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  • in reply to: Hi Percy #81424

    Percy I know we haven’t communicated personally much but you have helped me so much through my journey and your informative posts. You’re in my thoughts and many blessings to you. Hugs..

    in reply to: My Introduction #80187

    YAY, Matt as others have said congrats on this wonderful news. Enjoy and try not to worry about the “what ifs.” Hugs and blessings.

    in reply to: Missing a chemo treatment #81302

    Hi Meghan, I went on vacation in December and I missed a treatment. I have also missed treatments due to having the flu and having low platelets, so my schedule has been rearranged quite a few times. Of course this is a personal decision on your moms part as to what she wants to do. But I say if your mom wants the extra time on the trip and feels good, go for it. My ONC has always been really flexible and understanding, and works around me not necessarily the other way around. :)

    in reply to: For Nikki x #80890

    Clare hugs and blessings to you. Maybe she be laughing and dancing and having a grand old time upon the stars.

    in reply to: Hello #81168

    HI Mendi and welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your dads diagnosis. You mentioned they did offer him chemo. Is their a plan set in place, or has he decided if that is something he wants to do or not?
    I was diagnosed last year and I was shocked by my diagnosis and yes was in otherwise healthy conditions. I never felt sick (aside from abdominal pain) never looked sick, and have very little symptoms so I definitely understand how you guys feels about that. So it is good to hear that he feels pretty good and I hope he stays feeling good for a long time. Hugs and blessings to you and your family.

    in reply to: My Aunt Lori Age 57 #80989

    I am so sorry for your loss and my condolences as well to you and your family. May she be at rest and peace. May you find peace as well and take time to heal and grieve. Hugs and blessings to you.

    in reply to: Scan update #81161

    What great news and very happy to hear that. Yay for you.

    in reply to: An update. It’s been a while! #81152

    Hi Jules, I know nothing about SIRT but wanted to say that it was good to hear from you and get an update on your mum. I am glad that she still has options as far as treatment and hope that it all goes well for her. And wonderful to hear that she is symptom free. Take care and hugs and blessings to you all.

    in reply to: New to all this….and SO LOST! #81283

    Hi Carla and welcome to the site. Yes this cancer is still considered rare yet it unfortunately is on the rise and is starting to get noticed in younger adults as well. I was diagnosed with Intrahepatic Cholangio in July of last year and I was 34, mother of 2 and felt exactly how you are (turned35 in March :) ) My tumor was about 17-18cm when finally diagnosed. I too was told inoperable, no lymph involvement, and it was all contained in the liver. They started me on Gem/Cis in August and mine was able to shrink enough in it’s location and I became a resected candidate in January of this year. A lot of mine had to do with the location of where my tumor was and was contained all in one lobe.Do you know where your tumor is located? And to answer a couple of your questions…How do you relax and get this off your mind? I am sure we all have our different outlets and some days it is much more difficult to “take a break” from the world of CC. I try to do things to keep me distracted and busy. When I have my kids that is pretty easy to do they keep me on my feet. I also started taking lots of walks and little hikes and listen to music. I also take medication for anxiety when feel needed which also I find really helpful and helps sometime take the edge off or let’s my mind relax for a minute. As far as tips to continue your journey…You are off to a wonderful start and it seems like as much as you have gone through over the last little bit that you have a very strong determined positive attitude. Get as educated as you can about this disease (hence why I am so grateful for this site) and try to get multiple opinions. You just never know that one might have different info and input than the other. So continue what you are doing :) You are definitely on the right path and we are all here to support you and answer any questions you might have.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80179

    Sorry it’s hard using proper spelling and grammar from my phone! :/

    in reply to: My Introduction #80178

    Hi Matt. I completely understand how you are feeling. I too get very anxious about the different feelings or sensations in have had since resection. I often tell myself that the doc reminds me too that my body has been through major surgery and that it’ll take lots of time to feel back to normal. In fact in might never feel exactly the way i used to. I am almost 10 weeks post op and I have days that much better than others. I’ll be thinking about ya and wish you wonderful scan results and hope younger some anxiety relief this week after your appts.

    in reply to: Rough Go #81029

    Hi Kris. It sounds like Mark was suffering a little and hit a bump on the road. Sorry that you both have to deal with this. Though I did just read too that he is of the 5fu and sounds like he is already feeling better! Many hugs and blessings to you guys for a continued well recovery. I think of y’all often ;)


    Hi Makua. I am familiar with that chemo regimen. I was on it prior to my resection. U did mention that u do realize everyone tolerate these things differently however this regimen is generally well tolerated. My biggest side effect I would say was fatigue and some nausea. But these were mild and I still maintained a pretty normal functioning life with some extra help with my kids and house chores and things like that. I agree with Lainy . Any first symptoms or side effects that start to appear report to doc right away. There are lots of meds to help with some side effects. I was given steroids and anti nausea meds the day of infusion followed by steroids the next 3 days after infusion to reduce feeling just overall icky. Sometimes I used them sometimes I didn’t. They can make some people a little more hyped up than normal and I was one of those so I would have a hard time sleeping. But best of luck to your son. Keep us posted. Blessings.

    in reply to: my dad’s cholangiocarcinoma.. #80794

    Hi Andrea. Fortunately and so unexpectedly towards the 7th cycle I was told I could have resection. I had a resection (trisegmentectomy) in January. The gemcis did shrink my tumor from 17cm to a few less. A big factor for me as to why I become operable was location and my large tumor and one satellite lesion were all in one lobe. I hope your husband responds very well to this next course of treatment and keep us updated.

    in reply to: My husband is gone #81007

    Stella I too would like to express my condolences. I am very sorry for the loss of your husband. May he be at rest and no longer suffering. Sending you many hugs and strength to get through this difficult time. Blessings.

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