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  • in reply to: Hello group #48258

    Welcome Feeper. Never ‘resign’ to the fact that you have CC. I believe that YES everyone diagnosed with this cancer is ‘surprised’. At least both my husband and I were! He was just too healthy back then, three years ago. He is stage 4, inoperable, but still chooses to fight as best he is able. My husband was 61 when he was diagnosed and he just had his 64th birthday.

    He was given 6 months…..15 months ago. Just goes to show that no one has an expiration date stamped on their butt!

    Go with God, and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.


    in reply to: Dad is now at peace #48206


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss.


    in reply to: no symptoms but still cancer? #48188


    Please, if at all possible, tell your uncle to get another opinoin. My husband Tom was told he had 6 months to live and that chemo and/or radiation would not work. Thank heavens we did not listen to that. Tom will be entering the 16th month of life next month. That is 12 months LONGER than what his then oncologist told him! We went to other doctors and found a doctor who said she could and would help him.

    Tom did receive radiation and chemo and he is still here CELEBRATING life! He is much thinner and has had a lot of wonderful days during the past 16 months. Yes, he has also had days when even I was concerned that he would not make it. But each time he has been given new hope. Will he pass on some day? Most certainly he will…we just don’t know when that will be. But I do know that he does NOT have an expiration date stamped on his butt!

    He has had a lot of firsts! His first birthday after his diagnosis. (and a 2nd and just recently a 3rd!) His first little grandson born after his diagnosis and who was named after him! (our little Tommy) His first fishing trip back to Canada after his diagnosis. His first Holidays after his diagnosis and all those same holidays a 2nd and a 3rd time! Finding and reuniting with his first born daughter after his diagnosis and building a wonderful bond with her and her husband and their children (and gaining two more grandchildren in the process).

    I could go on with more examples, but I think you can see where this is going….

    Never give up! Look for a doctor that feels that they CAN do something! And keep a positive attitude.

    Go in peace and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.


    in reply to: My husband moved on #48114


    I am so sorry to hear of Ben’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with both you and Hannah. Isn’t that just like a child to pick out a star for her daddy. Talking to that star is most likely comforting to her (and you!) and may help ease the pain somewhat.

    Go with God….

    in reply to: Question for patients #48100

    Jtoro – I can somewhat relate but from the other side. My husband Tom has CC and was diagnosed three years ago (next month). Today he returned home from an inpatient stay in the ICU for high blood sugars. He wanted me to help him shower and while I was drying him off, applying lotion to his dry skin and helping him get dressed, he said “I’m not afraid of dying, but I’m afraid for you, for our kids and our grandkids. Little Tommy will grow up not knowing or remembering me, and it just makes me feel sad. I worry about you and how my not being here anymore will affect you.”

    I can tell you that I almost lost it in that moment as he hugged me close.

    From my perspective, (and I’m speaking from my heart here) maybe you need to start letting your children know more of the facts regarding your condition so that they can start preparing themselves. I am almost 60 years old and have know the facts since Tom’s diagnosis. Imagine how upset I would be if he’d kept the facts away from me and suddenly died. I would be very angry and upset. At ages 18 and 15, your children will be OK and would not be angry with knowing the truth. I believe that they would be angry that the truth was kept from them. They have the right to know as it WILL affect them down the road. You may want to discuss this with your counselor. If they were 3 and 8 years old, I would feel differently. Most children at age 15 and 18 are pretty self reliant…

    Just my opinoin.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.


    in reply to: A kick-in-the-teeth day #48172

    Joolz: Perhaps you should consider creating a site for yourself? I started one for my husband Tom when he was first diagnosed and it has been a lifesaver! No more repeating the same thing over and over to family members (unless they don’t have a computer!) Then everyone gets the same information and they can also offer support which is necessary for both the patient and their caregiver!

    So sorry to hear that the Gem/Cis combo did not work for you. Personally I would start looking for other docs or other cancer centers or at least ask “What else can we try?”….

    Go with God, prayers coming your way!


