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  • in reply to: Hello, new to this. #95404

    Dear Jack,

    I am very sorry for your diagnosis, but very happy you found us. My mother had ICC, and they tried to operate, but once in closed her back up and told us 12 month prognosis. However, 2 cycles of chemo and then two Y90 treatments, and she has been free of disease for almost 3 years now. She is unfortunately not the norm, but we are hearing more success stories than in the past- treatments are improving and we are seeing some great results with new targeted therapies.

    I do not know about the PI3K, but towards the top left there is a “search” option- when I put in PI3K there were some earlier posts which may help you out. And, since it sounds like your tumor may be similar to my Mom’s ( once central ICC with no mets), it couldn’t hurt to also ask about Y90 as well.
    I’m not sure where in FL you are, but Mom’s IR doc is now at Sarasota Memorial if you opt for a second opinion.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: MDS Remission #94555

    Dear Patti-

    Although we were tempted to keeping attacking with chemo, once all the tumor was dead , the ONC said why do chemo- how would she measure effectiveness if there was nothing to kill with it? I am not a doc, but do know that chemo is not good stuff for the body, so I would definitely get a second opinion on if you should continue or save it for if anything comes back.
    Dr. M was always there for us to reach out to and the docs at MD would comment on that he was the best at reading the scans. When our ONC ordered scans, I would email Dr. M and he would take a look rather just have us going on staff’s reading. I would highly recommend at least sending him your scans and asking him to read them- pretty sure he would do that without a “consult”. And, if you want to have me drop him a line first, let me know. We get scan results for Mom today so I will be emailing him this evening to share the results.

    Good luck,


    Dear Hopeseeker,

    Thank you for the update- keeping fingers crossed for chemo and keeping pain in control.

    Take care,

    in reply to: MDS Remission #94551

    Dear Patti,

    Although very hard to do, please try and look at Feb 2018 as possible party date to celebrate how wrong the doctor was. We get scan results tomorrow for Mom, and we’re almost at 4 years since diagnosis ( Oct 2013). I had a hard time understanding the “size” of the tumor. They gave us measurements, but at least for Mom, it wasn’t a nice symmetrical mass that was easy to measure. And, even after the second Y90, there was tissue there, but all necrotic. We are ok with dead tissue hanging out- just because they can still measure it, does not mean it’s viable. She took oral chemo for 2 weeks after second Y90, but since then has not had chemo. Are the smaller tumors still active? If not are they considering letting him stop the chemo?

    One note if you ever need a second IR opinion- My Mom;s IR (Fred Moeslein) moved to FL- he’s now at Sarasota Memorial-
    he said to feel free to direct patients in his direction, and just as when Ihe was at Maryland he is willing to patient’s records before I meeting to spare them a trip if he can’t help.

    Take care,


    Great article- thank you Gavin!

    in reply to: Scan results #95388


    My mother had shrinkage with her first Y90 treatment, but it took a second treatment ( in conjunction with oral chemo) to kill what viable tumor we could see. In fact, one of her doctors said his goal was never to kill it all, but the second doctor aimed high and got us there. Our approach was to attack while we could ( journal article I saw with success was TACE) and so far we have been fortunate. We were also told not a cure, but going on 3 years treatment free. I am happy to hear your ONCs are willing to do multiple treatments- we had to push for it and so glad we did.

    Best wishes for great results,

    in reply to: The passing of a great mom #93476

    Dear Nancy,

    I hope the therapy works. My mom had her scan this week and we are optimistic that the CC is still in remission ( results next tues). However, we lost Dad to lung cancer 5 months ago and I just spent the last hour looking at pics from his memorial site and sobbing. I have a doc visit with GP and will be discussing depression and concerns that I am not as productive at work as I should be. I guess my only “positive” for today is that I am now remembering Dad as he was before the cancer took hold . And, although I am devastated that he will not be coming back, I also realized how much he was loved and will always be a part of us. My main focus is to support my mother.

    Sorry for the rambling and talking more about me than you- but knowing how I feel, love and hugs are coming your way because I know how much it changes your life when you lose a parent.

    Take care,

    in reply to: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly #95371

    Dear Julie,

    You are a fighter, but I am so sorry you aren’t able to just revel in the great report on the CC and focus on living and grandkids. I hope that in the near future, you get that luxury.

    Love and hugs are coming your way-


    in reply to: Latest Report on Chemo Treatment Xeloda #95006

    Dear Fay,

    So sorry you had to run listen to a jerk face, but so very excited to hear how well your Mom is doing. My mother was also told many negative things ( no need for mammogram- this will kill you sooner). However, she almost 4 years since diagnosis and they have her back to annual mammograms, dentist visits, and taking vitamins. I hope you get the opportunity years from now to tell the provider he was wrong.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Trial of FF 21101-Y-90 Phase I working! #94570


    Thank you for sharing the great news and information.

