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  • in reply to: Scantastic #46391

    That’s wonderful news!!!!

    Hope you have a fantastic 60th birthday and good luck with your AMMF fundraising.

    Best wishes to you and Kate xx

    in reply to: Dad’s Memorial Bench #48522

    Hi Jen,

    I’m so glad that you were all able to make this special journey. The photos are simply beautiful, more memories to treasure forever.

    Love to all

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Counseling starts next week… #48566

    Dear GracefulMeadow,

    It will be 2 weeks Saturday since my Dad passed away, I too feel numb and I don’t remember what sleep is. I’m downstairs most nights till 2am then when I finally get to bed I can’t seem to switch off. Like you I don’t want to discuss how I feel with my Mom and Husband, I also feel I have to keep strong for my Mom, and to tell the truth I don’t even know how I feel. I suppose empty is the word I could use, and lost.

    Good luck with the counselling xx

    in reply to: Update on dad #48327

    Dear Tommy,

    My Dad, like Judy fought hard, and a few times we thought it was his time to pass away. Mom and I were with Dad at the end holding his hands and telling him we loved him, and like Lainy describes Teddys passing, it was a very peaceful experience. We had felt a presence in the room since the Wednesday and a calmness came over Mom and I. In the end we both told Dad it was ok to let go, something I could never have imagined doing. He had kept saying he was not ready yet but in the end he looked and said to someone “I’m coming now”, and when he passed the jaundice, his lines on his face all disappeared and he had a look of pure peace and happiness on his face. I believe the presence in the room was past relatives waiting for my Dad. It has been 8 days now and we look back and can’t believe how we managed but we did.

    Judy sounds an amazing Lady, and you and your daughters sound amazing too. You are all lucky to have each other, and your love and closeness will get you through whatever the future brings.

    My love to you all

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Happy 60th Birthday Dad! #48352

    Dear Jen,

    I have been thinking of you and your Dad today, I’m so glad it was great news. Definatlely a double celebration!! Enjoy your family time, it really is precious.

    Love to all

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: Not CC but Cholangiolocarcinoma (CLC). What the F is this? #48404

    Hi The only info on the web I could find was this study information

    We clinicopathologically studied 6 resected cases of cholangiolocarcinoma (CLC) including 2 referred cases from other hospitals. The frequency of CLC was 0.56% of the 708 consecutively resected cases of primary liver cancer and the mean age of CLC cases was 66 years. Three of the 6 cases (50%) were hepatitis C virus antibody (HCVab) positive, one (17%) was hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) positive, and 2 (33%) were negative to both HCVAb and HBsAg. Serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein were slightly elavated only in 1 case. Clinically, 4 cases were diagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 2 cases as cholangiocellular carcinoma (CCC). Grossly, CLCs were whitish in color and solid, not encapsulated, and resembled CCC. Histologically, the tumor cells had eosinophilic cytoplasm with ovoid nuclei, and mild atypia. The tumor proliferated in an anastomosing pattern of Hering’s canal-like small glands with an abundant fibrous stroma. Four of the 6 tumors (83%) consisted of only CLC and other 2 tumors contained CCC-like area and HCC-like area in a part of the nodules, respectively. Immunohistochemically, all tumors were positive to cytokeratin (CK) 7. CK8 were also positive in all of 6 cases. These results revealed that CLC had the clinical features resembling HCC but the morphologic features resembling CCC. It is suggested that CLC cells might be derived from Hering’s canal or stem cells which have the intermediate features between hepatocytes and bile duct epithelium

    Sorry it is long but it may help you understand the difference, or someone may be able to describe it better

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Happy 60th Birthday Dad! #48344

    Dear Jen,

    What an amazing, wonderful Dad you have!! I’m so glad you got to go to see the memorial bench together and even more glad you are celebrating your Dads 60th birthday. Say “Happy Birthday” to him from me!!

    I’ve got everything crossed for a good CT scan result tomorrow. I will be thinking of you all.

    Lots of love

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: Letter from Heaven #48287

    Thank you all.

    It has been a busy day today, we have a date for the funeral Tuesday 1st March. Mom and I have spent the day organising this.

    Another poem we are having is called Next to You.

    You cannot see or touch me
    but I’m standing next to you
    your tears can only hurt me
    your sadness makes me blue
    be brave and show a smiling face
    let not your grief show through
    I love you from a different place
    yet I’m standing next to you.

    Love to all x

    in reply to: Hoping that my Journey can help others, holding on together. #48226

    Dearest Beth,

    I followed Daves journey often, he reminded me so much of my Dad, who to sadly passed away 19 Feb 2011. Like Dave he was in the arms of loved ones when he passed, which is a big comfort.

    I know no words can be said but I am thinking of you and your family and sending much love at this difficult time.

