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  • in reply to: Surgery didn’t happen #74902

    Wow – what a turn of events. This is good news to read Heather.


    in reply to: New Member #74110

    Dear Krish,

    I am so sorry to read that your dad has died. Your father will have known you were right beside him until the end. I sat with my sister when she passed in March and it was a very difficult passing to watch. I promise you that with time, the memory of those last few hours will fade a little.

    Your mum and sister are both also in my thoughts.

    in reply to: Anthony, I have missed you now for 5 years my darling #74148

    Dear CM,

    I have just replied to your other posting. At the time I did not appreciate you are a young widow and have a young daughter. My sister who was 41 died in March her daughter is 4 years old. We are just beginning on the journey of helping her, my brother in law and older nephew of 18 years with their unwanted and new life.

    in reply to: Grief by Gwen Flowers #74913

    Dear CM,

    What touching words. Grief is hard to express and explain. Somehow, what you have put above does it perfectly.

    Desiree, I just read your other post about the butterfly – keep that log like Lainy suggests.

    in reply to: update on mum, this is a long long journey #74818

    Hi Moonpie,

    I just want to give you a massive hug – I hope you don’t think in being inappropriate.

    I think clarifying your points is necessary. No one could have retained that amount of info and any doctor worth their salt will understand that.

    It does sound like the diagnosis for your mum is problematic but my gut says keep pushing them.

    in reply to: Surgery didn’t happen #74896

    Dear Heather,

    I am so sorry to read that the surgery was halted – no wonder you feel devastated and harvest many questions. My sisters resection in December was halted after 2 hours due to her tumour being more advanced than imaging had shown. It’s devastating news to take in and I’m glad that you will be sitting own with your husbands doctor and going through it all.

    Dig deep and use the forum for as much support as you need.


    in reply to: update on mum, this is a long long journey #74810

    Don’t ever apologise for a post or the length of it Moonpie. Posts are what makes the forum go round.

    You’ve done a great job on the questions. No doubt you’ll come up with more. I don’t think you have gone overboard – there is no place for unturned stones when the stakes are so high.

    in reply to: update on mum, this is a long long journey #74808


    Please do not doubt your own actions and advocacy. It is not the responsibility of relatives to drive, chase and push forward through this maze. That is firmly the responsibility of the medical profession. Sadly though, it is not always that straight forward and in reality it can take the actions of patients and relatives sometimes to forge ahead. You for one have had your foot on the gas from the beginning. The lost referral to Aintree? I seem to recall that was only picked up through your initiative and follow up. You are a great advocate for your mum.

    You must all be getting to the end of your rope with this waiting – I remember it being an incredibly hard time- one of the hardest bits of the whole experience.

    Aim for Thursday’s meeting with the consultant and go in focused. Be sure in your mind what you want answered, what you want to know and write it all down before you go in. I went with my sister and her husband to their meeting and we had 2 pages of A4 questions. We brainstormed the week before and wrote every question, big and small on that bit of paper. Some were very hard to even think about, let alone write on paper. Many were answered without us having to ask as the consultant went through the facts and options. Others we had to be direct with. I was very direct with my questions. The consultant was incredibly patent and dealt with every single one, going through the list with us, crossing the questions off as we dealt with them. If you can, make notes as well. It will help you remember the information when you want to go back over it later.

    I would like to think that if your mum has CC, then the whole issue of surgery as an option has to be discussed at the appointment with Prof Lodge. If it’s not an option why not? Is it the extent of the tumour ruling it out? Is it her underlying health issues? If so, what are the risks if surgery went ahead. These are some of the questions that immediately come to my head that I would have on my bit of paper. Your mums case should also be discussed at a multi disciplinary team meeting to get several opinions on how your mums diagnosis should be managed. I thought that was standard in the UK for rarer cancers like this.

    in reply to: Hello! #74844

    Welcome to the forum Mark.

    It is incredibly hard living away from a family member that is sick – my sister was a 7 hour drive away from me. You do what you can as a family and keep yourself well too. There is so much support here – and as much as no-one wants to come here, you won’t regret posting.

    in reply to: Help Please #74789

    Hey Lainy,

    coming to this late – I’m sorry. But I’m glad to see you’ve rallied and got the support you needed. What goes around comes around.


    in reply to: UK support group? #74725

    Good luck Sandie.

    in reply to: update on mum, this is a long long journey #74802

    Hi Moonpie,

    I’ve been wondering how your mum is and how things have progressed. I hadn’t got half way through this post when I started to realise that you still don’t have a diagnosis or plan of attack. To be honest, I am taken aback and expected your post to be about your mums plan and going forward from now.

    I understand that diagnosis can be difficult and take some time but I am struggling with the 3 months to be honest. My experience of CC with my sister was limited and short lived but I’ll summarise the time line below for you as a comparison.

    28th September woke up jaundiced
    5th October ERCP
    11th October GP arrived at her house to tell her the brushings were positive and she had CC.
    18th October MRI
    1st November meeting with consultant – told that surgery would be possible if her liver grew over a 4 week period
    Week beginning 5th November she had external drains inserted and blood supply to her liver reduced to make the remnant liver part grow over next 4 weeks
    17th December liver resection date

    Her diagnosis and plan happened very quickly although I have to say at the time I was jumping up and down about how slow it was from getting her diagnosis to seeing the consultant and getting a definitive plan. It might all have been different if her brushings came back negative.

    I don’t know Moonpie if it normally takes as long as 3 months but it does seem excessive to me.

    in reply to: Surgery Tuesday!!! #74744

    Great new Heather :-)

    in reply to: UK support group? #74713

    Hi Jules,

    I don’t know of any groups – but I’m pretty new to CC as I joined in December when my sister became ill so there may well be a group or two hidden away. would be the place to start I guess as Helen who runs the charity might is highly likely to know.

    Gavin is a bit of a guru too on the UK front and he might have a bit more information on any UK based groups. I’m sure he’ll be along soon.

    I’d be all up for a group but being in Scotland would have logistical challenges!

    in reply to: Roller Coaster Ride – No kidding #74673

    Good for you on standing your ground.

    It’s amazing the strength you draw on – sounds like you daughter is discovering that too.

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