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  • in reply to: I have a question about work. #48301


    I know exactly what you are feeling. Mom died April 3, 2009 and I still have bad days.

    I can categorically state that GRIEF HAS NO TIMETABLE!!!! You just have to work through it at YOUR OWN PACE. I can tell you in time it will become a bit easier and eventually you will remember the good memories and not so much the bad ones.

    I am still astounded that the world has seemed to go back to it’s own definition of normal after my Mom has died!! I had a “good friend” tell me after a couple of weeks to “get over it”….crying and grieving would not bring my Mom back….

    It was only my southern upbringing and fear of prison that kept me from attacking her on the spot.

    Death and dying is a very uncomfortable subject for most people. The ones that have been the most supportive and kindest are people who have lost a loved one. Most people fear death and don’t really know what to say or do so they do nothing and say nothing or say the wrong things. I choose to seek out the friends that have lost a spouse or parent and they were the ones I could open up to and vent. Just hearing the words…”I know”… and know they meant it spoke volumes to me. These people were the ones that knew from experience that sometimes I needed to rage and vent and sometimes just talk about my Mom.

    You really haven’t had a great deal of time to process your grief. You’ve lost a husband and a Mom in a very short period of time and you were the caregiver!

    Your body and mind has been given a major shock. I think after losing a loved one we are in a state of merciful shock and a protective numbness. By the time we venture out of this fog, most of the world has gone on it’s merry way and in their minds we should be all better and over it. That’s not how it goes.

    Be gentle with yourself. I think seeing the therapist is a great help. I too understand about questioning God. I was furious at him for a good while but as my minister told me it was ok….God was big enough and could deal with it and would love me just the same.

    Grief is a process. I’m finding there is an ebb and flow to it. Some days I think I’m almost back to “normal”…and then there are days and things that happen that makes it feel as if I’ve just lost Mom. I can still be blindsided by walking through a store and pass someone wearing her perfume. I opened one of her purses I kept the other day and disolved into a puddle of tears just smelling the scent.

    Remember no one is happy all day every day. You have every right to be unhappy…you’ve lost two of the people most precious to you!

    Be gentle with yourself…try to eat right and sleep. It will get better.

    Come here….we are all here for you and WE UNDERSTAND!!!

    I’m sending prayers for strength and understanding and tons of love and hugs…


    in reply to: Update on dad #48320


    I know from experience what you mean about hospice being so “final”.

    I chose to believe when we got to the point of calling in hospice that they and us were helping my Mom to LIVE with cancer. I believe we were granted more GOOD days with my Mom by getting them involved. .

    I sending prayers that your Dad’s pain issues are under control and as you said that you are making the most of each day!

    Hugs and tons of love and prayers!

    in reply to: Mom was called home this week… #48233

    Oh Erica,

    I’m so sorry to hear this! You are an amazing daughter and have been such a comfort to your Mom.

    I lost my Mom on April 3, 2009 and I know the pain you are going through.

    Please take some comfort in knowing she is no longer in pain. I’m sending you prayers for strength, hugs and tons of love to you and your family.

    My heart is breaking for you….

    in reply to: Dad is now at peace #48209


    I’m so thankful your Daddy’s passing was peaceful and without pain. You are a wonderful legacy that he leaves behind. I’m sending prayers for strength, hugs and love to you and your Mom as you start the next part of the journey.


    in reply to: 1 year #48180


    What a perfectly lovely way to remember your beloved! The first year is so hard in trying to find a new “normal”. I think it says volumes about your progress in that you took the day off from work and made the day your own!

    Wayne would be proud of the positive steps you are taking.

    I’m sending hugs and tons of love….you ARE going to be ok!


    in reply to: My wonderful soulmate #47477


    So glad you’ve taken the keyboard and joined us! I’m sorry we all have to find this site but oh so glad we did.

    Come often…we are all here to help each other!


    in reply to: A kick-in-the-teeth day #48170


    Somedays it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed! I’m sorry it was that kind of day for you. I guess the good news is there is a plan “B”.

    There ARE other chemo combinations and I would always look into clinical trials.

    I (like Lainy) enjoyed the mental picture of a hovering husband!

    I understand how hard it is to keep everyone informed. I used everything from phone calls to emails, to mass emails, facebook and twitter to keep everyone up on my Mom’s illness. You sound as if you’ve got all of the shortcuts in place.

