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  • in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44550

    Lainy, I think I also have a Brand X on my hands. I think I am going to go see my kids up in Northern CA for a few days. We only have one car here but I have decided to rent a car and just go, as long as he is doing okay enough to take care of himself and drive himself around.

    in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44541

    I might be a little late but I REALLY have to weigh in on this one. Margaret, you have given me good advice a couple times and I wish I could do the same for you, but my husband, Karl, haas become so mean I cannot even tell you. He goes to his Cancer center and is Mr. Nice guy and everyone thinks he’s so great, but he has become very hateful to me. Nothing I do or say is right. It’s awful. It’s bad enough to watch all this going down but to be treated like the enemy when I’m basically all he’s got is almost unbearable. I asked him about his anger and he insists he is fine with the whold cancer thing and is not angry.


    Thanks,guys…..I do believe we will actually be able to leave on Sunday and I can’t wait.


    Thank you guys, I will definitely keep in touch on here. Oh and Kris, you must be doing okay to be posting replys. I’m so impressed by you and your courage.

    in reply to: infections won’t go away #43441

    Thanks everyone for your input. To answer a couple of your questions, they culture him every time each day that he is in the hospital. The oral antibiotics no longer work on him so he has to have the IV antibiotics now. Our current insurance pays for home health care but not for the antibiotics to be delivered to our home. We are starting up with Humana next week and they do cover that so for a few days, I will drive him to the hospital every day for the meds, starting tomorrow, and then hopefully when we get the new insurance cards, we can get it sent to our home. Boy this really is evil. Seems every day there is some new twist. Minnie

    in reply to: Karl update: no treatment #39142

    Well, that didn’t last long. He spiked a 104 fever yesterday and is back in the hospital. He’s fine today, but this whatever infection keeps coming back like every two weeks. does anyone else have this experience?

    in reply to: How will we know? #40734

    Thanks for that answer, Lainy, I hope more people reply to this question because I would like to know the same thing myself!

    in reply to: photo dynamic therapy #42001

    Hi Gavin, I read your story about your Dad and I really appreciated all of it. thank you so much. We are currently sitting in a motel near Seattle, with our two little dogs, so we can get there at 9am tomorrow to discuss this treatment.
    I will post after I get some info. One questions, how long did your dad survive after that treatment? Thank you again.

    in reply to: Off to the hospital #41957

    Dear Kris, you probably won’t see this until you get back but I think you are such a hero and so unbelievably brave and tough. I will pray for you this week too.
    We will all be waiting to hear from you when you can.

    in reply to: Cancer markers #41615

    Hi Charlea, Boy, I agree with you, it is so confusing. It seems everyone has a different experience. We are looking for something to give us an answer but it seems that we never really get them, at least to me. One thing I’ved learned in the last four months is patience, and to take one day at a time. , I am the type who always needs to know what’s next, but that’s not working for me with this disease. Changes have happened for us pretty much on a daily basis. Hang in there with all of us.

    in reply to: Update on my dad #41698

    hi Lainy and Pam, I read all your posts but don’t respond much. my husband, Karl has had his surgery postponed two times already because of infections and weakness. Now he is rescheduled for surgery the 24th but honestly I don’t know if it will happen. they were never able to stage it but he seems to be in the same condition of your loved ones. He has stopped going out, barely gets out of bed except to go to the bathroom. He keeps losing weight and looks so pitiful lying there I can hardly stand it. He was diagnosed 4 months ago but I think he has had it all last winter because he had really high liver blood tests and they didn’t know what was wrong for months. I don’t know what to think any more but I guess I will find out next week when we go for the surgery again.

    in reply to: Size of tumor #40964

    Oh, thank you everyone. I think I get it now. I should know more in about a week.

    in reply to: Had to call the paramedics #40646

    Thanks, guys, He’s coming home today. They said it was an inflammed gall blader “they think” that caused the infection.

    in reply to: Why do they wait so long? #40374

    Thank you, Rick

    in reply to: Surgery Scheduled for this Friday. #39940

    Hi Thank you for all your posts about your mother and I am happy she is doing so well. My husband, Karl, has just been told he can also have the surgery and it is scheduled for Aug. 20th. Reading your posts is very helpful to me to kind of get an idea of what to expect.

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