in the hospital alone. I slept in a chair for a couple of days. If it’s only for a couple of days till you can get her home, can a family member stay with her?

    Most likely unrelated, but we had problem with Dad (not CC) while in the hospital and he was having reaction to too many narcotics which caused confusion and hallucinations. Some are more sensitive and Dad was one. In addition to confusion confusion, the meds even slowed his respiratory rates to dangerous levels

    We are here for you. I wish it could be more, but we care.


    in reply to: My Introduction #80401

    Now I can add Matt and Merck to my hero list . I love the zero side effects. What’s great is we have heard that it can still be doing wonders even without them. I can’t wait to hear that is the case for you too Matt!

    best wishes,

    in reply to: End of life #90441

    Dear Susan,

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m glad you were blessed with the years and grand kids. And, I hope all the time you share together now also brings more comfort and peace.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89296

    Dear Ali,

    I am very sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies are with you all.

    Take care,

    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89866


    So very, very happy for you and the family-


    in reply to: Making my new diet not suck. #90471

    Thanks for the suggestions Scott- I am a gummy bear addict (and potato chips) but not the sour type. It is nice when we see positives come from facing this disease.

    Lainy- I’ll have to read the Ragu label and see if they use sugar or baking soda. I have a feeling it’s probably sugar.

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