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  • in reply to: Decisions, decisions #62901


    Dr. Z is probably trying to be cautious with your Mom because of her blood clot issues. He also probably thinks she cannot handle some of the harsher chemos. I would call him and talk to him if you are not satisfied with your Mom’s treatment. I question his reasons for what he does all the time to his face. He usually has a good reason for why he does what he does. He has been doing this for a long time and I feel he knows what he is doing. Plus I know it is a group of doctors called the tumor board that meet and discuss the patients and decide what treatment is best. If I ever felt Lauren was not getting the best care, I would get a second opinion in a heartbeat. It seems after reading everything everyone posts on here, that all cancer centers use the same chemo regimens. It’s just that some people respond to particular treatments better than others. I hope you talk to him and find some peace of mind.


    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62831

    Thanks Melissa. I wrote a comment on your post.

    in reply to: results #63023

    Hi Melissa,

    I read your blog all the time, so I already knew you did not get good news. I tried to write a comment but it didn’t work. I tried another time and it didn’t work either. I am really sorry to hear you did not get great news. We didn’t either, but you have to go on and have hope. Your Mom sounds like she may be a little depressed. Who wouldn’t be! I would talk to Dr. Z. and see what he thinks. I get the impression you don’t care for him that much. I felt kind of like that for a little bit, but now I just love him. He tries so hard to help Lauren and cares so much about her. He has to tell the truth and sometimes that is not what we want to hear. We think about your Mom often and pray for you both. I hope your Mom gets some rest and can start a new treatment that will help. By reading your blog I can tell you are very overwhelmed in trying to do it all yourself. You need a break or you are going to burn out. I hope some of your friends step up to the plate and help you. You find out who your true friends are in times like these. Take care Melissa, and I wish you all the best.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62829

    Hi Maria,

    Lauren was on Gem+Cisplatin+5FU for a really long time. Then she was on Gem+5FU. Her doctor wanted to try something new since she got a new tumor being on those chemos. We’ve heard about curcumin and we asked her doctor about it and he said NO. So we are being good and doing what he says. The Oxaliplatin has been hard on her this first time. She is still tired and had the chemo last Wed. She does stuff but wears out quickly. I hope she starts feeling better soon. Her doctor said he was giving her a hefty dose so that it probably why it is knocking her down. Her neuropathy is better than when she first had the chemo. Thanks for caring, Maria. You sure are a super woman!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Dealing with indigestion and spasms in the throat #63014

    I am sorry to hear about Trevor’s problem. I hope you find something that works for him. I feel so bad that he has to go through so much. Lauren and I will continue to pray for him.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Love you Grandpa #63000


    I am very sorry to hear of your Grandfather’s passing. He sounds like he was such a wonderful man. May his memory live on in your heart forever. Take care and God bless you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Can my mom be around my new puppy? #62991

    We have three dogs and my daughter has CC. Her doctor said she is not to clean up dog poop or empty a cat box. This could make her sick. Other than that, I don’t see why your Mom could not be around a puppy. Our little chihuahua, Penny, is Lauren’s best bud and sleeps next to her every night. I think she knows Lauren is sick and likes to comfort her by watching over her. Lauren has never had any problems around our dogs. Sometimes it seems like doctors want CC patients to live in a plastic bubble which is hardly practical or fun.


    in reply to: Good scan one year after surgery #62912

    So wonderful to hear the great news, Eli. Sorry about the pooping problem. I think it happens to everyone at one time or another and it really makes a person feel awful. I hope things are going better for your wife. So, so happy for you both!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My Husband Lost His Battle #62919

    Dear Peggy,

    I am so very sorry to hear of John’s passing. He gave such a valiant fight against this horrible disease. I pray you find peace in knowing he is now at peace. I am sorry you have bad memories about hospice and I hope those diminish and are replaced by all the wonderful times you had with John. Take care and God bless.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Decisions, decisions #62896


    My daughter, Lauren, was on Gemzar, Cisplatin, and 5FU for a long time and had a lot of shrinkage. Her doctor took her off Cisplatin a while ago because he didn’t want to ruin her kidneys. With the two chemos, things stayed stable. She had a radioembolization therapy called Theraspheres where they shot beads of radiation into the tumors in her liver. It was supposed to kill the tumors targeted. Instead, a new tumor popped up!! So, Lauren just started on Oxaliplatin and Xeloda yesterday. The Oxaliplatin has made her very sensitive to cold. She could not crack her eggs this morning because they were too cold to touch. You are probably wondering why I didn’t make her eggs for her. Unless she is really sick in bed, she is so independent, she won’t let me do anything for her. One of her hands was numb today and she couln’t write very well. Her feet felt really cold on the tile floor in the bathroom. Other than that, she feels ok. No stomach problems so far. They did give her double the amount of Decadron that they usually give her and that is not easy to deal with. We had them drop the dose before because it made her really irritable and she snapped at everyone all the time. They said she needed the full dose with the Oxaliplatin to help if she developed an allergic reaction. Whatever you decide, it is your choice and I am sure you will choose what is right for your husband. All the best to you both.


    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62824

    Thanks for your kind words, Eli.

    Well, Lauren had her chemo yesterday. She is definitely feeling the effects of the Oxaliplatin. Sensitivity to cold and one of her hands is numb. She said it kind of hurt to walk on the cold bathroom floor. Other than that, she feels fine. How long did it usually take for all of your symptoms to subside for all of you that have taken or are on this chemo? i posted a new blog today if anyone is interested. If you don’t have the site it is:

    Thanks and hugs to all.

    in reply to: Keeping positive and a little good news does help!!! #62868

    Great news, Amy!! Sometimes I think Lauren’s doctor is exhausted after we put him through the wringer with a ton of questions. Oh well, that is why he makes the big bucks!! No, seriously don’t ever be afraid to ask any question you like. I am happy for all of you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62822


    He said it is because he is putting her on a three week schedule. He said he is giving her a large dose of Oxaliplatin and 14 days of Xeloda. Then one week off. He thought this would be better for us as in traveling a long way. He said if she had 5-FU, she would have to be treated every two weeks. So, I guess that is the reason.


    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62819

    Hi Lisa. I hope your radiation went well today. Thank you for all of your love and support as well. We will let you know how things go. Hugs to you dear friend.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: CT scan on Thursday #62864

    It is very overwhelming being the primary caregiver. I am so thankful that Lauren has done well so far. I can’t imagine taking care of her if she was always sick like some of our members deal with. I am beginning to crack under the pressure and will call for an appointment to see my doctor once Lauren’s appointment is over tomorrow. I think depression is creeping up on me. I cry over pretty much everything and just don’t have a zest for life anymore. I am sure once I see the doctor and talk to him, I will feel better. Take care, Melissa. I understand how you are feeling more than you know.

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