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  • in reply to: Hello #58882


    I think it is really awesome that you are taking such an active role in your sister’s care. I sure would want someone like you in my corner!! I hope everything works out for you and your sister. Take care and God bless you both.



    Hi Lorraine,

    If your Mom is still getting headaches, it could be from the Zofran. My daughter took Zofran the first few times after chemo and had migraine like headaches. We stopped the Zofran and use Compazine instead and no more headaches. She takes Ativan at night to help her relax, but has also taken it for nausea. My daughter’s chemo regimen has recently been changed. She had been on Gem/Cis and 5FU for 12 rounds of chemo. Her doctor decided to take her off the Cisplatin and just use Gemzar and 5FU for awhile because Cisplatin was causing her platelets to drop and about every 4th time she had to miss chemo. He feels that she will be able to get her chemo every time because she won’t have this problem anymore and he feels the benefits of having chemo regularly is better than having to skip with the Cisplatin. Cisplatin must really be the rough stuff because this week she only had the 2 chemos and felt like a million bucks. Every time she had the 3 chemos she would be really tired and achy for 3 or 4 days. This time she never felt bad and went shopping all day wearing her 5FU pump and also went on a 2 mile walk!! I have worries that her chemo won’t be as effective, but the doctor said he will add oxaliplatin if things start getting worse. I am not a doctor, so I have to trust that he is doing the right thing. When Lauren had her 3 chemos it was always Gemzar first, hydration, Cisplatin, hydration, and then pump hook up. The Cisplatin is what made for a very long day. This time she was in and out in about 2 hours compared to 6-7 before. I wish your Mom all the best in fighting this disease. Take care and God bless.


    in reply to: always worring about my chemo #58921


    Please take a chill pill. You are working yourself up way too much. Your chemo is working, so don’t worry. With your cisplatin reaction, they will probably run it slower so it won’t happen again. There are a lot of different chemos out there, so if some don’t work or quit working, they have something else to try. You are doing great and are seeing one of the best doctors that knows what he is doing. So let’s take a deep breath together, One…two…three…RELAX.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Scan #58909


    I am happy some of the tumors are smaller. Maybe the new chemo will zap those pesky others. Hang in there girl. We are all in this together.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: No blood from the port today… #58820


    Lauren had this happen once before her chemo. They just used like 3 salines and 3 heparins and finally got blood return. I was worried I did something wrong when I did her pump disconnect at home to make it close up, but the nurse assured me, just like Marion said, that a covering built up on Lauren’s port. She has not had that problem since.


    in reply to: Scan #58902


    I definitely know that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. I am hoping and praying for great news. Try and relax. All the best to you!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Heading to Michigan for scans. #58727

    We met with Lauren’s oncologist and liver surgeon today. They are both pleased with her progress. They both are on a tumor board that discussed her case Tues. Her surgeon said he would operate on her today if the board was agreeable. They were not, so he and they decided she will continue on chemo, eliminating the cisplatin for now. Lauren has trouble keeping her platelets high enough and they believe the cisplatin is causing this. It is also very hard to tolerate for a long time. If her tumors start growing, they will try oxaliplatin with her Gemzar and 5FU. They also are thinking about radioemolization to try and kill the small tumors on the left side of her liver. The big tumor on the right is what the surgeon wants to take out. He said it would be a huge surgery, but he wants to talk about it again in about 6 months. He has given us new hope. We absolutely love him. We all call him our very own “McDreamy” for those of you that are fans of Grey’s Anatomy. He is very cute with dark, curly hair. But the main thing is that he is an awesome surgeon and really wants to help Lauren. Pray for good things to happen. People aren’t kidding when they say this is a roller coaster ride. Take care everyone.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Heading to Michigan for scans. #58725

    We will be going back to Michigan tomorrow. Lauren has a doctor’s appt. and is supposed to have chemo. With her scans showing not much shrinkage, who knows what they will decide to do. I will let you all know what is going on when I find out. Take care and love to you all.


    in reply to: Hi,Rhike (Rachel) ou can introduce yourself here. #57211

    Dear Rachel,

    I am very sorry to hear of your son’s passing. He put up such a brave fight. I am sure he is watching over you in heaven. Although I know you must miss him more than anything, take comfort in knowing he is at peace. My prayers are with you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Heading to Michigan for scans. #58719

    Lauren’s older sister read the scan reports and the large tumor only decreased .2 cm. One tiny tumor may be slightly larger. I am so disappointed because she has had huge shrinkage before. But, I guess I should be happy that it is a tiny bit smaller. We will have to wait to see what the doctor says. Maybe he has another game plan. Lauren is handling it well. She is happy there is a little shrinkage. I am the negative Nelly that falls apart when everything isn’t how I want it. I am having a hard time with this one. I’m just glad Lauren is happy, busy, and feeling good. Take care everyone.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Enlarged lymph node #57891

    Dear Lisa,

    My prayers are always with you. We will go to lunch as soon as you are feeling up to it after your lumpectomy. God bless you, Lisa. I think about you every day!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Part 2: Clean so far (sort of …) #56531


    Glad you are doing well and hope results come back the way you want them to. Take care and God bless!


    in reply to: So far…so good? #17456

    Dear Maria,

    You are truly an inspiration. You put healthy people that don’t even have CC to shame. What an awesome person you are. We just ordered an exercise bike to help all of us get in shape. I will picture you in my head as I pedal away, hoping one day to be as fit as you!! Take care and keep living the good life!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: An embarrassing question. #58633

    Randi- your post made me laugh out loud. So funny!

    Betsy- I sure will!! Take care.

    Love to you both,


    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58344


    It seems like you are just moving right along. I can’t believe you are almost ready to go home!! You are so amazing. I hope you get stronger and stronger each day. Take care, Cappy!! You are an inspiration.


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