    God bless

    Andrea x

    in reply to: My precious brother #48269

    Dear LovingSister,

    Welcome to our CC family. External drains can be a problem and after a time the tubes need to be replaced, I take it your brother has a drainage bag that the bile collects in? has the amount of bile he collects reduced? Hopefully now the doctors have decided to fit internal stents this may resolve your brothers bilirubin levels, allowing treatment to start. Have they said if they are going to fit metal or plastic?

    I know from experience how hard this journey is with constant up and downs, a real rollercoaster ride. But with the help of the people on here we will help you get through it. Any questions, even if you think they are silly ones, please ask we are all here for you.

    Sending best wishes to you and your Brother


    in reply to: Mom was called home this week… #48238

    Dear Erica,

    Sending my love to you and your family at this sad time. Take comfort that your Mom is now at peace and enjoying her coffee and chat with your Grandma.

    Thinking of you

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Sensitive: End stage #48081

    Thank you all for your kind words. Dad passed away at 2.45am this morning and it was how we wished it to be. Mom, Dad and me, peacefully all together. Dad was painfree but fought until the end. He did get agitated at one point, he wanted to sit up and his eyes were fixed to the corner of the room, he kept reaching out as if he was trying to get to someone. This caused his breathing to become very rapid. The DN decided then it would be kinder to fit a syringe driver and give him some drugs to calm him down. They did and 2 hours later he passed away. They had expected him to pass away Thursday night but he kept hanging on, in the end enough was enough and we told him to let go, and he did, as Mom and I held him and told him we loved him. He had been talking to his Mom and told someone “I’m coming in a minute”. Mom and I felt waves of coldness wrap round our bodies during the night, it was an experience I can’t explain apart from a feeling that he was being met by past loved ones.

    He looked so at peace, his jaundice had faded, his skin looked wrinkle free and his smile said I love you, I’m ok.

    At the moment I just feel numb, I want to organise things but as it’s a Saturday we are in limbo as we can’t get the death certificate until Monday. My little one was devastated and it broke my heart to see his little face crumble but we had a good cry a good talk and we will take it minute by minute, it’s too soon for day by day. I was so proud of my Mom, she found her strength and was truly amazing. The next hurdle is the funeral. Once again thank you to all my cc family, you are also amazing, and one good thing to come out of this is all of you.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Sensitive: End stage #48066

    Well we called the Macmillan team in yesterday and I must admit it overwhelmed us, it was literally like a SWAT team arriving. Within the hour we had Macmillan nurses, carers, district nurses and then equipment arriving. This really upset Dad and I must admit I didn’t like the Macmillan Nurse when she spoke to Dad. She told him he was a dying man with very limited time, 2 to 3 days at most so his wife needed help! Well that only put Moms back up. We have declined carers, if Dad as only days and he doesn’t want strangers washing him then Mom and I will do it. He calmed down once we promised him this and has been calm since. We have accepted the urinal and the District nurses have the syringe driver and drugs ready but don’t feel they are necessary at the moment. They will check him twice a day and then every 6 hours once they are giving him drugs. They are angels and have been so lovely with him. He is still saying thank you to them! He is still in no pain at all. He keeps drifting in and out of sleep. When awake the room is so so cold, it also hits you halfway up the stairs, he goes between telling us he loves us to saying not ready yet. Mom said he was talking all night to passed family. I am just on my way up there now once I have taken my son to school.

    Please pray he continues to be pain free and can pass peacefully at home. I believe all your prayers and support are travelling to us and helping.

    Best wishes to all my cc family

    Andrea x

    in reply to: My wonderful soulmate #47473

    Dear Cheryl,

    I don’t know how I missed your post but may I welcome you to our cc family. Your daughter Jen has helped me through the last few months as we have both shared our Dads journeys together. Herb sounds a wonderful man who reminds me so much of my Dad too, with his detemination and attitude.

    My best wishes to you and Herb.

    Take care

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Dad Update #47779

    Thank you all for your kind words. Whilst I have wonderful family and friends I feel coming on this site is the only place I can express my true feelings and people really do understand.

    Dad took his first dose of oramorph at 2.15pm yesterday, he slept straight through until 7.30am this morning. He came downstairs, ate a small bowl of cornflakes, took another spoon of oramorph and went back to bed. He woke about 12ish to change his stoma bag, it took him ages to do it but he is determined to do it himself, he’s still very proud. We don’t know where he is getting the strength from. After he changed it he went back to bed where I went and spent 10 mins with him. He held my hand so tight and we had a lovely chat. It was hard to keep the tears from flowing as he is so thin and weak and his voice is now a dry whisper. Mom then came in and he said he was tired, mom said “go to sleep and dream of something lovely” and he said I will dream of you”, then he went straight back to sleep! It is 4.35pm now and he is still asleep.

    I pray that he can pass peacefully in his sleep, after all that he’s been through, polio as a child, cancer 4 times, he really does deserve to go peacefully. He is the kindest man you could ever meet and everyone who meets him loves him. He really is my hero.

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