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  • in reply to: Obituaries #54563

    Hi mn,
    My suggestion would be to run the long obituary on Sunday. That is when most people read the paper. You could run a short notice on Saturday stating when and where services are. In our paper a lot of people do that. I’m sure relatives have already been informed so the paper would be to inform acquaintances. I don’t feel it is a waste. I’m sure a lot of people that knew your Mom would want to come and pay their respects. They might not hear of her passing without an obituary. I wish you strength to get through all of this.
    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42350

    Dear Margaret,
    I am sorry to hear about Tom’s ascites. Has he had it before? Poor guy. My heart goes out to him. Congratulations on the babies. How wonderful!
    Take care and I hope Tom will be feeling better soon.
    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Grandmother diagnosed last week :( #54513

    Dear Elsyr,
    I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. I know how you are feeling. It is like a bad dream. My daughter age 25 also has this disease. It seems like a lot that is read on here is bad but there are success stories too. Keep the faith and enjoy every minute together. It is a lot to take in but just posting on this site helps. You are not alone.


    in reply to: new here.. my father’s C.C. #53000

    Dear Lynnette,
    I am so sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. You did all you could to help him and he is now watching over you from Heaven. It is nice that you reach out to others when you are the one grieving. That shows how special you are. My daughter, Lauren, age 25 is fighting this horrible disease. I pray every day for a miracle. Take care and god bless you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: End of the Road #54528

    Dear Crystal,
    You asked how long my daughter has been living with this cancer. She was diagnosed Aug. 29, 2011. It has really turned our world upside down. Last night she had a really bad time. Her boyfriend came over and they were outside for awhile. After they had been in for a short time (I was on the computer) I noticed her sniffing. I asked her why she was sniffing because I was worrried she was getting sick. She burst into tears and said everything hit her yesterday. She is usually so strong. She kept crying and saying she didn’t want to die. It broke my heart so much. She has always been the best daughter. Never gave us one bit of trouble. It is so unfair anybody has to go through this. I pray every day for a miracle. Hug your child often and tell her that you love her. That is what she will remember. I am sorry to have gone on and on when you have your own grief to deal with. Take care. I hope each day gets easier for you.

    Love, Pam

    in reply to: Radiation is kind of kicking my butt #54374

    Dear Susie,
    I am so sad to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you are able to get all of your radiation without getting too sick. Lauren only takes morphine regularly. She also has compazine and ativan as needed. She found she sleeps so much better when she takes ativan. The only bad thing is that she has really weird dreams when she takes it. They are so vivid and detailed. She tells me about them the next day and we sometimes cannot believe how strange they are. She started out taking zofran too but it gave her a bad headache. Compazine works really well for her. She only needs it for a few days after her chemo. I will be praying that you start to feel better.

    Much love,

    in reply to: Thank you for this website. #54171

    Thanks Lainy,Jim,Marion,Cathy,Susie,Percy, and Peony for your wonderful responses.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Prayer Pants #54351

    I told Lauren about your chemo pants and she absolutely loved the idea. I loved it too. We will be looking for a pair for Lauren. Thanks!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Platelet count too low for chemo #54477

    Marion-we got some iron rich cereal and more spinach at the store today. Can’t hurt to try! Thanks for the suggestions.

    Maria-thanks for the suggestion of exercise. We will be taking a walk!

    Lainy-thanks for the poem. We love it.

    Cathy-thanks for always being in our corner. I am so happy you are a cc survivor!

    Pam-thanks for caring and your words of encouragement.

    Grover (or should I say Captain!!)-what a huge jump in your platelets! I hope the same happens for Lauren. Thanks for the warm wishes.

    Much love to you all,

    in reply to: End of the Road #54521

    Dear Crystal,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have come to the right place if you want support or just need to ask a question. There are so many dear people that have come together to help one another on this site. My daughter who is 25 is suffering from this disease. I find a great deal of comfort from this site and I hope you do too. Take care and God bless you.


    in reply to: My mom #54491

    Dear mn,
    I am so sorry that you lost your Mom. I know this is a sad time for you. I wish I could take away your pain and I hope you will someday find peace and cherish the wonderful times you shared. God bless you and your dear Mom.

    Love, Pam

    in reply to: The Endgame #52894

    Dear Adam,
    I am sorry to hear of Petra’s passing. May she live on in you and your family’s hearts forever. I hope each day will be a little brighter for you.

    Love, Pam

    in reply to: Father diagnosed 11/2 #54254

    Dear Genindle,
    I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. I am glad he went peacefully and is no longer in pain. I hope your sadness from losing him diminishes each day and is replaced by wonderful, loving memories.


    in reply to: One year #54334

    Dear Pam,
    I looked back through your posts and you sure did go through a lot with your Dad. He was very lucky to have you there with him. I’m sure he and your Mom are watching you every day from heaven and are so proud of the wonderful daughter they raised. Take care.

    -Love, Pam

    in reply to: Father diagnosed 11/2 #54242

    Dear genindle and kmemoro,
    I am sorry to hear about both of your Dads. It must be so hard to see the person who protected you and made you feel safe get sick. I am a Mom who’s daughter has this terrible disease. It is very hard for me too. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with both of you. God bless your sweet fathers.


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