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2010 Review of Controversies in Surgical Treatment

As part of our ongoing educational series, The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation invites you to join us for the upcoming web-based seminar…

Ask Dr. Giles:How to cope with BiPolar/Narcissistic husband with cholangiocarcinoma.

Tina asks: My Husband was diagnosed in June '09 with cholangiocarcinoma that is unresectable, at that time he was told…

Ask Dr. Giles: Mom died of cholangiocarcinoma, worried she might have it too

Leanne asks Hello, well my mother was diagnosed with CC in jan 09 and was gone by march 09... i…

Ask Dr. Giles: I'm overwhelmed.

Beth asks: Hello, I am a 34 yr old caregiver to my husband who is also 34. Recently there is…

Ask Dr. Giles: I'm not ready to let go of mom, is there anything I can do

Corina asks: Dear Dr. Giles, Nov.09 I took my mom with excruciating abdominal pains to ER. She had an ERCP…

Ask Dr. Giles: I don't know what to expect

Anjie asks: My brother was recently given his "expiration" date and it is really the elephant in the room disease.…

Ask Dr. Giles: My mom's afraid of chemotherapy

Benjamin asks: My mother was just dx with Cholangiocarcinoma 3 weeks ago and my family and I are trying to…

Ask Dr. Giles: Should I be concerned about his stress at work affecting his health

Jeff asks: My partner was diagnosed with CC in early February and is undergoing the Gem/Cis Chemo Treatment.  He is…

Ask Dr. Giles: She seems to be getting better, but also distant

Kate asks: Hi.  My partner has unexpectedly gotten through a whipples, and has now completed a round of chemo. Great,…

Ask Dr. Giles: I just want to connect with someone like me who survived this

Randi asks: First let me say how sorry I am about the loss of your friend. I am a 54…