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  • in reply to: Clean scan #70839

    Congratulations on the great scan and Happy Birthday to Marina. What a wonderful post. So happy for you!

    Lainy- You are a Taurus? So am I !! Are you stubborn, loyal, and love to eat? I am pretty much a Taurus down to the t. No wonder I like you so much!!

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70225

    Hi Everyone,

    We went back to Michigan yesterday and we are home again. Rather than type all this out again, I will give you Lauren’s blog address and you can read about our visit there. I think she should start feeling better soon. Thanks for caring. -Pam

    in reply to: Grover update #70717

    Hi Suzanne,

    I am very sorry to hear about your Dad. I used to check his blog daily to see if he had written and he hasn’t posted for a very long time. I prayed nothing was wrong, but suspected there was since he wasn’t writing. My heart goes out to him and the family. He has such a great sense of humor and his posts on here and his blog always made me laugh. I will pray for him to remain comfortable and pain free. God bless you, Captain, Grover, Jerry, friend.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70218

    Hi Everyone,

    We aren’t going to be home for long. We went downstairs to the basement today and Lauren stepped on the scale, curious to see how much she weighed since she hasn’t been eating very much. We couldn’t believe when we looked at the scale that Lauren gained 29 pounds since her surgery day which was two weeks ago. It is all fluid. This is how puffy the poor thing is. I called Dr. Sonnenday’s office and talked to his nurse. I told her about the swelling and that her incision site is weeping a little. She paged Dr. Sonnenday and he ordered a set of labs. We went to our local hospital for that and they faxed the results to him. He also wanted to see Lauren this Friday and ordered an ultrasound test for Lauren’s legs to make sure she has no blood clots. He also upped her Lasix dose to Two 20mg. tablets instead of one daily. She seems to go to the bathroom a little more today. So it is off to Michigan for the day on Friday. Another weird thing that has happened is that Lauren is losing her hair again. She hasn’t had chemo since Feb., but her hair was falling out in clumps. So, today after the hospital, we took Lauren and she got her hair cut really short, not buzzed. She looks cute in any hairstyle, but she was trying so hard to grow her hair long for her wedding. Just thought you all might like to know what is going on. Thanks for caring.


    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70214

    Thanks ladies!! I sent a message to Dr. Sonnenday asking what we should do. The lasix they gave her in the hospital made her pee a ton. Now when she takes it, nothing. Hopefully, he will increase her dose or give her something else. I teased her today and told her she looks about 6 months pregnant with a water baby!! It isn’t funny because it is pretty painful, especially her poor feet and ankles. I couldn’t resist and she took it well. Gotta have some humor.

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70210

    Thanks, Holly. I won’t worry so much then. Anybody got any tips for reducing fluid retention?

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70205

    Hi Everyone,

    We are finally home sweet home!!! It took us two days as we stopped half way at my Mom and Dad’s. We got lots of TLC from them and some really comfortable beds, where Lauren got a great night’s sleep. We got home late this afternoon and our pups were so happy to see us after being gone for two weeks!! Lauren is very sore and tired from riding in the car. She said she was cold and I took her temp. It was 99.2. I hope it doesn’t go higher. I would hate to have to drive all the way back to Michigan! She is still really puffy from fluid. She is on 20mg. of Lasix once a day. It doesn’t seem to be helping much. Any suggestions for getting rid of the fluid? It is in her midsection, legs, and feet. I wrap her legs in Ace bandages and she wears them until it hurts too much and we take them off. She also has her legs elevated. I sure hope this goes away soon. We just got a call from Michigan and Lauren has an MRI scheduled for April 28 and a blood draw and visit to see Dr. Sonnenday on April 29. Lauren wants to attend her cousin’s wedding on May 4, so I’m sure Dr. Sonnenday will schedule her surgery for after that day. That is about it for now. Take care all.


    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70202

    Thank you all for the well wishes for Lauren. I must say that I am quite uncomfortable with your praises for me. I am just a Mom taking care of her child like any Mom should do. Thank you, though and I’m so glad I have all of you in my corner.

