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  • tlsinftl

    Ben finished his second cycle of gem/cis yesterday. We had a busy thanksgiving week with family and friends. Ben did manage to pick up a cold that led to some bad congestion ( his coughing sounded really bad), but he felt ok. As a precaution we called the doctor and he took cipro over the weekend. His blood counts were normal yesterday so they went ahead with the chemo and today he still feels good (but his congestion and cough are still there, just not as bad).

    We have heard that sometimes the steroids can cause people insomnia the first night, which Ben hadn’t experienced, but last night he didn’t go to bed until 4:30 so I guess it finally hit him. He slept until noon and has been active all day..we shall see how it goes tonight (he is cleaning the garage now and it’s 10:15 pm).

    Anyway, so I count ourselves as lucky as still no side effects (although he did have another round of hiccups, that disappeared again with the “spoonful of sugar” remedy. So, luckily nothing exciting to report, just our normal boring lives. We are going to New York City this weekend to see the Christmas lights and hit a couple broadway shows….so that should be fun.

    Doctor appointment for follow-up next week. Gavin I haven’t forgotten about that recent study you found so will be asking the doctor about that and will report back.

    Take care everyone…my thoughts are always with you.


    in reply to: Teddy’s Thanksgiving #44763

    Just wonderful! Its so nice tom everyone enjoyed themselves! And, it’s not a surprise Lainy outdid herself! She’s very special to us here and obviously to her family as well.


    in reply to: Ben’s Chemo started October 30th, 2010 Gemzar and Cisplatin #43793

    Thanks everyone! And Lainy has me beat by one! Only eleven at our house for dinner, but I am like Lainey..I love Thanksgiving…I love to cook and Thanksgiving always reminds me of home.

    Any of you are welcome at our house if you ever make it to Fort Lauderdale.


    in reply to: Ben’s Chemo started October 30th, 2010 Gemzar and Cisplatin #43788

    I missed that post year for sure!

    So, Ben started his second cycle today on the gem/cis combo (so his 3rd treatment). I almost feel like I should be posting this in the “good news” section, as for now – he still has experienced almost no side effects (except for those hiccups from the first treatment).

    The doctors are still quite happy with his blood counts, and he continues to go to the gym almost everyday. Counting my blessings and hoping things continue this way. We have some of Bens family coming for Thanksgiving so I hope he still feels good because I will be cooking up a storm.

    Take care everyone!


    in reply to: My dad and his CC #44344


    I don’t have much to add on the advice side, but regarding you feeling guilty…..I think you just need to let it go. I’ve had my own doubts when I forgot to make a call, didn’t do enough research, etc. But I have learned that we are all here because we care, and none of is perfect. This disease treats everyone so differently, so I think it’s best to make a decision with no regrets. We have enough of an emotional rollercoaster without second guessing every decision we make….because there is no perfect answer.

    Good luck with everything, and we are all here to help.


    in reply to: MIL diagnosed with CC August 2010 #44217

    Hello JC,

    You will find an incredible amount of support from people on this site, or just by searching for answers using the google search in the upper right hand corner. I continue to be amazed at how quick any question gets answered here. Just give us more information or ask a question and there will be plenty of support.


    in reply to: I am home…for good! #44119

    I have learned through all of this, that the simple things are what we value most…welcome HOME!


    in reply to: GOD BLESS LAINEY #44167

    Virtual hug for Lainy!

    in reply to: My dad’s services #44182

    Thanks for sharing Pam, your dad sounds like he was a wonderful man with a lot of great memories.


    Thanks Gavin! I will definitely be discussing with Ben’s oncologist!

    in reply to: My update and upcoming appt. at Mayo, Rochester, MN #43852


    Good luck at Mayo Clinic – that’s where Ben and I started on this journey and believe Mayo is truly an incredible place. Not all doctors are perfect or have the bedside manner that fits everyone, but we found the Mayo doctors as some of the most patient doctors around. Our oncologist was Dr. Pitot – although we only had one meeting with him (but we have called him a couple of times), he had given us good guidance on local administration (although I would say, that sometimes his “bedside manner” can sometimes be abrupt), but he is direct – but has always been right on with his advice…and that’s the most important for us. All of our other doctors at Mayo we also deeply respected.

    Good luck and I would be more then happy to help with any navigation while you are there – but they really make it so easy for you.


    in reply to: My Dad passed #43891


    I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you, keep coming back – you know how supportive this board is….I am sure you have so many wonderful memories of your dad and you will keep them with you forever.



    I guess if Ben is Super Chemo Man, that makes me his sidekick “Anti-Nausea Man” (because i try to keep thngs in balance)!!

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25831


    I just wanted to offer my support. While new to all of this, I continue to be amazed at the fortitude, courage and strength of so many on this site (with Kris being one of the captains). Hang in there and we will all get through this together.


    in reply to: Teddy Boy —not doing well #43699


    I just wanted to pile on my own virtual hug. Hang in there – you are amazing and full of strength.


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