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  • in reply to: Side affect on 3rd chemo session #91648

    Hi there,

    Have you had a look around the chemo section on the site to find others experiences of chemo and nausea etc. Loads of info there and I know that others will be along real soon to chine in with and share their experiences with you. Hope the chemo does the job, keeping my fingers crossed for you and please let us know how it goes.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Looking for a clinical trial? #91634

    How about if we had a few different boards all for trials? Eg – a chemo trial board, an immunotherapy trial board, a radiation trial board?

    Just thinking out loud here.



    in reply to: Pain after eating #91615

    Hi Mrucci,

    Stool softener as Marion has said to you is definitely something that could be investigated and discussed with the gp/onc. My dad took Lactulose morning and night and that helped him quite a lot. He tried Movicol first but that didn’t work so well.

    Please let us know how things go and know we are here for you.

    My best to you and your husband,


    in reply to: Looking for a clinical trial? #91632

    We’re gonna need a bigger board for the trials section soon Marion!

    But look at it this way, it just means that perhaps trials for CC are increasing now which is a good thing I would argue!



    in reply to: Hello CC Family – Update #91623

    Hopefully next year I will be able to make it to the meeting. Was hoping and planning to get to this years meeting but things with mum etc meant I could not go.

    Will try for next year again. No muck up’s!

    Hugs to all,


    PS – Group hugs, that would be some hug!!!! :)

    in reply to: Hello CC Family – Update #91617

    Doc walks into the room….

    “so Lainy we have the results and they show that you really do have a brain!!!”

    Sorry Momma, couldn’t resist!!!! I’ll get my coat and get out of here………..

    Actually, with you boasting of temps of 80 degrees……….. I’ll leave my coat and just get outa here!

    Another thing………. quiet time………you………really???? ;)

    Luv ya,


    in reply to: Pain after eating #91612

    Hi Mrucci,

    Not much that I can add to what Marion has already said to you but wanted to share this link with you as I think it will be of help to you both –

    Have you mentioned all of this to the onc/gp as I think they would be able to add something here and I think this is something that they should know about as well.

    My best to you,


    in reply to: My sweet beautiful daughter passed away November 16, 2015. #91601

    Dear Lise,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your dear daughter. Please accept my sincere condolences. I so wish that there was something that I could say right now that would help ease the pain that you must feel. Please know that my thoughts are with you right now and that we are all here for you as well.



    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86811

    Hi Lorraine,

    Sorry to hear the latest news from you about Donnie and the shocking treatment that he is getting at Glasgow. Just thought of something. The Royal in Glasgow. Is that the huge new hospital that was recently opened and where ,many patients from surrounding areas were transferred to? If so, I assume that Donnie as an outpatient was transferred there as well, at least he would be as an outpatient? My point is, is his care now under a GI specialist that was treating him before his care was moved to the new RI?

    My thinking now would be to see if I could get my care done by Prof Wigmore and his team and his team alone. Northing more to do with Glasgow if that could be done. Maybe you could ask Steve how he feels about that as he clearly feels that he and his team could do things for Donnie that would help. How about asking Prof Wigmore if that would be an option?

    My best to you and Donnie.


    in reply to: My Introduction #80461

    Brilliant news Matt, well chuffed for youi!!!

    Here’s to the next lot of good news from you!

    All the best,



    You’re most welcome PJ. Hope it is of use and benefit to you.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86808

    Hi Lorraine,

    Real sorry to hear of this latest news from you and the shocking attitude from Glasgow. Did you tell them what Prof Wigmore said? I would get in touch with Prof Wigmore again immediately and let him know what Glasgow said about this latest news. I know that Prof Wigmore was at a conference last weekend outside of Scotland but hopefully he will be back at Edinburgh by now.

    Tell Donnie that I was asking for him and tell him as well that loads of positive thoughts are coming his way from the east cost.



    in reply to: David Bowie’s Liver cancer #91564

    I’ve done quite a bit of reading and searching on this Pat when this news came out and I couldn’t find anything that said he died of CC. All I could find was pieces that said it was liver cancer and nothing more specific than that. There were tons of pieces on Bowie’s death here in the UK and no doubt worldwide but all of them just said cancer or liver cancer. If I find anything more than that I will post it here.

    All the best Pat,


    in reply to: Cholestyramine Resin #91531

    Glad to be of help Scott!

    in reply to: 2016 CCF Annual Conference #91555

    Thanks for that Gary, hope you enjoyed the conference!

    Scott, the 100 Questions book can be downloaded from here and hard copies can also be ordered through this link as well. I have the hard copy book and it is excellent reading. Very helpful and so worth getting for anyone, patients, carers and family members etc.


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