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  • in reply to: Balancing working with caring #44893

    I also need a job that provides more income, but like you, I am struggling to manage each day. I work only a couple days a week and it helps me so much, but I have a little anxiety all the time that I am away from my husband. It is a difficult situation, but in your place, I would spend as much time with your loved ones as possible and pray for a job that provides enough income without you feeling that you are not getting to be with your family enough. That’s probably not very helpful, but I am an extreme optimist about things working out as they should. I shall pray for you, your family and your job situation. Keep us posted. Blessings, Susan


    Happy Chanukah – As the ancients rededicated the Temple, may we rededicate ourselves to God and caring for one another not just for these 8 days, but for all our days. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: SENSITIVE-Dreaming & Talking #44735

    Lainy – During my dad’s last hours, he held conversations with people he knew who had gone on before him and it was the most beautiful and peaceful experience for all of us. (I know I posted before, but wanted to add this) You know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Mams gone #44955

    Oh Molly – You must feel so lost right now. Please accept hugs from those of us on this site who feel your pain. My prayer is that you will experience the peace that passes all our understanding. Your mam will always watch over you and the imprint she has made in your soul lives on forever. Prayers and blessings to you and your family, Susan

    in reply to: Dad… #44808

    Praying for your dad’s surgery tomorrow (hopefully) and relief from his pain. I am so thankful that he can share in your joy of the new baby. God is amazing and I am glad he chose to bless your family with the baby a little early. Praying for good health for the baby and comfort for dad. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Confused by CT report #44971

    I m not a doctor, but I’d take that as a fairly positive report. No major lesions or changes. Glad that the report did not have major changes or lesions to report. Will be good to see what the doctor says. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Sad sad sad day… #44984

    What a terrible loss for you. Nothing ever replaces a mother. May your memories bring you comfort and may you be surprised that you feel her around you every day as her spirit has imprinted your soul in a deeply meaningful way. During the dark days ahead, know that the pain becomes less acute over time. The loss will always be a part of you but so will your mom’s love. Please come to the site often and share what you are feeling. We will be here for you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: mom is losing weight #44786

    Let us know if the smoothies work. I know Randy enjoys them so much. That and his beloved – cottage cheese – we buy a lot of that. It is one of the foods that never leaves him sick. He has fruit with it sometimes. I also supplement with the pear juice that so many have recommended for the bowels. Good luck. Keep us updated. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Teddy Update #44881

    Lainy – You know my heart is with you and Teddy. I can’t tell you how often I think of you every day and pray for you and Teddy. You have been a godsend to all of us on this site and now I pray I can be there for you – at least to some degree. Hugs to you and Teddy. Love, Susan

    in reply to: My mums journey so far #44936

    Dear Samantha – I don’t have much to add but my husband was on Gemzar and while he had no ill effects while in treatment, it did not shrink his tumors at all. After 3 cycles (6 treatments) he stopped the Gemzar. He has been told he is not a candidate for any other treatment but we are seeking another opinion from Loma Linda. We had a liver specialist from UCLA review his records and he said there was no treatment. Our local physicians have said there is no treatment, but with a rare cancer, I think more than one or two opinions is valuable. Your mom is young and my prayer is that she will get a successful treatment. In the meantime, cherish each moment and hold each other close. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: My Mom #44921

    Dear Irishgirl – Glad you found us. You will find so much support on this site. My husband is on the fentanyl patch with vicodin for breakthrough pain. He has nausea medication that works ok, not great, just ok. He eats only what sits well on his stomach – for him that is cottage cheese. The fentanyl is working well. Keep coming back and posting. We’ll be there for you through this process. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Liver Conference #44780

    Marion – I am so thankful that you are so involved and knowledgeable. It is frustrating that more research and development is not done for early detection. I have reviewed information on the NIH website and it says CC is on the rise and it appears to affect men more than women, but the incidence is still so low in comparison to the other cancers that you mentioned. Thank you for all that you do on behalf of CC patients. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: mom is losing weight #44783

    Andrea – My husband really enjoyed the smoothies from McDonald’s or anywhere for that matter. He ate soup and lots of cottage cheese. I also got chocolate protein drinks from Costco and Glucerna/Ensure. The doctor gave him nausea meds that lasted a week and some pills for break through nausea. He had very little nausea during chemo, but it has increased since he stopped chemo.
    Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Teddy Update #44867

    Lainy – You are so very special to all of us. I pray for peace for you and for Teddy. You deserve the very best and I am holding you in my heart every day. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Just finished cycle 1 of 8 of gem/cis #43628

    My husband has had more nausea off chemo than on. His nausea increases.

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