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  • in reply to: I’m new here. Hi Everyone. #38851

    Hi again Marni,

    My Mom never had vomiting but she did take two anti nausea drugs with her chemo and since she never vomited…they obviously worked! They were compazine and zofram (I’m not totally sure on spelling). Maybe you can enquire about these.

    Hang in there! We are all here for you. You can also use the search engine I told you about to see an individual’s posts. My story with my Mom’s CC is under Cherbourg.

    Come back often and know we are all here for you and your Mom!


    in reply to: Tough news today #38792

    Thanks for the update Rick!

    Try not to be nervous. Know that we are all lifting you up in prayer and are always there for you and your family.

    Hugs to all!


    in reply to: Now with God #38909


    I was so sorry to read about Jim’s death. I am happy to know you and the girls were able to be with him and share and say what you needed. He sounds as if he was an amazing man and it’s obvious how much he was loved and how much he loved in return.

    I am a firm believer in Hospice and they were so wonderful when my Mom was dying.

    These next days and months will be hard. I’m finding the journey with Grief is one of the hardest things I’ve ever dealt with. You will find a strength deep inside of you and you will make it, but it will be in your own time frame.

    I will hold you and the girls in my thoughts and prayers.

    hugs to you all,


    in reply to: I’m new here. Hi Everyone. #38844

    Hi Marni!

    (and welcome to the site!) There is a search engine at the top of the page. Just enter “vomiting” or whatever question or key word you have and you will be able to pull up all of the posts on the subject.

    My Mom did not have vomiting with her CC so I can’t really offer suggestions. I’m sure the rest of the crowd will soon read this and can offer you some more help!

    Please visit often and know you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers!

    Hugs to you both!

    in reply to: End stage- please help #38701

    I wrote many posts before my Mom died. We were with her at the end and she died a very peaceful death. You can use the search engine above to find my posts under the screen name Cherbourg.

    We used a patch with my mom called fentenyl (sp). We also had several other short acting drugs for breakthrough pain. I am a firm believer in hospice care as well.

    If possible have the service at your Dad’s bedside. You are his loving daughter and he wants to share this most important time with you. He sounds like an amazing man and he will leave the most amazing legacy in you his beloved daughter. I am praying for all of you. keep the faith….


    in reply to: End stage- please help #38692


    I would try and respect your Dad’s wishes to try and have the wedding.

    Is there something you can do to try and alleviate his pain? Pain is very tiring on the body. Perhaps his doctors could recommend something?

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: Feeling down today….. #38439

    Thank you all for your caring and compassionate responses. You will never know how much you helped me this week….

    Hugs to you all….

    in reply to: my identical twin sister is in heaven now #38396

    Oh Heather,

    I am so sorry to hear about your sister Kathy. This is not a post I wanted to read. It’s been a little over a year since I lost my Mom and the pain and anger still emerges at times.

    Losing not only your sister but your twin must be devastating. I understand every emotion and the anger you are feeling right now. I wish I could make it all just a bad dream and let you wake up! I know you will be a godsend for your sister’s children but this will be the hardest journey you will ever take.

    I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. We are all here if you need to vent.

    Hugs and much love…..


    in reply to: 3 months to long #38189

    Dear MissingWayne,

    I’m so sorry you had to find us but we are so glad you did. I lost my Mom to this monster of a disease in April 2009. I’m still grieving but it does get a little easier with time.

    I wanted you to know that we have a wonderful Dr. on the site. If you look under “Patient Support” you’ll see “ask Dr. Giles”. You can submit questions and he will answer. One of the questions there seems to capture what you’re feeling right now. In his response to another person on the board, Dr. Giles writes:

    …………I would gently suggest to you, (Rochelle), that the depth of your feelings are a testament to the significance of the place your husband has in your life. The magnitude of your pain and devastation signifies how precious he was to you–and that’s a good thing. Please do not hurry through this extremely tender time. Your sorrow is a result of the loss of a good man………

    It’s obvious how much you loved your husband and how much he meant to you. Please know we are all here for you.

    I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: An appointment at last…. #37935


    I sent you an email with some of the questions I put together to ask my Mom’s oncologist after her initial diagnosis.

    Hope it helps!


    in reply to: Off to Greece #37928


    ???Bite Me??? …..You go girl! I love it when you’re sassy!….lol


    Take good care of our favorite “Parrot Head”! I know you’ll both have a great time!



    in reply to: I love you Dad #38012

    Oh MsHopeful,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. There is a very special bond between Dads and daughters. Your Dad leaves a wonderful legacy in you. You have been with him every step of this hard journey. You’ve been his advocate and cheerleader.

    I know how hard it is to lose a parent to this monster.

    Please know you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. We are all here for you as you start your next journey grieving for your Dad.


    in reply to: newbie says a teary hi #37858

    Hi D,

    I replied to your other post but wanted to give you a warm welcome.

    One hint: There is a search engine at the top of the page that you can use to search topics or read individual’s posts.

    You can also post questions to Dr. Giles at the top of the page.

    I’m glad you’re here. We are all helping each other!


    in reply to: I lost my mum a year ago #37865


    It’s been a little over a year since I lost my Mom. She lived almost exactly one year from the time I diagnosed her CC. (I’m a Cytologist).

    You can read my posts under the screen name Cherbourg. I too have had many conversations with myself as to whether I did the right things. Did I miss medical stuff before the diagnosis? At the end did I do the right thing in telling her it was ok to go? Could I have done more or said more?

    I believe now that I did all the right things but I’ve endlessly questioned my actions over and over. Would I do anything differently? I don’t think so.

    I wish I had encouraged Mom to leave a video so I could hear her voice again.

    I was so unprepared for how hard it is to grieve. I thought all of the “anticipatory grief” would somehow prepare me. It doesn’t. I’ve also been surprised at the emotional, physical and mental challenges of grieving.

    Looking back I’ve come a very long way in the past year. I’m not totally “there” yet. Sometimes the strangest things can completely unnerve me. I found myself tearing up in Walmart the other day after I passed a woman wearing my Mom’s perfume. I’m still a work in progress but it does get easier. I have a great support system and this board has been a godsend for me.

    Please come often. We are all here for each other. You are incredibly brave to post what you wrote. I can tell your Mom raised a remarkable daughter. You were with your Mum at the end and helped ease her passage. One thing I find myself doing is asking myself , “What would Mom want me to do?” Silly, but it helps clarify my thinking at times.

    Hang in there….we are all on this journey….just at different points.

    Hugs to you! You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. Mother’s Day is a hard holiday for me….


    in reply to: Lung mets? #37821


    When my Mom was diagnosed she had extensive lung mets. She had a bout of pleurisy and they did a CT scan to r/o a blood clot. When I viewed her CT scans it looked as if someone had sprinkled her lungs with stars. That led to another scan and testing and then the diagnosis of CC. She had no symptoms at all and at the time was still working full time (work was a hobby for her) and she was walking 5 to 10 miles a day.

    She never had any breathing problems at all during her illness.

    You may be experiencing allergies or pollen related problems. Keep an eye on things and mention it again to your doctor if it continues.

    Great report on the CA19-9 levels! Hang in there!

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!


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