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42196

    Yay! Just got my man home from the hospital. His blood sugars came down quite nicely and he was on the insulin drip all night and most of the day today. I think his doc really wanted him to stay one more night, but it didn’t make any sense to me or Tom, so we requested that he be able to come home, and the Doc complied with the understanding that I would be monitoring his blood sugar levels closely.

    I will be keeping my ‘eagle’ eye on his insulin intake and his blood sugar levels – see what happens when I leave it up to him? (Kick in the behind for me, I SHOULD have known better!)

    Doc also put him on some medication for his pancreas – just to ‘help’ it do the job that it’s supposed to be doing! He’s on Pancrelipase (Creon 12,000 units oral delayed release capsule) which is a combination of three enzymes (Lipase, protease and amylase) These enzymes are normally produced by the pancreas and are important in the digestion of fats, proteins and sugars Pancrelipase is used to replace these enzymes when the body does not have enough of its own.

    I was there when his doc came in today and he was not concerned about the ‘red’ hands… I guess we won’t worry about it either! But I will keep an eye on them!

    Thanks again to everyone!



    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42191


    Thank you for your support – and I mean that from the bottom of my heart!

    I just got home from the hospital – O what a day this has been! Tom is in ICU and holding his own. They got an insulin drip started and his blood sugars were down to about 275 when I left. At this point, I don’t know much more than that. I’m certain they will be running some more tests tomorrow to see what caused his blood sugars to get so out of whack, and I’m hoping it is not the pancreas causing all the issues. Funny thing, the palms of his hands are bright red?? I did mention it to his ICU nurse and they will have the doc check it out tomorrow.

    This lil momma has got to get to bed for some much needed shut eye! Love all you guys!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!!


    PS: Lainy I like your comment about Herb! He sure could have made some more brownie points with Cheryl if he HAD told her that, eh? Maybe he can use that ‘next’ time but hopefully there won’t be a next time!!

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42186

    Ok, can I scream now or shall I wait for later? Let the roller coaster stop already. Tom has been down and out for a few days, so today he went to the doc, and his blood sugars are over 800. His doc wanted him inpatient to start an insulin drip (pancreas may not be working right, therefore the extremely high blood sugars)….at first Tom did not want to go, but at 5:30 (right when I got done with work) he decided he DID want to go. So, I’m sitting here patiently waiting for the doctor to call (don’t want to present through the ER cause we don’t need that added expense) — now of course, Tom’s PCP is gone for the day and the ‘so called, on call’ doctor just called, however he does not know Tom, nor his condition, etc…so he’s going to ‘see’ if he can get ahold of Tom’s PCP to question him as to what he should do…..(it’s EASY idiot, just get him admitted!) I can’t believe this……

    So, just hangin out here waiting for someone to call back and tell us to go to the hospital. Why does it have to be so difficult? Wouldn’t you think that the doctor, in this situation, would have briefed the on call doctor as to Tom’s issue and that he may be calling back for an inpatient admit?? Geez, even I can figure that out – just got the call back from his PCP! YAY – so off to the hospital we go, they will have a bed waiting for him….thank you very much to his PCP, not the ‘on call’ doc.

    Keep Tom in your prayers!



    I was thinking about attending this until I found what it would cost. With all the medical bills, etc…this is WAY beyond my pocketbook.


    in reply to: Our Kris. #48001

    Thank you for posting this Gavin. Kris was very beautiful and I agree with Cherboug, you can see the twinkle in her eyes! She is already missed …


    in reply to: Devoncat no more #46305

    Hans: Let me join in with the others, so happy that you and Kris got back to the US safely with no incidents. I too will be thinking of you on Saturday.


    in reply to: Good Results #47482

    AWESOME news on your hubby. I wish we could get news like this every day!!!


    in reply to: Dave’s Journey is over #47867

    Beth: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Dave fought a good fight as so many others have done. We need to find a cure for this terrible cancer that robs us of our loved ones too soon.


    in reply to: We lost my dad last night #47656


    So sorry for your loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Go with God,

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