    I’m sending love, hugs and tons of prayers your way! Hang in there!


    in reply to: Sensitive: End stage #48068


    You are doing everything as it’s supposed to be. Your overriding concerns are what’s best for your Dad and Mom. Your head is on “straight” and you are a wonderful caring daughter.

    These next days will be difficult but you can face them knowing you are and have done everything possible to help your Dad on his journey.

    I believe the fact that he is comfortable and drifting in and out of sleep is an answer to all the prayers I know are surrounding you and your family. I pray his passage will be an easy one.

    I know from reading your posts your Dad will be leaving a remarkable legacy. He has truly done his job well ….you are a testiment to that.

    Please treasure every moment of the coming days. I’m sending prayers, hugs and love.

    We are with you.


    in reply to: overwhelmed…….living a nightmare #48125

    Hi Ronidinkes,

    I think Wendy’s letter to you covers it all. It’s so hard to have to “parent” a parent. I also agree with Lainy about the anticipatory grief. I know from experience how horrible it can be. You almost have to turn off that part of your brain and learn to live in the moment. It’s so very hard to do when faced with the prospect of losing a loved one.

    I agree you have to respect your Mom’s wishes. The most insidious thing cancer does is take away a patient’s control over everything…even their body has betrayed them.

    You are doing everything right. I would advise you to get Hospice involved. They can be a godsend to you. That said, you have to take care of yourself (THE CAREGIVER). I know right now you are exhausted mentally, physically and emotionallly. Giving yourself as little as 20 minutes for a walk or a bath can help immensely.

    I lost my Mom to this disease almost 2 years ago and I still can be blindsided by the tears….so I’m still not sure how many there can be…

    I’m sending hugs, prayers for strength and love.

    Rest assured you are NOT blabbering….come back often…we are all here for you!


    in reply to: Devoncat no more #46307


    What a bittersweet journey that must have been.

    I’m sitting at my desk with Kris’ wonderful picture and obituary in front of me. I’ve shared her determination, sassiness and fight against this disease with so many of my coworkers that we feel as if we’ve lost a close friend.

    I’ll be on the beach on Saturday to remember this remarkable young woman and the wonderful husband who loved her so.



    You and your families are in my thoughts and prayers.

    in reply to: My husband moved on #48109


    I’m so sorry for you and Hannah. What a wonderful mom you must be to turn this tragedy into something so beautiful as looking at Ben’s star and talking to him with his daughter.

    These next few weeks will be hard but Ben leaves a wonderful legacy behind in his beautiful bride and his loving daughter.

    My heart is breaking for you but I’m sending hugs, prayers for strength and tons of love to you and Hannah.

    We are here when you need us…

    in reply to: Sensitive: End stage #48056


    You’ve already said it…..this is the medication and the disease talking…NOT YOUR DAD!

    I would hazard a guess that his ammonia levels may be high and this can affect mental changes.

    My advice to you would be…go ahead and make the call without your Dad knowing and get their feedback on the situation. They will have advice on how best to handle things. If your Dad falls and breaks a hip he will be in worse shape. Do this for you and your Mom’s sake. If your Dad was in his right mind it wouldn’t even be a consideration for him…he would tell you to do what’s best for you and your Mom.

    This is the part of the disease I hate the most….when it steals the personality and demeanor of those we love best.

    I’m sending prayers for strength and hugs and love….


    in reply to: Our Kris. #47998

    What a beautiful picture of our Kris! You can’t ignore that twinkle in her eyes. This is how I’ll remember Kris and I’ll think of her anytime I see daffodils…..


    in reply to: Not such good news… #47989

    Hi PrayingforMom….

    My heart goes out to you and your family. I wish I could say or do something to make this journey easier for you.

    Your Mom is blessed to have you with her. I’m sending prayers for strength, love and hugs to you and your family.

    Please keep us updated and know we are all here for you and your family.


    in reply to: Dave’s Journey is over #47874

    Oh Beth I didn’t want to see this…..

    Dave was so incredibly strong and he fought a valiant fight. He was so blessed to have you by his side the entire way. Daddies have such a special bond with their daughters and Maycie had one of the best. She will be a wonderful legacy that he leaves behind.

    I’m sending prayers for strength, tons of love and hugs to you and your family.

    My heart is breaking for you….


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