    I look forward to hearing about continued great results.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Hello from Spain #95221

    Dear Anelko,

    I’m very sorry that your father has been diagnosed with this disease. And so sorry your mother is fighting cancer too. My husband had surgery for colon cancer and chemo back in 1996. We are very fortunate that the treatments worked and it has not returned. I wish the same success for your mother.

    Every case is different. My mother was diagnosed in Oct 2013 and they weren’t able to operate. Her prognosis was 1 year. We were lucky and with chemo and radiation, she has been able to be without treatments for over 2 years. Tomorrow she’s coming with us on a vacation for a week and we plan on doing lots of hiking ( very easy and flat trails). So, this cancer is bad news, but not hopeless.

    Best wishes to you and your family.




    We start off or marked posts with sensitive- maybe this should be sensitive for political reasons. I will caveat with that until the last year, I kept my mouth shut most of the time, but could also enjoy an intelligent discussion debating what is the best way for government to work. I always found it interesting to learn more and see other views. However, all I see now is a health bill ( and environmental policies) which will negatively harm many people and the planet.

    I appreciate these posts ( along the lines with ASCO saying senate bill is very bad)

    There are some who rely on a limited number of new sources and may not see things from all angles.

    I think FACTS are 22 million will lose health insurance (some republicans claim ONLY 10 million- guess that’s ok)
    Before Obama care, 60% of employer policies had lifetime limits- these could be reinstated
    Bill would give a $720 billion tax-cut to the very wealthy ( by cutting medicaid)

    Only 17% of people support this bill- so why are they trying to push it through?
    The basic foundation for success is there with Obamacare, and the States that supported it and expansion of medicaid are doing well. However, this uncertainty is making thing worse. Obamacare should be tweaked to improve, but should not be repealed by those who want to cut taxes for the wealthy, or just can’t stand anything tied to Obama. I ‘m sure it’s not as prevalent as reported, but so sad that there are people who want to see Obamacare repealed, but like the ACA health insurance they were able to get. I listened this morning to a doctor from NH who said they have seen over 1 million new people in the health system since Obamacare went into effect. Overall it costs the state less and they end up with a healthier population.

    They will be offering senators financial incentives ( money towards campaigns) to vote to push this through. I would ask all to please not just listen to tweets, but find out what this bill will do to you and your loved ones. Then, please write or call your senators.

    People will die if they put this through- not fake news.

    Warren Buffett revealed that he would save nearly $700,000 in taxes every year if the GOP repeal bill passes and said Republicans should just rename it the “Relief for the Rich Act.”

    It’s not a health care bill. It’s a massive redistribution of wealth from low-income Americans to the rich.


    in reply to: My beloved MOM #95145

    Dear Red,

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. This horrible disease still takes too many loved ones from us. Unfortunately we know that even those who give their heart and souls to battling the disease, sometimes still succumb. We know you supported him throughout.

    My heartfelt thoughts are with you,


    in reply to: Rejected by Mayo? #94910

    I have to admit that although I’m sure it’s healthy for the body, I am surprised that an ONC said you must cut out sugar and wheat products. I have no doubt that env factors and food additives contribute to cancer and other illnesses we see( the science stuff that is not allowed these days), but once the cancer has taken hold, I have seen less about how environmental and/ or diet influences disease progression. My mother is doing great four years since diagnosis, and this was never brought up to us. We were told common sense things since liver was compromised . However, a few months after the Y90 , our radiologist said Mom should enjoy vacation to FL and enjoy a cocktail during the sunset (of course in moderation) I am not a medical practitioner, but I can understand that keeping healthy diet gives the patient a better chance of being up to the stresses put on the body from treatments. And, I’m sure certain foods are more nutritious and easier on the body for digestion.
    However, I worry that patients would think diet will affect progressions of tumors. I would be interested to know if there is any scientific evidence to say that diet could affect how the tumors respond to treatment or could slow/speed up progression. And, I guess I’m sensitive since we lost Dad to cancer this year as well, but we were never told/led to believe that changing his diet would have changed his prognosis or how the disease progresses. I am 99.99% sure that changing his diet would not have changed his progression of disease or quality of life. Life is hard enough when dealing with CC- I just want to make sure we are not needlessly telling patients that they can no longer enjoy the things (foods) they like without just cause.
    Please forgive me if I am way off base- I hope people can chime in with knowledge on this subject.
    love and best wishes to all,

    in reply to: Walking The Road #95182

    Thoughts and prayers are with you every day Julie (Iowa girl)- I do have to admit i kind of cringe on how creative you can be even with this crappy disease. With the nice weather forecast, we will order pizza and hang out on the deck this weekend. We will be celebrating Mom’s 77th bday- a milestone the doctor’s said we would not reach. And, it will be a Carvel Icecream cake :)

    Love and hugs,

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