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  • in reply to: Anyone have side effects from Lorazepam? #72578

    No but she does have those too

    in reply to: Anyone have side effects from Lorazepam? #72575

    Thanks, Marion. To answer your question: The last scan my sister had was in early April and it showed mets to lungs, omentum, abdominal aortic lymph nodes. The Y-90 radioembo (done in Jan) did shrink the big tumors that were targeted in the liver some but meanwhile the seed cells grew/spread. There is also a big tumor (it’s been there from the beginning but has grown) inside the main portal vein and has been growing up the left and right branches. Thankfully, my sister has had no complications from that… never had jaundice or needed a stent. Apparently, there are collateral blood vessels that have developed over time which are carrying blood to the liver around the blocked portal vein. She is understandably feeling down and seems to be having cumulative effects from the chemo (Xeloda). I continue to pray for a miracle.

    in reply to: My new onc #70446

    You are selfless indeed, for participating in this trial which will help others in the future all the while feeling great about what it can do for you. The charm necklace itself is merely a symbol of compassion and it is lovely and fitting that you have passed it on to a soul who needs this right now.
    Keeping you in my thoughts for continued low ca 19-9 and md side effects!

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72164

    Per Laurens progress today (from other blog) …It is so nice to hear Lauren is more and more responsive. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

    in reply to: My Mom #71803

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear mother. It is heartening to know she had a smile and was at peace when she passed. You have such amazing faith and grace in this precious, sad time.
    Sincerely, Willow

    in reply to: New member — Wife recently diagnosed with ICC #72301

    Jason, you’re a great husband and approaching this with logical and sound steps. My sister (50) has ICC and a young child (9) but won’t consider opinions outside if as tangoed docs simply because its too stressful for her to second guess her docs decisions and feels it may delay current tx. She chooses to focus on other things in order to stay positive. While her husband is supportive, he is not a scientifically minded person and seems to use the distraction method of coping as well. plus he is very busy running his business, taking care of their son and going to ally sisters appointments (45 min from home). seems like Im the one delving deeply into all aspects if this disease every day, searching for answers and ideas and what to expect. especially interested in the various treatments to control the CC. Docs have good reasons to do certain tx on some and not on others…a lot depends on location of tumors, health of pt, behavior of that particular mutation of CC etc. For example, they think my sisters cancer is a combination of CC and hepatocellular carcinoma. Also, the cancer can mutate so may respond to a particular chemo in one part of body but not another. For some, CC is very slow growing snd others seem to have an aggressive form. So much research still needs to be done!
    No longer do I expect her to be “cured”; simply my wish is to control the CC and for my sister to have as many quality years with us as possible. She was diag in late July of last year and was never a resection candidate. Gem Cis Chemo, y90 radioembolization of liver tumors and now Xeloda chemo again. Went from stage III to Stage IV in that time, few symptoms aside from fatigue that isn’t bad. Had trouble w low platelets while on Gem Cis.
    Anyway, the way you’re approaching this is same way I would…and it’s great to let your wife focus on the treatment and simply enjoying family life.
    I Will definitely add you and your wife to my thoughts and prayers for success in reaching the goal of shrinkage, a resection and remission. Stay strong and know you are not alone.

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72145

    Praying for a Lauren to continue to heal and for you to recouped ate from this deeply trying time. You’re a wonderful Mom, Pam.

    in reply to: LY2801653 clinical trial #70378

    Yes!! Keeping you in my thoughts for your markers to keep on declining and your side effects not to get uncomfortable while you wait for the scan in June. Hang in there, Kris! You really amaze me.

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72139

    I am thrilled Lauren is stable and doing ok. Does anyone know why Lauren is on dialysis? Is it to help her kidneys rest? Does dialysis help rest the liver too? Hope this is ok to ask. SO relieved prayers have been answerd and Kauren is slowly healing.

    in reply to: First CT scan since IHCC surgery #72447

    Will do, Gregg. I’m sure you are anxious for good news, as are we.

    in reply to: Having procedure today, 5/20 #72421

    Hoping all went well and your bili is coming down so you can start chemo soon. Take care, Mary!

    in reply to: My mom #72037

    As one who was caretaker and lost my Dad almos a month ago, I can tell you that the adrenaline and purpose wear off. Emotions all over the map…lately I feel impatient with others and often feel desperate to do things that are an ‘escape’ or a distraction. With responsibilities, its not easy but try to do things that lift your spirits…like get outside and accept offers from friends to get together. as you may find, I’m finding that my grief is coming out in the strangest ways! The trauma of being with someone through the end stages of an illness is profound. I try to think of it as part of life and am relieved knowing Dad isn’t suffering now. Now my grief and anger turn toward my sisters fight against stage 4 CC . Feel I’m holding breath waiting for what might be instead of enjoying each day she’s doing well! Her cancer at age 50 is much harder to accept than dads alzheimers (he was almost 90), though the hands on caring for him for past 3 years was so difficult. its strange to suddenly not have that role.
    Take extra special care of yourself, Jeeyoung, and know how much your Mom loves you.

    in reply to: Husband starting chemo tomorrow #71976

    Thinking positive thoughts for your husband and for that chemo to kick some CC tail!!

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72133

    Pam, this is so wonderful (read update on other blog). Sedation off, abdomen closed, liver and blood flow functioning! I know you’re still holding your breath but I hope you can breathe a bit easier now. Lauren has it on her to pull through from here!

    in reply to: Lauren Doing a Tad Better #72076

    Don’t see anything new on that blog since she went back in to OR. On CC blog, last entry is last night saying “Lauren not doing well”. Is there any more current news than that?

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