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  • in reply to: Mom’s now at peace #57975

    SharonLee, Sending healing thoughts and hugs to you and your family. Many of us here are empathetic to your pain and sorrow. I hope you find peace in the days ahead knowing that your mom is with you forever. Nancy

    in reply to: Hi #57254

    LeeAnn, I hear you on the wish it would all go away! Don’t panic too much though. You were wondering if getting chemo and radiation would be the better choice and here you are! Now you don’t have to think “maybe I should have”.
    Tumor markers are not always indicative of the return of the cancer. My girlfriend had ovarian cancer 5 years ago and her markers went up in the fall. She was checked out thoroughly and nothing was found.
    I’m glad your oncologist is on top of things. Also glad you have those beautiful kids to avert your attention. Wishing you smooth sailings through your chemo and radiation. You are in good hands. Hugs. Nancy


    ADRW, glad you reached out to us because we are people that care and understand. I was saddened to read of Patrick’s poor response to chemo and the pain he was in. I do hope his pain is under control now and he is comfortable. My husband didn’t do well with morphine and found hydromorphone worked well. There are a lot of alternative narcotics if one doesn’t work well.
    As far as hope, I believe one must always have hope whatever we are facing in life. It is better to live in hope than despair. Hugs to you and Patrick. Nancy

    in reply to: Ball in a jar #57414

    Thanks CM. I am going to share this with my support group. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Last Entry #57448

    So sorry to hear of Richie’s passing. He fought valiantly, like all our cc soldiers! I emphasize with your pain of losing your partner. May you find peace.
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: New to CC #57094

    Dear Carlyn, I am so glad your mom is in a peaceful state. I was in your position a few months ago with my husband. Being with her, loving her, and letting her go peacefully is a beautiful yet sad experience. We are with you. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: A special day #57047

    Sue and Betsy, Love hearing this great news! You give hope and inspiration to many. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Platelets are up, Michigan here we come. #57146

    Go Lauren! Round ten – time for a knockout! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Bad day #57157

    Dear Jtoro, You and other CC patients are the strongest people I know! Don’t feel bad for feeling down at times – you have a tough job fighting this disease and you are doing an awesome job at it!
    It is hard not to think of the “what ifs?” but try not to dwell on them. When I start thinking about the “what ifs”, I push the thoughts out and change my activity at the time. Of course, sometimes easier said than done!
    80% of cc patients are not diagnosed until stage 4, because it is difficult to diagnose until then. So as we ultimately fight for a cure we fight for some means of early detection/screening as well.
    Tomorrow is a new day, embrace it and enjoy! I was the caregiver and there was days I crashed too. I would then say to myself “Okay you’ve got that out, now pull up your boots, keep fighting, be strong, and enjoy your time with your husband.” Wishing you and your beautiful family all the best and sending hugs to all. I hope tomorrow will be a good day! Nancy

    in reply to: just learning about CC #57066

    Hi Jessica. I am a fellow Canadian at the other end – BC! It seems that Princess Margaret in Toronto have the best cc doctors.
    I was saddened to read how cruel the doctor was, but maybe he didn’t realize how cruel. I think some doctors forget they are dealing with a spiritual being not just a body. Tell your husband to have hope, there is so much hope out here! I hope he is a candidate for surgery because that does offer a cure. Also, look at a liver transplant. Sounds radical but they are having success with this and he has his age on his side! The Mayo clinic site has info on this.
    This diagnosis is such a hard blow but I think if your husband talks to a more upbeat, positive doctor it will help him want to fight.
    My husband saw a naturopath and took supplements and other therapies to boost his immune system. I am wishing you, your husband and family all the best. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: CC Request/Suggestion #56979

    The kids and I are planning a fundraiser for September (1 year memorial for Doug). We are going to have a bike/hike up Mount Revelstoke where Doug’s ashes are spread. Doug was an avid biker so it seems fitting to do a bike but for those of us that aren’t so apt to go straight up a mountain on a bike, we will hike! We are getting pledge sheets done up with proceeds going to the cc foundation. I will be ordering wrist bands for the participants and a few other things for draw prizes. The day will end with a barbecue at the chalet. We are just in the initial planning stages but we are excited! Any suggestions/success stories would be appreciated. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: What Chemo should be used for me? #56271

    Hi Derin, Sounds like you and your doc are doing a terrific job! We have some long term success stories on this board with situations like yours – they will probably pop in. Just a suggestion – my husband had naturopathic support throughout his chemo and radiation. His GP was amazed at how well he tolerated the chemo and radiation. I am convinced his naturopathic support helped boost his immune system and energy. All the best to you. Nancy

    in reply to: Brought home #56838

    Dear Margaret, I emphasize with the wrist! I just got my cast off today after falling on the ice and breaking my left wrist on Dec. 12th! I am now in a brace and doing physio – doc says we have a long way to go. I broke my right one 12 years ago (not as bad as one year!). We are quite the pair. My youngest daughter had on her facebook “So far in 2012 my mom is in a cast and my sister in a back brace – bring on 2013!” She thinks like you!
    I hope you have people around to help because as you know one hand down is frustrating – everthing is more difficult to do and takes twice as long and I don’t know about you but I am tired before I even start with the emotional drain of widowhood. My daughter said maybe breaking my wrist was a way of me accepting help – I wish I had figured that out in an easier way! I think of you often Margaret and wish you well. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Brought home #56837

    Hi Nancy, Sorry for the confusion – I lost my mom in 1999 due to emphysema.
    It was my husband who passed in September from cc and he was not an alcoholic, though he liked beer and wine socially. Doug’s cc was found very late; already spread though his liver, lymph system and skeletal system. It was actually the bone mets that were his first systems (vertabrae actually fractured while biking). I do not know that there is a correlation between drinking and cc but they can’t be good for each other since they both attack the liver! I have learned the liver is an amazing organ and can operate well until 10% function, thus many late diagnosis. Hope this helps. Nancy

    in reply to: Puppet show #56870

    Chrissy, How wonderful your daughter still experiences the existence of her daddy. He will be with her forever. It is good you are keeping him real for her, she will have many questions as she grows. Hugs to both of you. Nancy

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