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  • in reply to: Update on Ben #53427

    Dear Tom,

    I am very happy that Ben made it through surgery ok. I wish him a fast recovery. With you by his side, I’m sure he will.

    All my best wishes,

    in reply to: Good news for Lauren #54201

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I appreciate it so much and so does Lauren.

    Love, Pam

    in reply to: 5 years post diagnosis… but bad news… #51129

    Dear Mary,
    You and Tom sure have been through enough. You are both so strong. I really admire your courage. We will continue to take Lauren to Michigan for now. OSU would not be much closer for us. If she starts needing emergency care I think we would take her to University Hospital or Cleveland Clinic. I hope things get easier for you two. Take care and god bless.

    Love, Pam

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53418

    Dear Tom,

    Best wishes to you and Ben. I will pray for him as he continues his battle.


    in reply to: Moving forward #54177

    Dear Wittrockj,
    I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. May your broken heart mend and be filled with a lifetime of fond memories.


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42346

    Hi Margaret,
    I am glad Tom’s tube exchange went well. I am also glad that I have my own private teacher. You!! I appreciate the time you take to explain things to me. I am trying to learn as much as I can. I know I can come to you, Lainy, Marion, and many others if I have any questions and you are right there with an answer. Thank you.

    -Love, Pam

    in reply to: What next? #53942

    My daughter’s food of choice is chicken fingers. I would think they would upset her stomach, but they never do! The only thing that seems to bother her is spaghetti sauce. Best of luck to your dad and I hope he enjoyed every last bite of his fried chicken.


    in reply to: Hi, new here #54190

    Hi Erin,
    I just wanted to welcome you to this site. I find so much comfort from all of these wonderful people and hope you will too. My daughter, Lauren was diagnosed with cc on Aug. 29,2011. She is probably around your age. She is 25. I am 53 as well. I wish your dad all the best. I hope he starts to find success with his chemo. It sounds like he is in great shape and able to fight with everything he’s got. Much hope and prayers coming your family’s way.


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42339

    Dear Margaret,
    I hope Tom will be alright. As for the anti-nausea drug with chemo, Lauren gets a drug every time that they put right in her port called palonsetron. The nurse fills it into a syringe from a vial and puts it all in at once. Is that what an IV push is? I don’t know some of the lingo. Anyway, it is supposed to keep Lauren from getting nauseous for four days. She also takes compazine and ativan as needed. It really works for her. Maybe you could ask about that for Tom. I noticed on the hospital itemized bill it is $1478.00 a shot. It must be crushed diamonds or something.HAHA!! My prayers are with you. You are such an informed and wonderful caregiver. Tom is very lucky to have you. Take care and good luck.

    -Love, Pam

    in reply to: Road traveled by others…. #54130

    Dear Grover,
    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis of cc. You seem to have a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. We sure can use a good laugh from time to time. I just wanted to wish you good luck with your treatments and to let you know you are not alone in this battle.


    in reply to: just a little vent #54105

    It’s funny you would mention this topic. Lauren and I are always wondering why some cancers get ALL the attention and her cancer gets nothing. We do think it is great that there is so much awareness for breast cancer, but couldn’t the spotlight be shared just a bit. I know it is because this cancer is so rare. Nobody I talk to has ever heard of cc. I sure never had before Lauren was diagnosed with it. We try to do our small part by wearing our cc wristbands. Some people do ask us about the bracelets. It is just really frustrating that not a lot is known about this disease.

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53413

    Dear Tom,
    I am very sorry to hear of your bad news. I will be thinking of you and Ben and praying for the next time you post that Ben is feeling better.


    in reply to: 5 years post diagnosis… but bad news… #51123

    Are you from Canton, Ohio? If so, I am from Uniontown. I understand how you have to drive far to a good hospital. My daughter gets all of her treatments in Ann Arbor, Michigan which is over three hours away. I don’t know what we will do if Lauren gets worse and needs a lot of emergency care. I also understand about not sleeping in your own bed. Lauren wanted her bed in the family room so she wouldn’t miss anything. She has been wanting me to sleep there too. So I sleep on the couch with two chihuahuas climbing on me all night. I don’t mind because I want Lauren to feel safe and comfortable. I do sleep better in my bed with my husband, though. I wish you strength to get through each day and pray for your husband to feel better.


    in reply to: Leg Cramps and Constipation Tips ‘n Tricks #44074

    Dear Lallo,

    My daughter, Lauren, takes two stool softeners every night before bed and that seems to work for her. She drinks a lot of liquids during the day as well. When she first started on the pain meds she was really constipated. Nothing seemed to work. We tried miralax, senekot, a homemade concoction of bran buds, applesauce, and prune juice, milk of magnesia. You name it, we’ve tried it. Except for pear juice. Hadn’t heard of that one. Her doctor is always pushing her to take miralax, but since she is staying regular now stool softeners do the trick. Also, once in awhile she might use a glycerin suppository. That works really fast. Good luck.


    in reply to: An introduction and a thank you #53161

    Dear Elsie,

    Your story is very similar to ours. This thing just comes out of the blue and turns your world upside down. I wish you and Jim all the best as you fight this disease. Like you, I searched and searched for information and support and I found my home in this site. Best wishes and bright days ahead.


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