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Ask Dr. Giles: I'm not ready to let go of mom, is there anything I can do

Corina asks: Dear Dr. Giles, Nov.09 I took my mom with excruciating abdominal pains to ER. She had an ERCP…

Ask Dr. Giles: I don't know what to expect

Anjie asks: My brother was recently given his "expiration" date and it is really the elephant in the room disease.…

Ask Dr. Giles: My mom's afraid of chemotherapy

Benjamin asks: My mother was just dx with Cholangiocarcinoma 3 weeks ago and my family and I are trying to…

Ask Dr. Giles: Should I be concerned about his stress at work affecting his health

Jeff asks: My partner was diagnosed with CC in early February and is undergoing the Gem/Cis Chemo Treatment.  He is…

Ask Dr. Giles: She seems to be getting better, but also distant

Kate asks: Hi.  My partner has unexpectedly gotten through a whipples, and has now completed a round of chemo. Great,…

Ask Dr. Giles: I just want to connect with someone like me who survived this

Randi asks: First let me say how sorry I am about the loss of your friend. I am a 54…

Clinical Trials 101

Have you found the clinical trial process confusing? Or are you looking for additional information on the available bile duct…

Ask Dr. Giles: How can I be dying when I feel so good?

Cheryl asks: How can I be dying when I feel so good? Diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, Sept. 11 2009, have had…

Ask Dr. Giles: How can I lovingly but firmly ask mom to back off?

anonymous writes: I have cancer and my mother is caring for me. Actually, I hate to sound ungrateful, but she…

Ask Dr. Giles: What can I do ease my pain and devastation?

Rochelle writes: I lost my husband two days ago, he was my absolute everything, we just recently moved to casper…