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  • in reply to: Teddy Update #40052

    Good news on your cancer. Sorry T has to go to oxycotin but it sounds like he (and you) are handling it well. Take care.


    in reply to: Constant worry #40026

    Get some really good lotion and SLATHER it on then put on socks. I did this and after about a week, I got some relief.

    Hang in there. There will be better days.


    in reply to: Not a good day today. #39909

    I usually try to stay out of this section because as a patient it upsets me, but I could not turn away from your post. You were wonderful with your dad (and mum as well). It is not fair the way things turned out and that you had to pick up his ashes today…but perhaps you could think of it as his gift to you…to help remind you of everything he meant to your family and how you are his legacy (and what a warm, wonderful legacy that is).

    Continue remembering him as he was and you honour him.


    in reply to: low white blood cell count #39886

    I had a similar a problem at the end of last year/beginning of this year. I went without chemo for almost 4 months given a variety of reasons. 6 weeks does seem like a lot when you are worried and in fighting mode, but please remember that many people die from the treatment, not from the cancer. You cant wear your body out too much. Your body needs it white blood cells to help protect it agaist infection and to fight the cancer. If your mom needs a break, she needs a break. The one thing to remember is that chemo continues to work even after you stop taking it so she will be getting some benefit even after she stops.


    in reply to: Dad now got infection #39875

    Stents and drains sometimes do lead to infections and it is good you were looking out for it and your dad is now in the hospital. I had one infection that they never did figure out but finally got rid of by throwing so many different antibiotics at it. Finding the cause of an infection can take time between growing the right cultures and everything.

    Weight loss can be for several reasons. Have you talked to the doctor about it? It could be cachexia which is not uncommon for cancer patients or it can just be something like diareah or dehydration. Your dads doctor will be able to give more insight.

    Hang in there. Being in the hospital is so boring and I am sure your dad is just going stir crazy. Hope he comes home soon.



    Steroids are such potent drugs. I put on so much weight and had my very own goatee and neck/back hair. I turned into the Yeti…which was funny since I was completely thinning out on my head, but my beard was coming in nicely.

    in reply to: My story, in case it helps… #39819

    What wonderful and inspiring news. It would be a tremendous help if you posted the 15 supplements you took under the alternative health section. I am sure several of our members would find it very helpful.

    Congrats again.



    I put on so much weight when I was on steroids. Every week before they gave me chemo, the weighhed me and every week I put on 2 pounds. Now that I am off steroids, I am melting, but while on them, I puffed up big time.

    in reply to: My chemo experience Gezmar/Cisplatin #38223

    I am glad you found a way to work the system to your benefit. Sometimes insurance companies make no sense!


    in reply to: Chemo #39789

    I had gemzar and cisplatin and for me it was a very, very easy regime. But then I am only 35 with no other health problems. You could ask the doctor to start your father on both and if it is too much, he can drop one. Cisplatin is very hard on the kidneys so perhaps that is the reason they are holding off. The chemo combo also takes about 6 hours to administer so that also might be a factor.

    I am determined to take the most aggressive approach, but I am young and relatively healthy. There is always the decision between quanitity and quality. Perhaps you and your dad need to have this discussion before talking to the doctor.

    I am sure your dad and doctor will make the right decision.


    in reply to: Chemo combo #39780

    Nexavar is also called sorafenib. We have had people here on that drug but I cant remember who they are or if they are still with us. Try using the search function with both nexavar and then sorafenib and see what pops up. Hopefully someone will be able to give you the information you are looking for.

    I think that drug works for both kras wild and kras mutated so it is a good choice if you dont know your kras status.


    in reply to: VENT – docs and rib pain #39782

    I had rib pain too and had xrays, ct scans and all sorts of other test and nothing showed up. It finally went away and the doctor thinks that it was most likely a result of either too much time in bed or pulling something. They are going to give me a bone scan just to make sure during my next ct slot though.

    Hopefully like my pain, your mothers just disappears.

    And oh those doctors. I hate the waiting and have had my share so i
    can really empathise with your mother.


    in reply to: The bright side of cancer #39502

    Beth, that is fantastic. My doctor told me that I was glowing so yellow that I could get a job at the airport to help land planes (Glasgow was having severe fog problems at the time) and that I looked like a Simpson’s character.


    in reply to: My turn for bad news – chemo didn’t work #39727

    There are several people here with lung mets but for the life of me, I cant come up with a name. I am sure they will pop in soon and offer something.

    I am so frustrated for you. You should not have to get the information they way you did. URGH. Sometimes doctors are so clueless. I think you should change doctors if you feel that is right. If you stop having faith in your doctor, you cant be happy with your treatment or keep your spirits up. I couldnt change my doctor since geographically the next onc was 3 hours away, so instead when I had problems with mine, my doctor, nurse, Hans and I and our psychologist had a large joint meeting about what I wanted and expected and things have gone great since then. Sometimes I think we need to tell doctors how much we want to fight and how aggressive we want to be. We have seen on this board that not everyone chooses the same path and perhaps your doctor is just confused on what path you want to take.

    Good luck finding a new treatment plan.


    in reply to: More adventures with my external bile drain #39749

    That drain of yours could be in the running for most difficult drain in cc history. I cant imagine the panic when your saw blood.

    Hang in there girl something has got to improve soon,


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