    Love you all so much,

    in reply to: My husband has passed #70542

    Dear Dianne,

    I am so sorry to hear of Chris’s passing. May he rest in peace. He must have been such a caring person to go into nursing. Thank you so much for asking for donations to go to the CC Foundation. How thoughtful and generous of you.My prayers are with you.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70191

    Hi Everyone,
    I have been updating on FB and thought I should update you too. Wow! I looked back and haven’t updated for a long time. Lauren had her CT scan on Wed. and there was not much growth of the good side of her liver. They had hoped for a large amount of growth, but didn’t happen. Lauren is not disappointed at all. She feels she will be better ready for the second surgery after she gets stronger. Lauren got to come home from the hospital last night and we are staying in Ypsilanti with Kristen and Bruce. Gio and Mark came up last night also. They brought a recliner from my Mom and Dad’s house for Lauren to sit in during the day. She slept in a bed last night without nurses bugging her all night!! And no more hospital food!! That was the worst. She has no drains or anything anymore. I give her a Lovenox shot everyday in her stomach and she is on lasix because she has a lot of fluid buildup around her stomach and in her legs. We will probably go home to Ohio on Monday. Lauren got up this afternoon from her recliner, put some pants, robe, and slippers on and went outside and walked around the cul-de-sac in front of Kristen’s house. She is doing really well. Dr. Sonnenday called her last night and said that he will re-scan her in 2-3 weeks and hopefully her liver has grown by then. He said she has enough good liver to do it now, but would feel better after it had grown more. Lauren also wants to go to her cousin’s wedding on May 4th, so Dr. Sonnenday said the surgery date would be set for after that. I also wanted to tell you that the pathology reports came back from her surgery. The tumors they removed from the left side were all dead! They removed six lymph nodes and only one showed cholangiocarcinoma cells, so hopefully that took care of that. All the rest were clean. Once her right side is removed with the large tumor, it should all be gone!! Lauren is one special girl and has been through so much, but she is strong as ever and ready to fight for the next surgery. Thanks for all your support and I hope everyone is doing well.

    in reply to: My new onc #70415

    Yippee, Yippee, Yahooooooo!!!! I am so happy you finally found someone else to be your doctor. Having the right doctor makes all the difference in the world.
    Your world will become so less stressful.

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70181

    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry it has been so long. I will try and update more. Lauren is getting better one small step at a time. I am surprised at how slow the process is. Lauren is the most stubborn person you would ever meet. She does things her way on her time!! I said this to Kristen, my oldest daughter and she gave me this look and said, She is just like you, Mom. She has all her IVs out now and is only on oral pain meds. She is also taking lasix because her legs are swollen with fluid. They wrapped them in ace bandages and that is helping. She can get up and walk to the bathroom and we really wanted her to walk more, so I had to use tough love yesterday with the help of Kristen, Bruce, Gio, and Ryan. She is angry with me, but will get over it. This is all out of love. She has been so drugged up and not really there, so they took away one med and she is only getting the dosage of morphine she got before the surgery at home. I think it took this long to get all the other drugs out of her system. She had help from physical therapy and walked down the hallway. Then we took her on a wheelchair ride all around the hospital. She probably is losing a lot of weight because she is barely eating. Nothing tastes good and she just isn’t hungry. She is just puffy with fluid. Gio stayed with her last night and the night before so I could get some rest. It feels so good to sleep in a bed. I am taking care of myself so don’t worry about me. We just want Lauren to get strong so that her next surgery on Friday is easier on her. Well, gotta run. Thanks for the concern, prayers, and comfort.


    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70165

    Hi Everyone,
    Forgive me for not writing sooner. I am staying with Lauren in the hospital and I was too tired to update. Lauren is doing well. She was in the SICU last night and had a really rough time. She had a lot of pain in her shoulders, especially her left one. The doctors explained that this was from the retractors and jostling her insides around. She has so many lines coming out of her, it is crazy. Hopefully, she will be able to get out of bed and walk tomorrow. Her blood pressure went too low after trying today. The doctors and nurses here are all so great. She is getting excellent care!! Take care and thanks for all the nice comments.


    in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70038

    Hi Lainy,

    They just paged us and said the laparascopic part looked good with no cancer outside the liver. They were going to proceed with the operation!! I was so worried they might see something and cancel the operation. There are five of us in the waiting area and three more coming so we have a great support system. Keep praying everyone because it is working!!

    in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70036

    Hi Everyone,

    They just took Lauren back to the OR about 30 minutes ago. Pray that everything goes well!!

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