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  • in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41123

    Hi Mary
    What the heck! I would be very annoyed with that doctor. I’m sorry you didn’t get more insight into Toms liver issues. And you can’t just say you think the cancer has returned just because of CA 19 levels. Im glad you posted because I was thinking of you and Tom. I do hope his stent removal goes well in November. Did you go to UPMC today? I know we discussed this before but would you ever consider heading north again to try the Cleveland Clinic?


    in reply to: Hello there! #42678

    Hi Freddie –

    thanks for the update on your Mom. I am so glad to hear you are happier with your new doctor. I second what Lainy said – asking for something from her doctor to calm her nerves. While I’m cancer-free now – I am still taking medicine for depression and anxiety. Its been a huge help to me.


    in reply to: Hello there! #42675

    Just checking in to see how your Mom is doing? Any updates?


    in reply to: Teddy & Lainy Update #43106


    so glad to hear the good news about your check-up!


    in reply to: Karl update: no treatment #39144

    I have had recurring bacterial infections that were resistant to certain antibiotics. IV antibiotics helped me feel better right away but then I would back slide and the fever and chills would return until the right antibiotic was found. The hospital would do a blood culture or bile culture to see which antibiotics the bacteria had a sensitivity to. Hope this helps.


    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41121

    Hi Mary,
    Hope all goes well meeting with the new doctor. :)

    in reply to: Kris on Facebook #43204

    Hi Kris!!! :)

    So great to see your posts again. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this last procedure continues to work. I know the IV food is tough to get used to. You’ve been through so much Kris and you are so brave.

    Any information on when you might go home?


    in reply to: Do you have Pink Ribbon Fatigue? #43177

    The New York Times article makes some very good points especially regarding the relationship between corporate sponsors and the Susan B. Komen Foundation. Here in northern Ohio, we are very very PINK. I was just grumbling to myself about this yesterday. Everywhere I went, there was the pink ribbon – the coffee shop, the grocery store, the hardware store (I thought I’d be safe there but nope – pink tool kits). I wonder too where all of the money goes and how much of it goes to pay for advertising.


    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41116

    Hi Mary,
    How did you find out about Alpha Lipoic acid? I always want to try supplements but don’t know what’s safe and what’s not?

    Hi Bob,
    Did you work while you had your stents and bags? I have so much time on my hands but feel I can’t take on much of a commitment.

    So I guess the next step for me is another cholangiogram and an attempt to, once more, find the leak. I’m not going in for that for another 4 weeks! Seems like an eternity. I’m trying hard to squelch the little nugget of panic that is taking place in my head. How much longer can I walk around like this?

    How are you feeling? Any more news on the diagnosis of PSC?


    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #42991

    Hi Kris,
    Add me to the list of people wishing you good luck for today’s surgery. You have the support, admiration, and love from everyone on this website. Sending you and yours love from the U.S.


    in reply to: This sucks #43132

    Hi Kimmie,
    I can really understand how much you miss your Mom. My Mom died about 3 years ago, right before my diagnosis of cc. There have been so many times I have wished for my Mom to be here to comfort and hold me. She would have spoiled me rotten with attention. :) There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t think of her or hear her voice in my head. It is amazing how life continues on when you are feeling so devastated. Time does heal and the emptiness you are feeling will be filled again. I love your quote at the bottom of your post. Who said that?



    in reply to: not going well #43129

    I’m so distressed to know you are suffering so much. I’m sorry to hear Fridays procedure didn’t help with the vomiting. I’m sure you are exhausted. I’m glad your mom will be staying another week. Please let us know what your surgeon has to say. You are the best Kris. You are on my mind all the time.
    Love, Betsy

    in reply to: Hello there! #42674

    I have gotten second and third opinions but I had to send all of records and my scans – going all the way back to my resection. I think it would be difficult to give a diagnosis with looking at the scans. Can I ask what hospital the second opinion came from? I learned a lot getting other opinions. I kept going until I found 2 opinions that were the same. I can’t explain why the team didn’t explain the leaking bile duct issue to you sooner. Since my resection my doctor has been watching one bile duct that was scarring over. Each time I had a scan he would mention he was keeping on eye on it but didn’t explain what that meant and I didn’t ask. Its hard to know what questions to ask and even if you do know what to ask often times the doctors cant predict or just dont know. I know you are all too aware of this, but liver surgery is such a big surgery and so risky. It seems like so many people come out having bile duct issues at some point. You can’t punish yourself – you made decisions based on the information you had and who knows if it all wouldn’t have come to this anyway. Gather your strength and courage and keep pushing ahead for answers. I would hate to think your doctors are being dismissive with your mother’s life…..I just feel there is no clear path for the doctors or the patients.


    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41112

    Hi Bob,

    Yes I have had many infections and I also feel sick for 1-2 days after each tube change. My doctor also gives me demarol (sp?) if needed, and sometimes a bag of fluids. I haven’t had the discomfort you describe that happens right around the time you had your tubes changed. But then again, I’ve been going every 4 weeks. I usually have issues with not being able to flush.

    I didn’t post results of my MRI yet. Thanks for asking. My doc says the MRI looks o.k. and there were no leaks on the delayed images. I haven’t spoken with him yet. I’m not sure what the next step will be because I’m still draining 30cc/day from a drain that isn’t leaking. I’ll let you know.


    p.s. every time I post to you its under the “tubeless in seattle” thread….always makes me laugh! sleepless in seattle was one of my favorite movies.

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41110

    Hi Bob,
    Can I ask how often you went in for tube changes? I’ve been going every 4 weeks.


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